Hi ILites, My friend needs suggestion to choose the best one from below options, Hyundai brand- 2021 Hyundai KONA SEL Plus New Rochelle NY | New Rochelle Bronx Westchester New York KM8K6CAA8MU721967 Mazda brand- Pre-Owned 2021 Mazda Mazda CX-5 Sport Sport Utility in Huntington Station #M7911UNC | Empire Mazda of Huntington People suggested to go for Toyota or Honda cars as they would have good resale value and that’s what most desis preferred. But considering the drop in automobile sales due to reduced semiconductor or some other reasons. I heard that cars price are too high and limited cars are available in market. And also my friend’s parents are visiting next month end. So, they still have over month of time to go over and choose a car. There are 2 contradicting things we have heard, that car prices might hike in summer or more options are available during summer as more students would sell them. Not sure which is true. If any one of them guide through series of questions we have will be greatly appreciated.
Mazda is a Japanese car as well and might be a better bet but I have not researched this recently. I would do a check up with the mechanic and if the history is good, choose whichever feels better.