Dealing with Morning sickness

Discussion in 'Pregnancy & Labor' started by ramyanand, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. ramyanand

    ramyanand Gold IL'ite

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    Hi all expecting mommies,
    THought this wud be useful for u all...
    Nausea occurs most commonly in the early half of the day and thus it gets the name "morning sickness". However you can feel nauseous at any time of the day or night.
    Some of you may find it more difficult to cope with nausea than others. If you're only feeling nauseous and are not vomiting, try chewing on mint, cardamom or clove to make you feel better. You can also try keeping Golpapdi in your mouth to help you relieve the nausea. It will also nourish you at the same time. Sucking on ginger or lemon is another alternative to keep your nausea at bay. Avoid chewing on betel nut (supari) and other packaged mouth fresheners. You may worry that your baby will not receive proper nourishment if you're vomiting or are nauseous and are not able to eat well. Put these fears to rest as your baby will still continue to get sufficient nourishment from your reserves. This is one of the reasons that gynaecologists recommend that you stock up on essential nutrients much before you conceive.
    Try and keep yourself busy, as the lesser you think about it, the less it will bother you.

    To calm these uneasy days, these are a few things to keep in mind:

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="98%"><!-- third table----------><TD vAlign=top width="5%" height=47>[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1. [/FONT]<TD vAlign=top height=47>Eat low fat foods that are rich in carbohydrates like toast, khakhra or chikki. These foods will help relieve the sensation of morning sickness. Try out Whole Wheat Methi Khakhra, Bajra Khakhra, Til Chikki etc. These are mildly flavoured foods, lacking in strong smells which will relieve the nausea and calm you. If you can manage it, have a bowl of cereal with milk - for it's a great way to start your day. <TD vAlign=top width="5%">[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2. [/FONT]<TD vAlign=top>Have a mid-morning snack consisting of a yoghurt shake, fruit juice, dried fruits like dates, apricots (have them whole or in the form of shakes like Fig and Apricot Shake) or just any fruits that you like. <TD vAlign=top width="5%">[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3. [/FONT]<TD vAlign=top>Avoid eating foods with excessive seasoning and also those which are strongly flavoured as they can aggravate nausea. You can have mild flavoured dishes like Cucumber Curd Rice to help relieve you. <TD vAlign=top width="5%">[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]4. [/FONT]Sipping cold water, juices or shakes from time to time will keep nausea at bay and will also ensure that you get your fluid requirement for the day. Sip on sherbets or drinks like My Fair Lady etc. <TD vAlign=top width="5%">[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]5. [/FONT]<TD vAlign=top>Apart from hormonal changes, nausea is sometimes related to stress and anxiety. Deep breathing or listening to soothing music calms the mind and reduces stress. Learn to slowly breathe and relax whenever you experience stress. Meditation and yoga are also helpful for relaxation. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be for you to cope with this discomfort.<TD vAlign=top width="5%">[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]6. [/FONT]<TD vAlign=top>Avoid self-medication. If your morning sickness persists for several weeks, do consult your gynaecologist as she may be able to prescribe some medication to ease your discomfort. <TD vAlign=top width="5%">[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]7. [/FONT]If you are vomiting, you may continue to lose a lot of fluids along with the nutrients. Try and consume at least 2 litres of fluid every day. You can have these fluids in any form suitable to you, preferably milk shakes, buttermilk, juices, soups and water.
    Courtesy-Tarla Dalal 's blog

  2. Vimmala

    Vimmala Senior IL'ite

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    Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy

    Dear friends and doctors,

    Till recently no one knows why there isNausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy. But Vedas quotes about this.

