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Clinging to a Glorious Job

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Kamalji, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Clinging to a Glorious Job

    Yesterday night, was rereading Lee Iocca's Autobiography,and loved it once again.I had read it a few years back, and having nothing better to do,and got engrossed in it.He gives a fasinating account of his time at Ford,how he was No 2, and the humiliation he went through in the job.He suffered all the humiliation thrown at him, and was even made to fire his friends,but he held on to his own job for the salary, perks and importance it gave him.

    Ultimately he was thrown out of Ford, he became depressed, and then took charge of Chrysler,and did a wonderful job turning around the loss making company into one of the most proftable companies the world has seen.He did not know that he could be sucessful given the chance to beon his own.But given the boot, he was left with no choice,but to battle it out in the world of business.

    Reminds me of an Uncle of mine,working as a Partner in a firm.A good and a capable man,he was among 4 partners,and the other side was the previous owner's sons,who held the majority shares.Uncle and other partners used to be humlated by the young owners brothers,and Uncle used to tell my Dad all the troubles everytime they met.After years of listening,Dad suggested to Uncle why dont u leave the firm and start your own.But it being a very prestigious company,their name was known in town as partners of this respected firm,and the earnings were good.But along with it was the humiliation that he had to suffer everytime.Hints were thrown at him and other partners to leave, but Uncle wanted to cling on.

    On Dad;s insistince, the partnership was dissolved,and these guys moved out.All of them were very unhappy initially,as they were partners in the firm for the last 20 odd years, and had to forgoe the glory of association,and the handsome earnings.

    Like Iocca, these guys had to struggle the first few years,but today they are very very successful businessmen, earning much much more than they did in the firm,and their children too are well settled.By the Way, the firm collapsed into Bankrupcy, as the owners, young fellows now were free to spend as they wanted,with no controls,spending the nights drinking at 5 star Hotels,and spending money as though it was won through a lottery.Ultimately ruin overtook them,but these guys flourised and are doing very very well.And they are very thankful to my Dad,for forcing them to separate and start their own.

    The same thing happened to my Dad, in the early sixties.He was a manager in an export firm in Mumbai, with a princely salary of 800/-handsome for those days.Dad was in charge of buying Handicrafts for the firm from all over India,used to travel in 3<SUP>rd</SUP> class ordinary trains without reservations,to source goods at cheap rates directly from the villages where they were manufactured, without paying the middlemen.

    The bosses never paid his salary, and used to pay him in part.After a few years, Dad with 4 sons studying in school, and school fees not being paid for months, and we being sent back so many times, ultimately forced the issue with the boss.The boss told him, who told you yr salary is 800/- You are not worth even half theamount.Dad was very incensed, and immediately kept the keys of the office on the bosses table, and said Bye,keep the salary with you.No fight, no bad words.simple.

    The boss told Dad, don’t get angry, come home for drinks and we will discuss it over there.Dad said,I am just asking for my salary due over so many years, I am not asking for a favour or an advance,keep the keys with you,I am leaving.He told the boss,from now on,I will never ever work for anyone , but for myself.

    When Dad came home ,he cried in front of his mom like a small child,saying he is finished, he has nothing.We were living in a rented house in chembur,Mumbai,and we had nothing.Granny consoled him, and said have faith in God.Granny took off her gold chain, and mom gave him her gold bangles, just two that she had, and after selling those, Dad started his business with a few hundred Rupees, and the rest is history.

    Dad used to tell us,that if the boss had not behaved the way he did, he would still have been working with them, and we sons would have been working also with the same company.So he taught us that what happens happens for the best, and always have faith in the Lord.

    I also have a lot of faith in the Lord, he has been very very kind to all of us.From Dad I learnt that it is better for me to have a small hut of my own, rather lhan live in a spacious Company Flat, to have my own small business, but all mine, that to work for someone else.We all brothers dote on Mom and Grandmother, who is no more, for their encouragement to Dad to stand on his feet, for giving him their jewellery, the only pieces they had, for having faith in Dad,when the chips were horribly down.

    I have also learnt, that the buyer is not superior to me.If he thinks he is doing me a favour by buying from me, I stop business with him, however big a buyer he may be.I have always worked as an equal and will always do so.He makes money from me, and vice versa, where is the question of favour.He dosnt buy from me to throw in the sea, so I can make a few bucks.

    Lee Iocca learnt it the hard way in the 80’s, my dad also learnt it the hard way but two decades earlier than iocca,that it is better to stand on your own two weak feet, than lean on the shoulders of your boss, and take his ****.And I remember this lesson very well at this stage of my life,and advise my brothers and friends of the same.

    The lord is with us all, it is just we need to have faith in him.Amen.


  2. roopadadia

    roopadadia Silver IL'ite

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    Namaste Kamali,

    Aap jo keh rahe hai woh bilkul sahi hain.

    We beleive in this and also understand the state and situation of an employee...and i have learnt from my parents that because our staff is working hard we are enjoying the luxury...so never forget them in good times and they will remain with you in your lean period.

    And i practise this even today. My husband is heading the India operations of a small MNC. For the past 9 years my job is to go to office and talk to the staff find out whether they are comfortable or not....handle their greviences, if necessary counsel them on professional or personal front and a lot of other things.

    Warm regards
  3. roopadadia

    roopadadia Silver IL'ite

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    Sorry Kamalji,

    I missed out a j in the name.

  4. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    That is something very nice that u are doing.The staff will feel good when they see there is someone tolisten to their greviances,and have them sorted out.Im sure u too feel nice too.

    thanks and regards.kamal
  5. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice one, Kamalji!

    Learn from other people's experiences---sure this article is an experience-packed one!

    Nice to note that faith in oneself and the people around us and in God has worked wonders.
    Why can;t we follow, from now on and create wonders and miracles!

  6. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Kamalji,

    Where are you my friend....

    Again a great piece of feather post from the shelf of experience.... Yes, it is very true that we have to take care of our staff... Understand their capabilities and accept them as equals... Experienced and Capable people may struggle at the begining but at the end they will succeed in a long way....

  7. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamalji,

    Enjoyed reading this encouraging article by you. Words like these are really needed especially by those who are standing at the crossroads and not knowing what next.
    It is also thrilling to read the success stories of your uncle and father.
    Even my father went through those trying times. Therefore, reading this made an impact on me. Good to know that he had much company!
    I was very young and at an impressionable age when I heard about the ignominies he had to go through at the hands of his partners ( also sons of a rich father) inspite of all his seniority and experience.
    Life goes on. Words like yours will surely help those who need it.

    L, Kamla

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