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Can destiny be overpowered by intelligence?

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by PushpavalliSrinivasan, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Can Destiny be overpowered by intelligence?
    If any one asks me this question my answer would be in the negative. My experience speaks thus.
    I had posted in a thread under the caption, “A murder in our family.” Can you believe it that it was predicted earlier by an astrologer and that my father in law had kept it a secret? He did not confide to any one in the family about this. Perhaps he did not believe it and so he took it as crass. Being an unassuming, and straight forward person, he might have thought it absurd. Alas! He had to pay a heavy price by ignoring the prior warning.
    After his death when my mil and hubby went through his personal belongings stored in a trunk, they found the astrologer’s letter containing the prediction.
    Another incident also happened to prove that destiny could not be overpowered by intelligence. I had posted this incident also in one of my threads. This incident was about the jewels robbed while taking them to keep in the locker. On that fateful day first I told my husband not to go to my daughter’s house as we had made a tedious journey on the previous day. When he told that he was feeling fine and would finish off the work, I told him not to go alone. But those days he was very daring and so he took the risk. He had taken as much precaution as he could to conceal the jewel box, but the imminent had happened, as the thief outsmarted him. Destiny had the last laugh. Hence I believe that it is very difficult to change the destiny.
    Recently my nephew’s daughter met with an accident. She never used to allow any one to drive her two wheeler, but on that particular day a college friend offered to drive the vehicle, and within five minutes the accident took place. Though she was saved from skull injury, the nerves in her left hand below the elbow got cut and hence the hand has become numb. She is to undergo a major surgery and the doctors say it is a long process. They told that multiple surgeries to be performed and there is no guarantee for 100% success. Only 90% success could be expected.
    Hi friends, what is your opinion regarding this? If someone was successful in conquering destiny, I would like to hear the success story. Looking forward for your replies,

  2. kanaka

    kanaka Bronze IL'ite

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    It's a million dollar question. I know not what to say.

    I think even the intelligence has its role only when destiny permits. There are occasions in :spin life when we are just blank. On retrospection we think of many solutions or alternatives which could have averted this situation.

    Could Karna overcome his fate by intelligence? His memory failed at the hour of need. Fate!

    I have seen the fate of many intelligent persons jeopardised specially in matters of marriage. however one may try to stop the person . The most intelligent girls end up marrying men of low qualities.

    Even doctors while conducting major surgeries attribute their sucess to the Ever Powerful Force.
  3. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kanaka,
    You are very correct. As you say doctors say, before the surgery that they will try their level best, but the result will be according to fate or God's will.

    The most intelligent girls end up marrying men of low qualities.

    Yes, this has happened in our close relative's family. Though the parents and other relatives tried to stop the marrige, they had not succeeded. Now the girl suffers. So I have faith in destiny, but it doesn't mean we have to sit and stare, but to try to come out of the misery and solve the problem to some extent.
    Thank you for your FB,

  4. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear PS,

    You have chosen a real nice topic... Great....

    I am sorry to hear about the incidents in your family....

    Your question as to Can destiny be overpowered by intelligence....???... Destiny cannot be overpowered just by intelligence.... If it is mingled with bakthi and poorana Saranagadhi to GOD.... Yes... you can overcome destiny.... There is the classic example of Baktha Pragalatha....

    I have earlier told in one of the threads... about my Uncle... He used to go frequently to Sabarimala... and had gone to all the famous temples in India/srilanka/malasia and singapore and lead tour parties to all those places... He is very veyr good in palmistry also... He predicted his own death... He was going with my aunt and their family on a pilgrimage in a Van... He has handed over all the files and accounts with his collegues everybody stating that he is going on a tour and will not come back... He pleaded that he wanted to skip the tour... But he has not told anything to the family of my aunt or anybody about this... So he had to go on the tour, unwillingly... The Wan met with a major accident and he passed away on the spot... It shattered our whole family....

    Here... the question is destiny powerful.... Yes destiny is powerful.... But GOD for some reason allowed you to know the plans of destiny.... First, you should have belief in yourself.... Second you should have belief in GOD... For some reason unknown to all, my uncle has told the whole office but not the family... Had he told, might be we could have avoided the trip.... But again we dont know, what would be the revised scheme of things by destiny... We all can only keep debating....

    I saw a series of movie.... Final Destination - 1,2,3... It is a series... It clearly talks about nature and destiny.... But very creepy and goes deep inside....

