Day: 7 Date: August 7, 2021 Time: 7:10 a.m. to 7:25 a.m. Duration: 15 minutes Experience: Concentration was targeted on inhalation and exhalation cycle. One disturbing thought dominated my mind for a while which was the result of my volunteering yesterday. A terminally ill patient also got COVID and one of her neighbors brought details of her funeral home details to the Hospice so that she could be sent to the right place she had already booked for herself. I contemplated a lot on that last night resulting in it becoming a major thought. At best 2-3 minutes of calmer mind today towards the end. I need to figure out how to control the attention my mind pays to certain information and events. No symptoms of any backpain or leg sleeping. The breathing was a bit heavy due to that one disturbing thought.
Date: August 7, 2021 Time: 4 am to 4:30 am Duration: 30 minutes Experience: Right leg fell asleep. Came in and out of thoughts.
Day 6: 6th August 2021 Time: 8:30 pm to 8:45 Pm Duration : 14 min 59 sec Experience: well this was such a bummer today. After I skipped my morning wake up meditation I thought I'll do it in the night before bed. The challenge in night is my baby needs me n doesn't allow me get up from next to her. The moment I get up she wakes up. (Wonder how they can sense) anyways as I was lying down I put my head phone on and went on with a meditative music with timer on for 15 mins. Some thoughts were crossing and I wanted to upgrade my timings from 10 to 15 mins . Then I was just going with the flow , not controlling the thoughts. Suddenly I felt 15mins is too much for me and let me stop and look at the timer . Well I opened my eyes the timer started ringing . SO i did 14mins 59secs I got a realization 15 mins is possible for me . Day 7: 7th August 2021 Time:6 am to 6:05 am Duration : 5 mins Experience : Downgraded to 5 mins from previous day's 15 mins. had planned a day trip so my mind was occupied with that but I wanted to catch at least on 5 min meditation A quick one . No comments on how I felt. Mind was only thiking about the trip
Day 1 of 100 Date: 8-8-21 Time:6:48 to 7:00 Experience: Did inhale exhale and OM chanting. Not able to concentrate much.
Day: 8 of 100 Date: August 8, 2021 Time: 6:41 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. Duration: 19 minutes Experience: Rythemic inhalation and exhalation experienced within 1-2 minutes at the start. Thoughts were more what I consider insignificant matters. The focus was on acceptance of train of thoughts and viewing them as not my belonging. Body temperature maintained throughout the session. 4 cycles of inhalation and exhalation per minute with no heaviness in breathing. I had lost track of time.
Date: August 8, 2021 Time: 4 am to 4:40 am Duration: 30 minutes Experience: Heavy raindrops hit my window. Left hip was tight. Left leg fell asleep. I took nap after meditation.
Aug 6 Skipped Aug 7 Navagraha meditation - usually on saturdays it can be done. Focussing on the planets gave me feel good attitude. To go deep in that, if you know your running dasa(planet) you can focus more time on that planet during the meditation. Total time - 15 minutes approximately
Aug 8 Tried thuriyadheetham, but thoughts disturbed a lot. Not felt the solace at the end of the meditation because of too many thoughts.
Day 2 of 100 Aug 9 1:45 pm to 2:15 pm Listening to videos of mental peace and meditation. Not able to control the mind as had a big conversation with mil last night.
Day 8 . 8th August 2021 Time: 2 pm Duration : slept off Experience: it got combined with my weekend afternoon nap well the timer was set but not sure I was with the music n just slept to wake up after 1.5 hrs when I got a call. Day 9: 9th August 2021 Time: 2:45 pm to 2:55 pm Duration : 10 mins Experience: the music was calm n it was ripples of water sound. Was so much at peace. The thoughts kept coming but I kept pushing them and was trying to be with my breaths. The 10 mins ended in a blissful state.