I used to be an a in reader in my teens..I Used to lose myself in the fantasy world..it was beautiful! Now life is so practical and robotic... I was thinking to read mills and boons but suddenly felt like am in my 40’s and married and older...don't know why but feels silly reading those books.. Do u guys still read some romantic novels?
I used to read Mills and boons in my teens too, yes even i am close to 40 now.. For me age is not a factor, but i cant sit through the romantic and mushy novels now, i dont find sense in them. My favorite genres are thrillers and mysteries. Love Nandini
I dont read mills and boons anymore but i love romance in general. Given a choice, i usually pick up a book which has a good story with a solid romance or rom-com novels like Sophie Kinsella's books or recently i read one 'Love and other words'. I love classics too. My fav authors are Georgette Heyer and P G Wodehouse. OF course nothing beats pride and prejudice for me.
Sure, here you go... Before i Sleep by S J Watson. Don't tell the governor by Ravi Subramaniam The Silent patient by Alex Michaelides. The woman in the window by A J Finn Behind closed doors by B A Paris The family upstairs by Lisa Jewell. Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane The death of Mrs Westaway by Ruth Ware. I will update this list later. Regards Nandini
Through my teens I used to read a lot of M&Bs ... it used to be a fantasy world ... Many of my school/college friends still tease me that my DH is a M&B hero! Then slowly I graduated to thrillers, mysteries, then later to non-fiction and now I read a lot of adhyatma books about Himalayan yogis, Bhagawad gita and Vivekananda! Since my work life deals completely in sanskrit and maths and PhD students from IITs, I get into a lot of philosophical, mathematical and literary studies! I read Harry Potter books before marriage, but I read them later with my son and had fun creating quizzes and activities, I read the vampire series too along with many of my teenage students! Similarly, I do enjoy the romance in Korean dramas and I discuss with my students too! I have heard some people say that women like the romance books because they crave for the romance that is missing in their real life - I feel that is nonsense... Some of us like these books, some dont! And there are times when I could read them the entire day and sometimes I forget about reading fiction for months together - we dont need to over analyse the whys and the wherefores ! So, @anika987 even though in 40s, married to a TDH, with an adult son (18), working at 2 full-time exciting projects, there are still many days I want to lose myself in the simple black and white - good and bad stories, with fantastic, rich tall dark handsome men and fragile but brave women - so I have a collection of more than 1000 M&Bs in eBook formats readily accessible on all my devices - I have a few favourite authors collections and I do read and enjoy them fairly regularly Also I have a few of my old M&Bs still surviving at my parents house (as my SIL refused to throw them out, she also reads them !) so, when I go there, I dig them up and relax in a cosy corner! If you enjoy the book, you enjoy it happily - thats it - dont overthink it! Keep smiling HR
Mills & Boon I never read though a couple of it were available during early part of my marriage whence spouse used to keep it handy underneath her head pillows. Head side pedestal lamp on her side will be on for long while I am already in profound sleep ( to be awakened later..) I enjoyed reading the contributions here by human resources @hrastro Starting from Alberto Moravia in 1961 till 1990 I must have read lots of fiction and non fictions by popular authors like Ken Follette Jeffrey Archer Harold Robbins Irwing Wallace. FAN CLUB was the best one. Adhe Kankal- a tamil box office movie released in 1960s - I heard was based on one of mills & boon. I am unable to recall the title of the book. I enjoyed the feedback here by IL maths wizard @hrastro .
Can you share some romantic books too. you are thinking silly. i want to read something silly. everything i do or watch now a days is always with purpose. youtube tech tutorials or motivation speech. even books are like that. social media . is crap. i am slowly realizing it is same repetive and exhausting. share some silly books too please.