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Do You Have A Friend You Text Daily, Maybe Multiple Times?

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by Rihana, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Do you have a friend, cousin, sibling or someone in your own age group, that you text daily, maybe multiple times in the same day?

    If yes, what do you talk about in the texts? Do you like keeping in touch so often? Does it ever get boring or annoying?

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I have 2-3 such friends that I am in touch with daily, but texts from one (M) are beginning to annoy.

    M will write about the littlest and inane things like:
    "Forgot chai was on stove, spilled. Had just cleaned the range."
    "Good afternoon. Just done with dishes."
    "Fridge is almost empty."
    "Just sat down after full house vacuuming."
    "<DH> is wfh today. All silent at home."
    "Starting to watch Dr. G on netflix"
    "Bit boring, fast-forwarding..."
    "Good evening..."
    "Good night... kitchen closed."
    "How are you?"
    "What was lunch?"
    "Done booking tickets."
    "Assembled bookshelf.. many parts were missing."

    She lives in the same time zone about 2 hrs by flight, we meet about once in 1-2 years. It was not like this earlier. We used to have some quality in our conversations. I somehow feel such exchange is normal between husband and wife, or with old parents living far away. I find it odd between friends.

    I tried slowing down my responses but she doesn't get the hint. And, she is not the kind I can have a frank discussion on this.

    I am curious if people in general have such friends whom they text multiple times daily.
  3. godsgp

    godsgp Silver IL'ite

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    This looks very clingy and teenager like when the urge to share and overshare is much.
    I have blocked and unblocked friends for calling or texting way too much and blamed it on network.
    I am also guilty of planting a new friend for a way too clingy friend of mine who needed me everyday.
    Not for me!Overcontact. Unless they are in need of that kind mental support.
    I have only a working relationship with my phone.Hate to use it beyond a point.
    Rather I get perplexed by those ultra long calls between bhabis and other female relatives .

    Also I just had an epiphany why my relatives don't like me :D
    Rihana likes this.

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