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Dashavatar And Theory Of Evolution

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by jayasala42, Oct 16, 2024.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    This subject has already been discussed in the forum in 2015.Since once again some one has sent the forward in Tamil, i opt to send my snippet of 2015 again.

    A discussion has already been initiated on Dasavathar of Mahavishnu and how it is related to Darwins Theory of Evolution.
    Religion, Avatars etc depend essentially on 'Faith' and Darwins Theory of Evolution is based on his actual observations. ( pratyaksham)though scientific theories also first originate from hypotheses, later on get so many transformations based on future scientists..
    In Shrimat Bhagavatham a reference is made to 24 Avatars, of which sage Narada, Vyasa are also included.
    However taking the ten main Avatars, it is argued that the avatars typically represent the ascent from acquatic creatures to amphibions to mammals leading to semi animal-man ( Narasimha ) Avatar, then to a dwarf human avatr ( Vaman), a jungle dwelling and terrific uncontrollable Parasurama to the more civilized Shri Rama and Krishna,Rama being perfect. Krishna being more wise, clever with an aim to win.
    Somhow the cycle has to end,that is with Kalki Avatar.
    Just to substantiate the theory of Evolution, perhaps a reference is made to Dasavatars
    True, there are are subtle similarities to suggest Theory of Evolution.But there is a lot of difference between Darwin's Scientific Theory of Evolution and traditional thoughts of Dasavataram.
    As per theory of Evolution, there have been only fish, all acquatic creatures and nothing else. In the second stage of evolution there were another set of creatures with some advanced features to prove evolutionary process. We have never come across a human being living at the time dianossures.
    In Matsyavatar we have read that a human king named Satyavrata gave a place to the fish in his palace.
    In kurmavatar also we see lot of Devas and asuras while the milk ocean was churned.
    Matsya Avatar is repoted in some part of India, and amrita kalasam came from some non human realm,that is milky ocean.
    Coming to Varaha Avatar ,it is very strange.That could not have happened in this earth, since Varaha avatar itself was intended to lift the earth which was submerged into ocean.
    Even as per Bagavatha Puranam, Matsya does not seem to be the first Avatar. Other species had been there and just to save the seeds of all those species, Vishnu took the form of fish.
    As per theory of Evolution, the previous species lacked certain features and the later species have developed over them, more refined. But all of Vishnu Avatars are great in their own way. In no way matsya Avatar is less significant or inferior to Kurma, and Narasimha is better evolved than varaha.
    Ramaavatar cannot be isolated without monkeys and Rakshasas.
    Krishna Avatar cannot be considered superior to Rama Avatar.The choice of which Avaatr to take, rests with Almighty who is Omni potent, omnopresent and omniscient.
    These 10 Avatars alone have formed a set so that even the less elites could understand and appreciate the Avatara mahimas and not with a view to support the theory of Avatar-Evolution phenomenon, which is of very recent origin.
    By going through all the stories connected with all the Avatars we can certainly say that it is not animal exclusive slowly evolved into human order. We find elite sages, rishis, devas, asuras in almost all the avatars making their simultaneous presence.
    The age of the Universe as supported by science seems to be different from what is stated in scriptures.
    So we cannot set aside the theories of the great scientist Darwin based on so much of environmental studies and can't come to a conclusion that whatever Darwin has stated has already found a place in our scriptures.
    The simple fish-tortoise-varaha-narasimha leading to Krishna alone does not seem to support the view.
    I think we can analyse Darwin's Theory of Evolution separately and appreciate the scientific facts which are very much interesting.We can admire Dasavatars separately as part of our scriptures which form the basis of our Hindu culture and traditional values.,in stead of arguing that the Theory of Evolution itself had a base in our epics.
    This was part of our discussion while studying about Darwin in Biology class,.It was so popular among Sanskrit students .
    There is actually another view that Darwin can be somehow made to be a spokesperson for Vedanta. This is also not a tenable view because he neither talked about rebirth nor spiritual evolution through different species in different births. His theory was more or less materialistic, though explicitly he did not negate god. Also, a man can be reborn in the animal or plant kingdom according to his karma. Therefore evolution has nothing in common with vedanta. Individuals who can see into the actual concept conveyed in different texts must burst this myth of Darwinism in vedic scriptures. This has been written, rewritten and regurgitated so many times that it has become an accepted truth (similar to 'vedic mathematics' which is marketed as being present in the Vedas while it is not). It is time we stop imagining things and start making progress in our respective fields, be it sciences/humanities/interdisciplinary ones.

    Religion (any) & scriptures have their foundation on belief & there by, a lot of assumptions.
    Science on the other hand which seems as though full of logic & rational thinking is also based on lots & lots of assumptions. The very things that we all take for granted in science is still being investigated for its authenticity in the LHC, Geneva (obviously in other places as well).
    So when comparing religion & science, one does tend to keep the two, each on a weighing plate in a weighing scale & change the variables to be compared. This is incorrect as we are trying to compare two sets of beliefs that are logical to a limited extent within the narrow frame work of human imagination.
    All these comparisons tend to create an acrimonious relationship within the human brain (making him/her confused), between the humans following the two.

    We must analyse the assumptions and premise of each view(evolution or dasavathara) before coming to any conclusions about one being the same or derived from other.

    1. All these comparisons tend to create an acrimonious relationship within the human brain (making him/her confused), between the humans following the two.

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