HI ladies, Please help me out here.. My son is having cold most of the time.. Now he got the ear infection for the second time.. What can I do to eliminate his cold? Any suggestions would help.. Thnx!
Dear Selvi, If baby has a cold and is congested, it can make breastfeeding difficult. However, it is almost always easier for a sick baby to nurse than to take a bottle. If your baby has a stuffy nose and is having a hard time breathing and nursing at the same time, try the following: Keep baby as upright as possible while nursing. At night, try propping up on lots of pillows and nursing/sleeping semi-upright. Also try the Australian position (mom is "down under") - in this position, mom is lying on her back and baby is on top (facing down), tummy to tummy with mom. The best thing you can do to help baby's illness end quickly is to nurse often - that way she gets lots of the antibodies that your body is making to help her fight off the illness. Frequent nursing also helps to ensure that baby is getting plenty of milk (congested babies often nurse for shorter times since it's hard to breathe and nurse at the same time). Use saline drops (or breastmilk) & a rubber suction bulb to clear baby's nose before nursing (if baby won't tolerate the bulb syringe, then the saline drops/breastmilk alone should still help). Put baby on your knees, face up and tilt your knees a little downhill (so baby's head is angled away from you, toward the floor). Put 2-3 drops of saline in each nostril and let it sit for a minute or so. To suction the mucus out, squeeze the bulb part of the syringe first, gently stick the rubber tip into one nostril, then slowly release the bulb. If baby is really congested, you may have to do this several times a day. Do it BEFORE baby nurses; if you do it afterwards your baby may spit up everything she's eaten because syringing can stimulate the gag reflex. To prepare saline drops at home, dissolve one teaspoon of salt in two cups of warm water. Run a vaporizer or humidifier, preferably in a small closed room. Boil a pot of water (some moms use small crock pots/potpourri pots), remove from the stove and add a few drops of essential oil (for example, eucalyptus, sage or balsam), and let the scent permeate the air. This may help relieve some head congestion. Do NOT apply products containing peppermint oil, camphor or menthol on the face (especially in the nose) or chest of a baby or young child. There have been cases where the direct application of menthol or camphor products (for example, Vicks VapoRub™) to baby's skin resulted in severe breathing difficulties or liver problems Nurse in a steamy bathroom. To pump up the steam, run a really hot shower and set a chair outside the shower for nursing. If nothing else is helping, you might talk to baby's doctor about trying a decongestant. However, there is no evidence that over-the-counter cold meds actually benefit children younger than five years old. There are several well controlled studies where there has been no difference shown between children given medication and those who have not (though children given cold medication sometimes sleep a bit better because antihistamines are sedatives).
Also there is no cure or vaccine for the common cold, which makes catching a cold an inevitable part of growing up. Many parents prefer to use natural methods to relieve their child’s cold symptoms, rather than use medications such as decongestants and expectorants. Most over the counter medications are unsuitable for use in very young children anyway, except for very severe symptoms, and should only be used on your doctor’s recommendation, and under his or her supervision. PREVENTION To reduce your baby’s risk of getting a cold: *Breastfeed your baby if possible, as long as possible.Breast milk provides your baby with antibodies, which are important for fighting infection and strengthening baby’s immune system. *Wash your hands. Make sure everyone in the household washes their hands frequently. If small children are unable to wash their own hands, do it for them. Use plenty of soap and water, and dry thoroughly to prevent chapping. *Avoid second hand smoke, which can increase susceptibility to illness, aggravate cold symptoms, and damage lungs. *Avoid contact with people who are sick, and wash hands thoroughly after any exposure. CONGESTION *Let your shower run on hot to create your own steam room. Sit in the bathroom with your baby for 10-15 minutes, three to four time a day. Do not put baby in the shower, and do not leave baby unattended in the bathroom. Be sure to keep the bathroom door closed to keep the steam in. This will help loosen baby’s congestion. After you’re done, you may need to wipe baby’s nose, or use a bulb syinge to gently suction secretions from baby’s nose. *Saline (salt and water) nose drops are good for thick, dry nasal secretions. There are brands made specifically for infants. Tilt baby’s head back and instill 2-3 drops in each nostril. The saline will loosen secretions and make them easier to blow or suction out. Saline gel, which is fairly new, is good for dry, chapped noses. Spread a little of the gel around the outside, and just inside, both nostrils. *Keep baby in an upright or semi-upright position to encourage nasal drainage. If possible, put a pillow UNDER the head end of baby’s crib mattress. NEVER put a pillow in the crib with baby. *Use a cool mist humidifier in baby’s room at night to keep the air moist. This will help prevent secretions from drying out. Use distilled or filtered water in the humidifier. Tap water will cause particle build-up in the humidifier, and will also leave a filmy dust over everything. *Give your baby plenty of fluids to help thin secretions and prevent dehydration, especially when diarrhea is prese Selvi you should definitely consult the doctor if -Your baby has drainage from one or both ears, tugs at one or both ears, or complains of ear pain. -Your baby is having trouble breath.. So it's better to consult your family docotr first before you proceed further... I know we moms get so worried when they get sick... So don't worry n be patient and he will recover very soon... Luv Tej
Thanks for the details Teja...I have consulted with doc and DS is on antibiotics now.As u say worry becomes second nature as soon as one becomes mom.. :mrgreen: Im mostly looking for any home remedy for cold.. I have heard omam(ajwain) works well for cold.. not sure how to proceed with that.. Like that if anyone give home solutions that would be great.. Thnx!
