Thank you dear Asha and wishing you, your family & and all our Indus family too a very Happy Diwali. 1) Knowing how you feel, how others feel and what to do about it. 2) Knowing what feels good, what feels bad and how to get from bad to good. 3) The emotional awareness, sensitivity and management skills which help us maximise our long term happiness and survival.” Emotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive accurately, appraise, and express emotion: the ability to access and or generate feelings when they facilitate thought; the ability to understand emotion and emotional knowledge; and the ability to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth. subbu
A characterless man is like a pot with many holes, useless for carrying water, or storing it. If the heart has many leaks, the sweetness will be drained away, and you cannot offer God the full heart. Egoism, pride, thirst for fame - all these are leaks.
I asked God, “What is peace?” He replied from within the depths of my being, “My child, never be afraid of any work that comes your way. Sincere selfless work will keep unnecessary thoughts at bay. And when you work you must not think of physical pain…or time involved…you must not wish for any gain or make friends only to give now and take then. You must work with your heart immersed in goodness alone, and when it comes to an end you must carry its wealth and all its receivings to share with all those who you love…and with all those you are yet to love. And from that love that you shall give without its awareness, will emerge a silence that will fill your soul and keep you at eternal rest. That My child is peace. Peace is My smile that takes you beyond the experience of any happiness or joy.
All your life do not believe yourself to be the small sinner, that is meant to drown. That is the biggest injustice the self suffers from. Simply give it your confidence and see yourself rise!
Heaven is that state of consciousness where one is unaffected by the mind and emotion…where one does not seek even understanding. In heaven one closes the eye to physical consciousness and surrenders his I at the feet of God. And after this final offering He awakens to complete oneness. Hell is suffering the separation between the “I” and the “true Self”. In hell one believes more in what he thinks…understands…<WBR>feels and wishes than what he truly is. He instantly doubts the spontaneous answers of God within him…but instead places his complete belief in the fears that allow his “I” to be separate and distinctive from the rest of God’s creation. While maintaining this identity he tries to chase the very source (bliss) of his Self. And in trying to trap and possess his Self he remains in complete darkness!
Take a small quantity of seawater and keep it separate in a bottle; it will get foul in a few days; but, so long it was in the sea, nothing could foul it. Be in the sea, as a part of it; do not separate yourself, do not individualize yourself, do not feel that you are the body, apart from the soul.
How fortunate is man, for not only was he gifted with knowledge but with it, he received the Divine Voice within that continuously speaks and reveals the truth to him.