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Changed my life forever

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by malspie, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    It Changed My Life Forever

    Dear Friends,

    Our personality and attitude in life keeps changing with time. It could be for good or for worse.

    It could be a moment or a person or an incident that can influence us for the good or bad.

    Let me explain to you my the then personality. I was a very reserved in my childhood. I would often withdraw myself in my room, read books (school books, magazines, novels, newspapers anything that I can lay my hands on), listen to music and be in my own world. I was a brilliant student and was praised in my school for my academic talents. I was also good in theatre and writing and had won many prizes. I had an ego and would rather listen than talk. I was friendly but not open with anybody. I would never ask anybody nor would let anybody interfere with my privacy. I would happily take favours and stay PUT. I was different. I would visit my relatives and just smile and stay PUT. I liked the company of people but at the same time would stay aloof.

    Two people changed my life:

    I was in my early teens in 1993 struggling with college and diploma. I had to travel to V.T. (a station in Mumbai now called as Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus) for my diploma and that’s how I met this girl. We were a group of 10 girls. This girl was very elder to me but we hit off well. She would tell me the deepest secrets of her life, her thoughts and had considered me as her bosom pal. I would listen offer advice (though I was younger – always giving advice to people… used to it), but, I could never open up with her. In fact, I would be bewildered with the thought that how can she tell me so many things. We hardly know each other. I have never told anyone about how many sisters and brothers I have forget telling deep secrets and sharing life.. God…

    She would carry food for me, book a seat for me in the train and was all for me. I was happy. I had the habit of people pampering me. I would not do anything in return but would enjoy all the attention that I get. Then suddenly I lost her in the Bomb Blast of 1993. I was very young and this episode shook me up. God, I never told her anything. I was never close to her. I never did anything for her. Now, that I want to do, she is not there with me. Now that I have lost her, I cannot change my past. :evil:

    But, she changed my life. I was no more a reserved person. I never waited for anyone to say hello to me. I would go out of my way to help people, to initiate a conversation. I had no egos. I had no tomorrow. It is now or never. Till date I live that way and have changed at least 10 – 15 people since 1993. I explain to every one do not wait.. do and say now… now is yours, this moment is yours. I quote this incident to everyone and I do not feel shy to tell people that I was a reserved person. Today nobody believes me, as I am the most wanted person whether it is a party, small get-to-gether or any other occasion. Today I have people around every where.

    I am happy for what I am today and happier when few people come and tell me that I have brought a pleasant change in their life.

    My first job and my boss was in his early 20’s. He was a millionaire but a very down to earth person. The moment he got off his car he would not only wish the security with warmth then the door keeper then the lift man but also drop one liner’s that would make them feel happy. He was very friendly and cheerful throughout the day.

    I learnt from him however big you are a smile and few warm words can bring light in any person. I follow him till date.

    Now dear readers, if you can relate yourself with me do write back.

    Now someone can make you or break you???

    I was MADE…..

    2 people like this.

  2. Tulasi

    Tulasi Silver IL'ite

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    Hey Mals,
    That was great to read..yes even I have seen people who are so much achived yet so humble and down to earth can't belive...Then i think thats way they are there...I keep learning every day something new...

  3. arch174

    arch174 Senior IL'ite

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    :2thumbsup: gud post which set me thinking
    wasn't that ur basic idea:) thanks
  4. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mals,
    I loved your post !
    It is sad that your friend's death brought about a change in you !But you are paying her the best tribute by your changed attitude.
    So, let us interpret that she died for a good cause !
    Believe me, the present chatterbox chitvish of I L was one of the most introvert, reserved shy girls of her age group in school. Since I was always the first ranker, I was even labelled arrogant & haughty, poor me !
    But, life was a great teacher for me at every stage. I learnt life's most valuable lesson of accepting people as they are. V is a loner & hardly makes conversation. But I have turned it to my advantage, choicelessly & have no regrets.
    At this stage of my life, I realise that outside I L, I am daughter, sister, wife, mother, MIL, grandmother, friend etc. But only in I L, I am myself. I write serious replies as well as naughty posts & teasers. I enjoy myself from the moment I log in !
    So I can say I L has changed me from an outside image to my real self !
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  5. Nischel

