Display Picture on Social Media- Is it Safe or not ?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by adisum, May 7, 2015.

  1. adisum

    adisum Gold IL'ite

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    I don't know whether this is the right place to post this query...If it is not then It is my humble request to the moderators to please move it to the appropriate place.

    I want to highlight the topic of Putting Display Pictures on Social Media Sites and IM apps like Facebook, Twitter, Whats-app, Hike etc is safe or not ?

    Well this thing popped in my mind... When I asked one of my friend on whats-app that Why is she not putting her own pic on Display and Why some quote written pics or some Bollywood actress image ? Her reply was Its not safe . I asked her How and Why ?

    She said My husband told me that people who have my number can save the pic to their respective smart phones and then can misuse it. I asked her Has she given her contact number to such people who can do such evil act? Her reply convinced me , She said She is sure about her family, cousins and close friends but what about office male colleagues and some random people like my travel agent, my saloon owner ? They all have my number and everybody owns Smart phones and uses Whats-app then how can I be sure that It cannot be misused though I am not an actress or extremely beautiful girl but people have dirty minds these days. Later she added that this is her husband's choice and not hers, She still want to flaunt with her beautifully clicked pics in her friends and cousins but cant do it as her husband's reasons are totally valid.

    Now my question to all is Who is right in this situation? As these points have stroked my mind too and now I am confused whether I should put my pic on display or not ? What is your take on this Ladies? Please share your opinions.:)

  2. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hello @adisum

    A good topic for discussion, so moved your thread to this forum from community chitchat forum.

    hmmm......according to me never felt it harmful, actually I never save travel agent, or any persons number say like in day to day life we need plumber, electrician etc. I just write they name and numbers in the directory.

    If the number is saved in both the phones only than it gets connected to the social media. That time yes you cannot say who is misusing it.

    I have my personal photo displayed on facebook, everywhere, only my friends and relatives can view them. so that way it is safe.
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  3. SGBV

    SGBV Finest Post Winner

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    It is safe if you safely operate the social media.

    My pics are saved in facebook, and I do post and update my life with pictures every now and then. I have around 500+ friends in FB. All of them are my friends, college mates, colleagues, relatives etc..etc... and I do know everyone very personally, but I can not fully trust all of them. At the same time, I don't care what they do with my picture at the end of the day. Because my people whom I consider as my circle know who I am.
    For ex: If a culprit cut my face from one of my FB profile pic and paste it in a nude actress's **** site, no one would believe that I acted in a **** video. Rather they will think someone looks like me, or someone misused my pic from social media. Not my fault. No issues.

    Same with photo shop works. I know it is possible to photoshop your picture with someone else. Eg: To make it as if you posed with some man. Again, people whom I value know my character, so such cheap pictures have no value in my life.

    Just because some culprits roam in the social media, I simply do not want to hide my face behind a burka. I love taking pictures, and obviously I take pictures to share with my circle of people. It gives me some happiness.

    Like the other member stated, I do not save random person's no in my mobile. I too don't give my personal no to everyone else.
    I have 2 numbers - one is official and other one is personal. Official one is used widely even for non official matters. Private one is for private use only. In addition, I have land line TP as well.
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  4. adisum

    adisum Gold IL'ite

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    Right @SGBV .. me too have two separate numbers for personal and professional use. I really liked your opinion on this. I have also came across one thing in Whats-app , that we can keep our Profile Picture hidden from the people who are not in our contact list. Indeed Nobody bothers to save travel agent or electrician numbers... That too when one has a husband to handle these stuffs :D But how to make the husband understand this thing that it doesn't really matter if he trusts his wife ? Do you have any suggestion on this ?
  5. adisum

    adisum Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you @Arunarc first for moving this to right place and second for your opinion :)...I apologize for not mentioning the actual query... as i asked SGBV how to make the husband understand that there are enough security options to keep the pics safe and limited to the audience of our choice ?
  6. SGBV

    SGBV Finest Post Winner

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    First of all, you need to ensure your (or your friend's) husband treats you as an adult. Not just an adult, but an educated, matured, and socially talented one with needful social awareness about good and bad people. Thus, he doesn't need to cover you up all the time like a kid or teenager, but all what he needs to do as a husband is to support and stand by you throughout. That is what called "respect" in a marital relationship.

    I would feel suffocated and hurt and to some extend disrespected if my husband has to order me how and when to operate my social media. It is my rights, and I feel I am adult enough - and now I am a mother too - so I know what is best and what is not. He can advice me. Discuss certain issues that I may or may not aware about. The decision on what, how and when to use pictures in social media or in any other matters has to be taken mutually after consulting my own view points.

    So that, I get an opportunity to clarify my points, as well as to understand what he means. So, that both as a couple could agree to disagree and come up with a decision which doesn't suffocate anyone.

    Here the problem is not social media, but lack of mutual respect between spouses. Unless the wife (or you) feel the same as the husband; hence avoid social media (or posting pics), the issue lies within their relationship only.
  7. butterflyice

    butterflyice Local Champion Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    I am wary of posting pics on social media, in fact I don't share much information there. Not because I have random people in my network. The reasons are many more. Identity theft is a serious issue and I do not want to hand over my identity to culprits on a platter. Usually its not people in your network that abuse your trust but very savvy intelligent hackers who can break your passwords and access your account.

    When huge banks/companies security protocols can be breached, its not at all difficult for someone to break into an individual's social media account. I am pretty protective about my kids and do not want sundry people looking at them.
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  8. sumzaya

    sumzaya Gold IL'ite

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    Nothing is safe in internet... Even personal emails what we send is same as a postcard send ....
    And in the case photos getting misused I also second SGBV s comment... Who cares.. All those who know and trust will never react on seeing our photos in wrong places..

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