hi SELVI, A baby with a cold or any thing is a tiring period for a mother. that too in Michigan(i saw from ur profile ), its natural for getting ear infections for the child upto 6 years of age and it can repeat upto 5 times in a year.so don't worry ,ur baby get immmunised on his own. my son is a frequent visitor to doc office here , for ear infection , sometimes it follows with either a cold or a high fever . for cold i used to rub very little VICKS BABY RUB,at his back ,chest and after some time , with a hair dryer(i made good use of it since my kid from 8months baby ) ,my hubby 'ld operate it from a distance , i 'ld make my kid to show his chest and back.this way the breathing get easier. i'll make sure he's wearing a light cotton dress so that hot air is not directly exposed to the skin. here , i tried steam vapourizer , but not that much use . in india u can get facial steamer , that 'll help us if we put it in a room , and holding the baby at a long distance or even standing in that room will help for breathing easier during cold.i tried warm message by putting a cloth tied with ajwain on a hot tawa , and when the temp of the cloth is suitable to bear i put it on his chest and back . but it didn't work with my naughty kid , so i tried the hair dryer option, it turned out so goood. u can try for LITTLE NOSES SALINE DROPS ,FOR PUTTING IN THE NOSE .,THIS WILL HELP IN RELIEVING NASAL CONGESTION.in india a doc gave otrivin drops pead dosage for my baby around 6 months , it worked too, but so , i opt for simple saline drops here. i heard that TRIAMINIC VAPOR PATCH FOR COLD AND COUGH FOR INFANTS (GET IT FROM WALL MART PHARM ) is working good .it's just euclaptus AND THE LIKE in a strip to be stick on the chest or back by just removing the plastic backing and stick ,whenever u don't like it just remove it from the skin without any hurts ... no messsy .....(i'm using cough strips now for a 2year old ...for cough ...it's really good). take care .ur baby will be back to normal and active within few days ....don't worry. bye, harini
Dear Selvi, Ajwain is an indigenous spice used in ayurveda from ancient times. Housewives know it's medicinal value very well. Let us look at some more benefits of ajwain. 1. Ajwain is very useful in alleviating spasmodic pains of the stomach and intestines, in adults as well as children. Any colicky pain due to flatulence (gas), indigestion and infections in the intestines can easily be relieved by taking one teaspoonful of ajwain along with 2-3 pinches of common salt in warm water. Use half the dose in children. 2. If you have chronic bronchitis and asthma, mix ajwain with jaggery (gur). Heat the mixture to make a paste and take 2 teaspoonsful twice a day. However, diabetics should not take this preparation because of the sugar content. It helps to bring out the mucus easily. It also helps in chronic cold. 3. In an acute attack of common cold or migraine headache, put omum powder in a thin cloth and smell this frequently. It gives tremendous symptomatic relief according to some ayurvedic experts. 4. If people who consume excessive alcohol develop discomfort in the stomach, taking ajwain twice a day, will be very useful. It will also reduce the craving and desire for alcohol. 5. Ajwain is a good digestive. Mixed with buttermilk it is a good anti-acidic agent. I haven't heard that we could use Ajwain for babies. So just make sure before u go through... If we can do that plz let us know so that it will helpful for all.... Luv Tej:wave
Hi Selvi, This is from my experience.Its very hard for the babies as well the parents when the babies get sick especially from cold.My son who was then 8months old used to catch cold often and wud always end in ear infection.This happened twice in a row and i was very much worried.Then what my pediac told is to make some changes like: 1.Dont feed the child while he is lying down.Make him sit upright if not atleast slightly slanting/inclined to some extent.Reason is the eartube(cud not remember right now the exact term,i guess its the eustachian tube) for babies until their 5yrs wud be flat which makes the fluid(water/milk)to flow easily from mouthtoears(milk) and earstomouth(water) and keeps the fluid locked there and hence leading to cold and ear infection becoz of moistness there. 2.While giving bath make him sit in the bathtub and wash him carefully with extra care for ears.If he is lying down( in the baby tub) water may get inside. I followed these 2 simple things and it worked out for my son.Then after and until now he has no signs of ear infection though now and then he catches cold which is normal. Hope this helps u and your kutty and brings him good health.