    But I always feel that if we sincerely pray and fully surrender ourselves, then we can overcome destiny... But if we talk from our intelligence and agankara.... we cannot...

    This is my views.....
  5. srivatsa

    srivatsa New IL'ite

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    I don't beleive in destiny overpowered by intelligence, but belief in GOD will sure change destiny. Like in the case of my cousin and my own brother, according to their horoscope , it was destined that their journey of education can never be successful. But i am happy to say that, my brother has done in M.Tech and is working now and my cousin is in his final engineering. I give this 100% credit to both the mothers, who had complete faith in GOD and were successful in pleasing GOD to change the destiy of their SONS.
    Probably is it not a easy task to change the destiny, but faith can atlease reduce the effect to some extent , if not completely.

  6. srivatsa

    srivatsa New IL'ite

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    I don't beleive in destiny overpowered by intelligence, but belief in GOD will sure change destiny. Like in the case of my cousin and my own brother, according to their horoscope , it was destined that their journey of education can never be successful. But i am happy to say that, my brother has done in M.Tech and is working now and my cousin is in his final engineering. I give this 100% credit to both the mothers, who had complete faith in GOD and were successful in pleasing GOD to change the destiy of their SONS.
    Probably it is not a easy task to change the destiny, but faith can atlease reduce the effect to some extent , if not completely.

  7. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mrs. Pushpa,

    I too believe in destiny.
    I think that if something happens which seems like the destiny
    has been chnaged,that too will happen if is already been written to happen that way.

    Take the instance of Sathyavan-Savithri---i believe that all happened due to destiny.
    These are my My 2cents.

  8. Meeta

    Meeta Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Puspa Ma'am,
    I have seen several incidents where intelligence has no stand in front of destiny.....that does not meant, we should not work and do things logically, rather we should do our part the way we feel is logical in every sense but should not expect an outcome in our way........here, I would like to quote Gita Updesham" Karmnevadhikaraste...Ma phaleshu Kadachana............
    I would like to cite the recent most incident happened with our closely knit relative.......
    I am referring here about the incident happened to one of my maternal uncle's family (mom's cousin), he has three kids and the eldest one Anil (his pet name) was 26, just the same age as my younger brother....they were classmates and we were all a group during our school days....we all went to different places to pursue our studies...... after Senior secondary Exams Anil cleared NDA and entered into Navy.......finished his education and joined as Engineer in Naval Force of India.......posted at Visakhapatnam.
    Everybody were happy then as none of his family has gone this far in study point of view (all were engaged in Business and very rich, so none of the kids in their family never took interest in studies ever).
    Since last year, he came to USA to take training on the maintenance of a new battle ship that India was planning to buy from USA. He stayed here for almost one year, and just last December (2007), went to India after the training was over. During this training period, he even missed his sister's marriage ceremony.
    On 30th January 2007, his mom was telling my mom about his caring personality of his.......etc....etc...and they were even thinking of searching for a suitable alliance for him in 1-2 years....and everybody were happy.......
    On January 31 2007, they got the call from Naval Force, that he had expired due to Methane gas leakage in the ship............
    Everybody were shocked...........and he died on the same day on which his grand-mom died.......
    Now after uncle went there to receive his body, he got true news that.....his fellow officers (maintenace) were looking for the leakage and when he saw nobody coming out and some noise, he entered the room to die of suffocation due the poisonoue methane gas.
    Why I am saying it's all destiny........
    He was in electrical division......
    He has to come to his native in this month for his Grand-ma's Barsi, but could not get leave.....
    His duty was somehwere else and he was there by-chance........
    He had left to join his work just a month ago from USA...........wish he could have stayed here........
    This incident has made whole of the town sad........and about the family........they are simply devastated.....
    So, it's my belief that MAN PROPOSES.......BUT GOD DISPOSES......I heard this from my Father, since my childhood.
  9. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vysan, Srivatsa, Sriniketan and Meeta,
    Only today I went through your replies and thanks for sharing your views. Even true devotion and surrender to the God can change the effects of our karma to certain extent only, but it could not change the destiny completely.
    I had to undergo hybernation due to change of residence. The phone connection and BB were inordinately delayed and also daeth of my sister's daughter who was very close to me also was another reason. We have to accept the inevitable and to carry on.
  10. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Sorry to hear the news of your sister's daughter, Mrs.Pushpavalli.
    We are only puppets in His Hands.


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