dear viji, i think u should thank malathy here too for bringing it back and now even i have saved a copy of my work, this is all done in appreciation of the mother, the supreme who guides and lives in us..sunkan
hi, i am kind of new ...would love to see the ppt presentation of devi mahatmiyam thanks regards, soundarya
dear soundarya, once u cross 50 posts u can see all attachement here so what is stopping come on quick start posting and enjoy the il community here..sunkan
Dear Sunkan, Just went through this thread and immediately downloaded them. The pictures of DeviMaa are absolutely adorable. Thank you ever so much for providing all of us with such a treasure of shlokams and pictures, Padma
Dear madam, please tell me the significance of chanting devi mahathmiyam. Kindly reply back regards hira
Chitvish! A doubt to clear in Devi Mahatmyam??? I have been asked to chant the first chapter of Durga sapthasathi[Devi Mahatmyam] on a daily basis. I have also heard that one can chant only specific shlokas from each of these chapters. Could you please let me know what shlokas to chant on a daily basis from the first chapter of DurgaSapthasathi? Plz give me the numbers by which they are based. Thank you.