Hi friends I saw this thread jus now, and had real nice time and i read all the replies, very interesting topic.........enjoyed nicely........ iam from very conservative and old-fashioned family, they elders (even my mom and dad) will never allow us to call husband by their name, my mom,patti and all wont even stand inffront of my dad,thatha...........but, everything is changing now, but still, they wont accept us calling by their name ATLEAST IN FRONT OF ELDERS (they used to call enna,enga vangona.......etc) i used to call my hubby in different names according to the mood.......almost i used call daddy,pa,ma,kanna,chellappa,kannapp, baby,poda evane....podi, my k............baby etc even in front of my sisters and son but not infront of elders but,never called him by his name but nee vaa poo only rarely i used to call neenga,vaanga..... latamurali
Hi, I have always called him with a pet name. I normally say "nee, vaa daa, po daa" even in front of elders of both families. I would never feel close to my husband if I have to call him with respect. Right from our first conversation, it has always been nee, vaa, poo and after we got engaged and became close, it included the "daa" as well. As it has been like that right from day one, there was nothing anybody could do to change it. People who hinted that it is not nice to call like that just had to be quite when I said that we were the ones that had to decide how to call each other and that others should not interfere in this. Infact, my parents and sisters get more annoyed when I call him like this. He calls me by my short name. During initial days of marriage, he used to call me by my full name and I felt so distant from him, because my family always used my short name. I guess he was feeling shy to call me like that in front of every one when we were newly married. But after coming to the US, we got used to the idea and now its my short name only infront of everyone. For a change, I once called him "Yennaa, inga varelaa" and he didn't even realise that I was referring to him.:-D . He looked so confused and then I yelled "Inga vaa daaaa" and he became normal.:tongue As long as the husband and wife and comfortable, no one else should interfere in all this. Just my thought. Cheers, Geetha Satish
this is a fact but i do't like this i used to call my husband by name even when his parents said me if i will call him by name this will effect his like(stupied thing) then i asked him what he want, he says its ok for him to call him by name.even in publick i call him by his name(but with respect) and in home we used words jaanu,dear,baabu etcit is nice. so i u want to call him by name make him agree for this. shelley
hello very interesting topic and it was fun going thru all the entries i realised i was not the only one who faced oppsiton in that field when i was married it was like a tabboo to call ur husband by name u should add 'garu while speaking to him or about him it was diffcult for me as i felt i was addressing some distant relative by doing so so i kept my way and called him by name he didn't mind ofcourse but sometimes he joked about me calling him by name but after few years now everyone has adjusted and is okay with it and in my inlaws side noone ever calls their husbands by name except me but now things have changed and others have started calling their husbands by name and they infact take my example in proving their point so hats off to the IL keep smiling and thumbsup sree
hi all interesting thread. i call my husband motu when he weighs 65-70kgs and he calls me moti and i weigh 48-50kgs. besides that when we r together we call each other with all possible funny romantic names.
How to call husband? Hi Ladies: I am posting this on behalf of my closest friend. Her husband does not want her to address him by his name. He wants her to address him as 3rd person or with a much respectful version. I hope ladies by now you all might have understood how he wants. It is the typical Indian wife calling her hubby. Anyway,my friend does not like that. Its a little silly but they are 10yrs married now. Its an 'arranged by Parents' marriage. Silly I say because they couln't resolve this in a decade now. They always had a fight regarding this matter and now its getting worse. He is a guy who will never strike a balance. I tried talking to him but he is outright adamant. They live in the US. Can anyone advice me which I can passover to her? Thanks Kwathi
Re: How to call husband? Hi Kwathi, We already had discussion on this... Please go thru this URL for more info.. http://www.indusladies.com/forums/me-and-my-spouse/6806-calling-husband-by-name.html Regards.
You can call your hubby whatever you want to... when you are alone.. But if their family(only parents, dont fall for all the SIL thing) is kinda orthodox and expect something, I guess you can try to do that. I call him all sorts, but usually name.. but in front of my or his parents, I try to talk without those attachments (ennaga etc..) if I need to call, I call out his name or in the worst case, walk right to him :hide:
Hello friends it was great going through this thread. When I got married use to call him by his name once my MIL told me you souldn'g call ur hubby by name I bluntly told her that your son doesn't like me calling him Aao or aji and all he wants me to call him by name if he wants me to call him by those name I will call him. and when he came home I started calling him aao come here he asked me r u gone out of your mind what r u calling me i told him ur mom want that, nothing doing so stated calling him by name, but I have many pet names too for him, better not to mention or my gang will start coming behind me for it now a days they all waiting to pull my legs better be careful about it.