Dear Selvi, Boil little bit omam, little bit minced ginger together. add very little salt in water and give 3-4 spoon of this water to ur baby 3 times a day. try to give hot massage on baby's chest.U can use hot cloth or hot chapattis for it.make sure it shd not b so hot that baby can get hurted. hope it is helpful.
dear selvi, when my child was small, i had a suggestion that helped a lot. keep some old ghee always ready somwhere and then heat a little and apply on chest and back and put on some old clothes with some sweater to wrap them this will block any cold air congesting them,always cover the legs of the children first dont bother much abt the head.... and omam is to be fried in a mud pot if possible untill charred then the water is added and boiled this is filtered and given to the kids, so try to keep the kids legs in warm water and keep a well sqeezed cold towel on the head this is to regulate the circulation, any way they say shali pudicha shani pudicha madiri for 7 days they stay as guest do what u may but their stay is 7...so try to keep warm and i apply till oil inside the nose to help from blockage.....i know what u go thru have more strength plll....regards sunkan
hi selvi, If you have taken the anitbiotics, fine. if you are looking for home remedies in the form of kashayam here is one for you used by my family from how long..... 1. Clean omam (ajwain). Leaves are better if you get. 1-3 leaves. 2. tulasi leaves. (I used basil.if i do not get tulasi.) 3. betel leaves. 1-2 4. raisins. 5. sugar candy (lump sugar) 6. Honey. Boil 1,2,3,4,5 in a cup of water. let it come to half a cup. then cool and crush it,strain it . you get a strong, liquid. take 3 tsp of it. add little honey and give the baby. if there is too much congestion, the baby may vomit, all the flum goes out in the vomit(decongesting), loose motion in very rare cases (decongesting) . so not much to worry. The same we can take or give to bigger kids, by adding ginger,pepper to the 1,2,3,4,5 and taking half a cup when it is hot. Adding lemon helps when you have a cough. Vicks and other vapourubs, we feel are too harsh for babies. so we make at home. 1.Good camphor. (I think you get camphor oil) 2.Coconut oil Boil coconut oil till it fumes be careful, as it tendst to catch fire. switch off the stove. then add crushed camphor, little by little. it will dissolve. it will stop when it reaches a point. stop adding anymore. cool it and store it. you can used it when you want. (one word of caution. put a old romper before putting good clothes.as oil tends to stick.) I was given a idea of insulating the baby by my aunt when my son was 2 and we were in delhi. it really helped. only drawback was the smell. Take mustard oil. heat it. crush few pods of garlic. let it fry in it and let the oil fumes. then cool it and store. just apply on the baby's chest and back after bath. it acts as a insulator. mustard oil is heat. (we added little sandal oil:tongue ) Regarding ear infection, keep his ears closed when giving a bath. dont probe much to clean, as the ear is very delicate during colds. Use ear plugs when you are taking the kid out. Use home made saline drops by boiling half a cup of good drinking water with a 1tsp of salt. cool it and use it. it is not too strong. as the salt in the water works on the nasal membranes helping clear blocked noses. concentrated saline solution may be too irritating. and use a very soft napkin to clean. and please dont use tissues. Personal experience, we feel small particles of the tissue gets stuck on the nose when u use tissues. (our personal opinion my husband and mine.) Elevate the baby's head when sleeping a little more than normal. P.S. 1. Some kids tend to sweat if over covered. this also leads to cold. rare but happens with my son. 2. If your doctor says no to honey. please dont use honey. But the traditional regular honey, does not harm. Hope it helps.