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Do Bad In-laws Ever Get Their Karma?

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by Patientone, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Patientone

    Patientone Silver IL'ite

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    My mil is very childish and she fills my husbands ears. Husband isn’t no saint either. I’ve given up on him. But what’s hurtful is she’ll backbite about my parents to him and he will insult my parents saying my mother is black, my dad looks like a frog he is short etc. I just don’t know how to handle it and stay patient. But it’s so hurtful.

    they have a problem with everything. My partner didn’t ask them about their health or didn’t ask my husband. My husband doesn’t keep it with my parents and expects them to reach out like they’re bowing down to him. But I don’t allow it and keep things courteous. If they come to my house he won’t even order food for them whereas when his parents come their will be food bought everyday.

  2. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    we can keep consoling ourselves that there is karma. but that karma will hit in years or minutes . you do not know. till then you would have destroyed your mental and physical health.

    right now. you have to talk to him about boundaries. and respect. if you DH says father is looking like a frog. Your DH is no Greek GOD with a sculpted body or fair. let minor things go like food. but you have to standup for respecting elders. who is he to talk about your mom color. is he a pervert.
    Dishaa likes this.
  3. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Karma doesn’t work neatly in real life, and you cannot waste your time by getting upset over other people’s behavior. Try grey rocking these people.
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Karma exists, but its timeline is unknown.

    Ignore (grey rock) things like not ordering food or not asking about your parents' health.

    For hurtful comments about your parents, practice silence for now. Let these comments pass without a response until they no longer bother or hurt you. This way, you'll learn to respond without anger or emotion.

    Once you reach that point, you can calmly ask, "Why would you say that?" or make a comment like, "What animal does your mother resemble?"

    The key is to choose which comments to react to and respond with genuine calmness, not with forced calm.

    Hell hath no fury like a woman who has reached a state of genuine inside-out calm and decided which battles she wants to pick.
    nayidulhan, joylokhi and lavani like this.
  5. Dishaa

    Dishaa Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Op,

    If I would be in your place would have given a strong warning to husband for disrespecting parents.

    At the end of the day they are elders and no one has right to abuse elderly both sides.

    There can be difference in opinion or thoughts which can be discussed or sorted out or resolved.

    Better even stay out from each other's company or lives, but disrespect or abuse to parents is not accepted or entertained.

    If required file a police complaint against them in local police station.
    lavani likes this.
  6. ProudIndian

    ProudIndian Gold IL'ite

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    So sorry to read your post. You have to be strong and express loud and clear. If you don't you will be bitter and angry in later life and you will hurt yourself by destroying your mental physical health. You might unknowingly transfer your unresolved issues to your kids and their spouse just like many mother in laws do. Set boundaries now.
  7. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Elders are elders and if your husband expects you to respect his parents, it should be reciprocated by him towards your parents as well. What he is doing like commenting about your parents is inhuman and simply shows his low level of decency. No one needs to bow down to son-in-law. On the contrary, he should respect your parents to earn their love naturally.

    Not standing up for a long time only will encourage him to continue his disparaging remarks. I wouldn't recommend you reciprocating to his parents but should stand up with him for your parents. In fact, I wouldn't even blame your MIL for backbiting in your husband's ears and it is him who should learn how to change his attitude despite this backbiting. He can always decide to overlook his mother's opinion by using his own discrimination. The one who needs to take the blame is one who is disrespecting your parents.

    If arguments creates unpleasantness in the spousal relationship, so does conflicts in the mind like your husband not respecting your parents while you love them dearly. Make it clear to him that disrespecting your parents is not acceptable to you and speak up now.

    My best wishes.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Respecting elders irrespective of their liking or not is exemplified in epic . Lord Ram before leaving for vanvas prostrated His step mother Kaikayë even though she was ill-wiiled. Dhurva prostrated at feet of his dad & step-motheras soon as he returned from pennance in forest. Dad was the cause for his going to forest. He told them he wouldn’t hv the luck to see the Lord Vishnu and get His blessings if dad had not refused his desire to sit on dad’s lap.
    The notes here is a bit tangent to the object of the thread but “respecting elders” has become the subject.
    Regards to all participants here.

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