Magnesium rich food help. Sometimes a simple electrolyte balance helps. A little salt and sugar in water do the trick. But if you have persistent cramping it could mean some deficiency and your doctor would be the best person to help. Do not pop multivitamins just because you think you need it
Well as shanvy said magnesium helps in easing muscle cramps. In case of menstrual cramps, taking foods rich in essential fatty acid(EFA) for example a spoon of butter would be helpful in easing the stomach cramp.
try soaking your feet in a tub filled with hot water(add a little salt to the water).That will help ease out the cramps
Regular exercise keeps the muscles impact which later results into good physique. Women should not stop the routine workout during menstrual days. To be prevented during those days, one must opt coupe menstrual économique which encourage the users to engage with their bodies during menses.