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Chicks and Swines

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Kamalji, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    The Chicks and the Swines

    Swine Flu is raging across Rajasthan, and in Jaipur. A few days back someone known to us died from Swine Flu.He was suffering from cough and cold, running nose , sore throat, the usual symtoms of cold, so he went to his neighborhood chemist, and for a month took various pills from him, for his ills, without paying the doctor his Bill.

    Well it developed into Swine Flu, and it was in the last stages, when they went to the private hospital, they threw them out, telling them to go to the government hospital here, and there he breathed his last in a couple of days.

    So when I was suffering from these symptoms in thelast few days, went to doc, he said relax. But I did not want the swine to get better of me, so went to the Government hospital, buying a mask along the way. Wife and brother also came along, and I stood in the long line, every male chap having his nose covered with a handkerchief. The doc looked at me, asked me a few questions, and said u don’t have the swine in you, go home.

    I was very relived, rather overjoyed, and then an idea struck me there, a business idea. After we make garments from fabrics, there is wastage of fabric, cut pieces, well their cost is already calculated in the garment we make. We sell these as scrap, for car mechanics to clean their hands off grease etc.

    I decided that if I make a handkerchief of these wastages and sell them, now is the time to sell, it will be good for my pocket. So as soon as I came home took out a few wastages , worked on them, and lo they came out damn good as handkerchiefs, all colourful, that I went to a chemist near the govt hospital , whom I know from whom I buy my medicines every month, and told him, keep these on approval, for 15 bucks a piece, u go sell it for whatever price u want, I have them in huge quantities, pay me if u sell them, otherwise return them.

    That was day before, and today I got a call that sir the 10 that u gave me, sold off, send me more, so I sent him a 100 more. Well swine flu is bad for some, but good for my business.

    And swine flu has not spared our Ministers also, a few of them are affected by it, but they wont die, for they were caught in the first stage. As someone remarked to me in the park, wish these swines catch more ministers, well well,

    Another item which interested me was, the case of the breast and the leg. It seems Indians and aermicans share their love for chickens, that is why you have the Kentucky Fried Chicken, in USA and India too. The difference being , Americans love the breast, and Indians the legs.

    Now here the legs sell for 250 per kg and above. And in America, as per reports, they eat the breast, and put the legs in deep freezers, for a few years, searching for buyers in third world countries. And now it seems with Obama coming to india, I think the Chicken chaps must have told him to put forward their case to the govt here, to allow the import of cheap American Chicken legs, which will retail for 100 a kg here.The Indian chicken chaps have raised an alarm so the imports stand banned for now.

    These are old legs, years old ones, well they might reach the Indian shores well, from the transportation from say Mumbai to jaipur, they need deep freezer trucks, then the shops also need deep freezers, which I don’t think is possible, and I think a lot of diseases will come in thru these chickens, like Bird Flu, but of a different kind, so I don’t think it is a good idea to import or eat those stale chicken parts.

    And wife is after me to leave eating chicken, for I may get swine flu. I called up the doc, to confirm, and he said this is caused not by eating chicken, but by eating pork, and it is spread thru the air, so he said , relax Kamal, don’t listen to half baked news.So now I am relaxed and can relish the chicks in peace, piece by piece, vegetarians please excuse.

    With a few weddings to go to this month, it is risky in the crowds. As also in the flights, for fellow having this, and it spreads like wildfire.

    So now the old way of greeting is fine, Namaste, where u don’t touch the other person.

    Namaste my friends.HAHA



    Who shud be a World Leader among these 3?

    Mr A - He had frienship with bad politicians, consults astrologers, two wives, chain smoker, drinks eight to 10 times a day.

    Mr B - He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps till noon, used opium in college & drinks whiskey every evening.

    Mr C - He is a decorated war hero,a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.

    You would want Mr.C to be d leader.


    Mr. A was Franklin Roosevelt!

    Mr. B was Winston Churchill!!


    Mr C Was ADOLF HITLER!!!

    Strange but true..

    Its risky to judge anyone by his habits !
    Character is a complex phenomenon.

    Small joke about all of us: -

    Think you are sitting in front of computer, what computer will think...??

    Do you know...??

    Intel inside
    mental outside...


    Wait don't laugh, joke is not over...

    You are standing in front of fridge...

    What fridge will think...

    Do you know...??

    Cool inside
    fool outside

    wait one more for u 

    Think you are standing outside race course...

    What race course will think...

    Do you know...??

    Ghoda inside
    Gadha outside...

    Now laugh...

    Think you are using Whatsapp, what will Whatsapp think?
    Jokes inside, joker outside


    Innocent Kid : Mummy mujhe 1 Bhai Chahiye ...!!!

    Mummy : Beta Dad USA mein hai, Jaise hi Woh Ayenge hum Baat karenge Unse....

    Kid - Aap Unhe Surprise bhi toh de Sakte ho 


    Chitragupt's problem :

    One day Chitragupt told Brahma that he should stop this scheme that if ladies keep Karva Chauth...they will get the same husband for the next 7 janam...

    Brahma asked, ”Why”

    Chitragupt : Prabhu... its becoming difficult to manage...
    The ladies want the same husband  and the husbands want a new wife
    Its a problem to convince both.