    At the time of pregnancy the air from the womb is forcefully pushed out from the womb causing nausea and vomiting

    "Sutikd-shashthi": a particular goddess worshipped on the sixth day after child-birth. Sutikrithuththi-puja, f. the worship
    of the above goddess.

    garbha-sambhuti: the production of a fcetus, the becoming pregnant. (Page No 285 Sanskrit Dictionary)

    Garbhas'ayyd, the abode of the fcetus, the uterus. Garbha-sattkramana, am, n. entering the womb.Garbha-samaya, as, m. the time when the offspring of the sky, the vapour collected in the air,shows the first signs of life, 195 days or seven lunar months after its conception; [cf. garbha-kdla.]Garbha-sambhava, as, m. or garbha-sambhuti,is, f. the production of a fcetus, the becoming pregnant.
    Garbha-siibhaga or garbha-saubhdgya,as, d, am, blessing the foetus. Garbha-sutra, am,n. title of a Buddhist Sutra work. Garbha-stha,as, a, am, situated in the womb ; centrical, internal,in the interior, within the centre of anything.Garbha-srdva, as, m. abortion, miscarriage.Garbhasrdmn, I, inl, i, producing or occasioning abortion; (1), m. the tree Phrenix Paludosa (hintdla).-~Garbkdgdra fbha-dg"), am, n. the uterus ; an inner and private room, the female apartments, the lying-in chamber; the sanctuary of a
    temple, the chamber where the object of worship or the image of a deity is placed ; [cf. garbka-griha.J Garbhdnha (bha-an), as, m. interlude during an act. Garbhada (bha-a<la), as,="" d,="" ved.consuming="" foetus.="" garbkadhdna="" (bha-ddh),="" am,="" a.="" impregnation="" ;="" a="" ceremony="" performed="" after="" menstruation="" to="" ensure="" or="" facilitate="" conception.="" garbhdvakrdnti="" (bha-av),="" is,="" f.="" descent="" of="" the="" fcetus.="">Garbhdifankd (oAa-a^), f. suspicion of pregnancy. GarbMiaya ibha-df), as, m. the womb, the uterus. Garbhdshtama fMa-os7i), as,
    m. the eighth month of uterine gestation ; the eighth year reckoning from conception. Garbhdspandana (bha-asp), am, n. non-quickening of the fcetus.
    Garbhdsrdva (bha-ds), as, m. miscarriage.
    Garbhe-tripta, as, d, am, contented in the womb, i.e. indolent. Garblieivara (bha-tf), as, m. a sovereign by birth. Garbhcs'vara-ta, f. sovereignty attained by inheritance. Garbliolpatti (bha-ut),is, f. the formation of the embryo. Garbhopaghdta (bha^up), as, m. miscarriage of the embryo, (applied also to the sky.) Garbhopaghdtim (bha-up), (. a cow (or female) miscarrying from unseasonable gestation. Garbhopanithad (bhaup), t, f. title of an Upanishad.Garbhalta, as, m. a chaplet of flowers &c. worn in the hair; (am), n. a period of two nights with the intermediate day.Garbkita, as, d, am, pregnant, full, filled.Garbhin, i, inl, i, pregnant, impregnated with
    (with ace. or inst.) ; (inl), f. pregnant, a pregnant woman or animal ; compounded with names of animals (e. g. go-garbhim, a pregnant cow).
    Garbhini-vydkarana, am, n. or garbhinivydkriti,
    is, f.
    ' science of the progress of pregnancy,'a particular head or subject in medical works. Garbhiny-avekshana, am, n. midwifery attendance and care of pregnant women and newborn infants.
    garbhanda, as, m. (fr. garbha and andaf), enlargement of the navel.

    Garbha-lakshana, as, d, am, observing the signs of the rainy season ; (am), n. symptom of pregnancy ; N. of the twenty-first AdhySya of Varaha-mihira's
    Brihat-samhita treating on the marks or signs of the rainy season.

    Garbha-lambhana, am, n.a ceremony performed for the sake of acilitating
    f. a pregnant female.
    Garbha-vasati, is, f. or garbha-vasa, as, m.the abode of the foetus, the womb. Garbha-vayu,us, m. air in the womb.

    So need not fear as it is very natural that vacuum created in the womb activates the foetus and helps to get a healthy child.

    I wish our great scientists to work on this.</la),>
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
  3. Vimmala

    Vimmala Senior IL'ite

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    Re: Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy

    The betel leaves has the power to suck the air and fill the gap with its juices. So the pregnant ladies use to chew Betel leaves with nut and lime.

    The vocal singers use to chew betel leaves as their throat normally create vacuum during long pulls (AAlabhana)

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