Cute Babies Under the Sun Cute Babies For each and every one Some are tall Some are fat Some are short All of all that And that Cute Babies Where do they Com from Cure Babies Are they grown From the Sun Cute Babies Everyone wants them Each and Each And everyone
New shoots from your poetic garden in praise of cute babies with a surprise question! “ are you from Sun are you from Phoebus?” The crisp poem has come out from you not as a sigh of relief but from a longing heart I suppose. Here I present a video of hyper active baby for chocolate icecream.
Did the baby ever eat the chocolate? That is my biggest concern. Is is nit nice to tangle the chocolate and tempt the baby without giving baby the chocolate to eat Who is Phoebus?
Thanks fir asking. He is Greek Son-God. Also part of this name is Apollo. Mom licks in front of watchful baby & hence it’s mouth watering fir the baby. And here mom is only tempting the baby.