    Brahma : But this can’t be stopped...
    It’s been going on since times immemorial.
    Just then Naarad muni comes and he suggested...
    On earth, there is a great person called "KAMAL MAHTANI
    Ask him for a solution.

    (Chitragupt meets KAMAL MAHTANI)

    In one minute KAMAL MAHTANI solves the problem...

    he advised Chitragupt...
    Any lady who wants the same husband... tell her that,
    she will also get the same "MOTHER IN LAW"

    All women screamed "Nahiiiiiii!!!!!

    Problem solved

    Four Catholic men and a Catholic woman were having coffee in St. Peter's Square.
    The first Catholic man tells his friends,
    "My son is a priest. When he walks into
    a room, everyone calls him 'Father'."

    The second Catholic man chirps,
    "My son is a Bishop. When he walks into a room people call him 'Your Grace'."

    The third Catholic gent says,
    "My son is a Cardinal. When he enters a room everyone bows their head and says 'Your Eminence'."

    The fourth Catholic man says very proudly,
    "My son is the Pope. When he walks into a room people call him 'Your Holiness'."

    Since the lone Catholic woman was sipping her coffee in silence, the four men give her a subtle, "Well....?"

    She pro udly replies,
    "I have a beautiful daughter,

    When she walks into a room, people say,

    9 people like this.

  2. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Kamalji,
    Swine flu is rampage in Hyderabad also. See many people with masks on roads. You have evolved a business idea! In Hyderabad an Industrial exhibition is there from Jan 1st to 10 Feb. Huge crowds visit it, thousands and thousands.Many stalls from rajasthan and Jaipur are also there. On sundays and holidays it runs to 70, 80 thousands! We wanted to skip it this year for fear of swine flu. On the other day in the paper there was a news that they are selling masks for two Rs. in the exhibition. People are buying and visiting the exhibition wearing them. We are not visiting any way.
  3. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dea r Sy,

    Yes better to avoid crowds and functions that are not necessary.Today it came inthe papers tha the masks they are selling, they aer useless. there is enough space for the virus to go in. So anyway it is risky. handkercheif is better, if u go out cover yr nose with it, and that is lot safter, even wear it to the market.



  4. parineetha

    parineetha IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamalji,

    Hope Allz well..good that you got it checked and cleared. My uncle, while on vacation here from Delhi, fell sick as soon as he landed. Docs had serious doubts to be swine flu mostly coz he was from Delhi, air travel et all..(though no death toll reported as of now, but lots of cases were found to be positive). Luckily it was just common flu.
    They are if a person has fever of 103’F with massive muscle aches and cough, it is swine flu unless proved otherwise. So better to safe than sorry..So Please take care Kamalji..Hearing lots of pandemic news from Rajasthan and Gujarat reported.

    Kerchief ideas are super cool..You rock..I’ll give one more business deal OK..Make the kerchief a little longer and bigger. You’ll find lots of business here in Chennai. Girls never step out without covering their heads and face, not coz of swine flu..from hot sun..to maintain complexion you see :))))
    1 person likes this.
  5. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Neetu,

    HAHA. yes i am selling those long ones too, 40 inches by 40 inches which coer the whole head, just the eyes are seen, as girls wear them here to keep the dust and theheat away, and as well as their identities are hidden, in a way good, stops eveteasing, u cant even identify your own daughter, unlcess u know what clothes she is wearing. these scarves are very in in Rajasthan, and maybe elsewhere too as u say.



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  6. suryakala

    suryakala IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @Kamalji ,

    A good and timely warning post on Swine Flu. It can indeed be life threatening.
    Glad you could convert Flu in to business in true Rajasthani sytle!

    Had a hearty laugh on your jokes.

    Enjoyed! Thanks.
  7. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dea r Suryakala,

    thank u so much. i am fine.keep smiling, smiles keep diseases miles away.




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  8. madhuprabha

    madhuprabha Gold IL'ite

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    Good morning Kamalji,

    I must admit that when I read the heading, I thought it was something about 'chicks' (feminists please don't mistake). It started of with a serious note and ended with a LOL. I am glad u are hale and hearty Sir.
    Business out of swine flue masks/kerchiefs, great Sir. If u fall short of the cloth for the kerchief, please tell me, I will also send u some. In the south, whenever we visit anybody's house, the custom is to give a blouse piece with kumkum. So I have lots of those. :ROTFL:
    About the legs, i mean the chicken legs, good that they agreed not to import them. There is nothing like a fresh and juicy chicken leg lollipop.
    The jokes were very good. But since the jokes were posted by you, I knew the ans to the first joke was not 'C'.
  9. vjbunny

    vjbunny IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamalji
    Superb post missed reading ur posts after long time I m back ur posts are one of things I seek out in IL apart from Viswamitra sirs...
    Its hilariouslaugh1smiley to see you find a way to enhance your business what better way to serve people..:2thumbsup:. When swine flu is done thing.... I will tell u the next ideaconsole1
    if give me 10pc in ur proceed shares:cool2: ha ha ha wat do u say sir ? :cheers
  10. stillwaters

    stillwaters Gold IL'ite

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    Dear kamalji , good that you took the precaution of getting yourself checked unlike your neighbour.
    These days you really have to be careful . There are many hither to rare diseases which have become common like swine flu , dengue , chickengunia.

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