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Diagnosed of tuberculoma of brain.... what supplements do I need to take?

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by SupSam, May 26, 2010.

  1. SupSam

    SupSam Senior IL'ite

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    I am 29yrs of age and just 20 days back have been diagnosed of tuberculoma of brain with a single inflammatory lesion, thankfully. I am being administered with Levetiracetam 500mg HS. First 10-12 days were hard on me but seems my body is getting used to the medicine now.
    I have been having lower back pain and tail bone pain eversince my delivery that is 3+yrs back, off and on and at times severe. ALso being a case of cervical spondylitis may be due to sitting job, I need to know what all supplements should I take in such health conditions to help myself recover faster and keep healthy with growing age.

    My matrenal family seems prone to fractures...might be sounding funny. I feel theres nothing related to heredity in this but eversince my delivery, I have been suffering from same kinda joint stresses as my mom used to say of. I am regular with a mug of milk daily and other sources of calcium someday yes someday no. DO I need some Ca supplements or something else keeping in mind that I am also taking oral contra and Bcomplex regularly.


  2. hkick

    hkick New IL'ite

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    dont worry about weak joints .. that is very common after preg , just keep drinking milk and take multi vitamins, you will be fine.

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