    Nischel Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Mal,
    having gone through ur post I could understand that u are reserved
    always and later with the influence of a person Ur life has been changed.
    In this will u plz clarify my doubts as under........
    !) Do u think that this change is as per your wish or not?
    2) What type of change u expected or no change at all?
  6. srinivasan_vanaja

    srinivasan_vanaja Gold IL'ite

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    i feel really elated that your very nature is changed. really a great task! you know how difficult it is to change one's nature? be happy:2thumbsup:.


  7. Jananikrithsan

    Jananikrithsan Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Mals,
    Good to read ur post. I also have changed from my university days and after getting married thanks to my friend who stood by me and made it possible and my husband for for being patient in the initial days of married life.
  8. malspie

    malspie Platinum IL'ite

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    I had not expected to change. In six months time she had trailed a long way in to my life. She had become a part of my life. She was elder to me so I would love to hear her experiences and learn from it. But, I would not share anything with her. Rather, those days I would never reveal anything about myself. I could not open up. It was not possible.

    But, when I lost her, I cried the most. Everyone around was surprised to see a friend crying so much. Most of them thought I am her sister. I was rolling on the ground, calling out to her, she was there yet not there. I had to tell her so many things. It was too late. This damage can never be repaired.

    I learnt the value of life. We never played any music or watched T.V. in our home for the next six months. She had become a part of my family. She was from Chennai and would carry lots of Tamil Mags and novels for my Mom. I cannot speak much on this..... :-(

    I gathered myself and the change was not intentional. Suddenly I found that I have become more friendly and was not waiting for people to approach me. I was participating in conversations rather than just gathering informations. My whole personality had changed. I never made any attempt, It just happened.

    Today I am very happy. I am so popular amongst my friends, relatives, associates, colleagues, that there is no picnic, party without me. People come to from all walks of life and share their deepest secrets with me. I help them out. I have the same friendly approach with my vegetable vendor to the Director of my organization. My Director sits with me in my cabin and chats with me. He tells me about his hey days, and so many secrets with a promise that I do not share it with anybody.

    I belong to the community called "Human" and I am very happy.

    I miss my friend but I tell her, you came, you stayed, you conquered our hearts and left in just six months. The Lord had something in his mind...
    But, you changed me forever.
  9. vaidehi

    vaidehi Silver IL'ite

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    dear Mals,

    Yet another mind blowing topi from u, i wonder how come u come up with such nice topics. very well narrated in such a simple but classy way with some thing for everyone to think upon.

    Let me tell you, while going thru the post , somewhere down the line i kept asking myself "Even i m like that" ? Frankly speaking till date i am also a very reserved person who cannot open up in public and cannot start a talk with almost anyone not even to my own bro or sis. i m a sort of person who doesn't like anybody poking their nose into my life nor do i interfere in any one life . my this behaivour is proving very fatalfor me, coz my in-laws feel that i am heavy headed and don't like mixing with them,but the fact is i hate hypocricy,so better want to be away from it.

    Till date i can count on to very few friends with whom i can go and talk freely. Many people have asked me to change my behaviour for my good, but still after knowing all the facts i m unbale to do so. Sometimes i keep asking questions to myself is it my fault that i m not one among the all in this world? Or Am i that bad? but belive me i don't get any answers to any of my questions.

    But let me tell u ,even though i am an introvert person or a reserved person,i don't think of any harm or anything bad to anyone not even to any of my enemy in my wildest of dreams. But then why i m like that?......

    AS chith vish said its only in ilite forum that i would have dared to come up with something like this, i cannot thank IL for this and i really mean it.

  10. kanaka Raghavan

    kanaka Raghavan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mals
    your post was really really wonderful......................

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