Boss Wants Me Back…. A Secret I Didn’t Reveal Yet..

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by anika987, May 7, 2023.

  1. chanchitra

    chanchitra Platinum IL'ite

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    Peace of mind is more important.
    I would tell the boss the reason for quitting.
  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @anika987
    But then think why your boss wants you back. Had she not guessed why you had left so soon? If the troubling men are in her good books... ? Is it that without your work, her company cannot achieve better bottom-line.

    Peace of mind is paramount. You had left them. Politely decline your boss request and never divulge the reason behind your resigning. otherwise, in some form or other it could boomerang on you in the short run or in long term.

    I was still wet behind my ears. A novice in mundane matters.

    In the beginning of my career (1967-68), i happened to work in summer, in a tutorial that was preparing students for City & Guilds and AMIE. Just after a month, i expected the salary. It was first WORKING DAY of the month at noon.

    The admin officer said 50% salary would be given the next saturday and balance 50% would be given only after middle of the month. I got enraged.

    I & mom were depending on this salary.
    I told i will meet the head and demand full salary or i shall quit. He said I can’t meet him.
    I simply went upstairs and knocked the BROAD wooden partition and simultaneously Had sneak a peek. I heard giggle and shocked. The seen refused to leave my eyes and so i went to the class room and told students
    “i quit”. They all asked “Why Sir?”

    They pestered but i did not tell anything. But they could guess!
    I had at home the institute’s costly imported technical books worth few ₹ hundreds.

    The hefty tall stout admin Officer Mr DuraiRaj, came evening to my residence and in my absence he threatened mother that if i do not come and do lecture to students, i shall receive legal notice & will be saddled with cost of fighting the court case.

    I ignored the threat. Luckily my dad returned from his long tour and i did receive the legal notice. My dad’s legal friend replied and got my salary rs 400 & institutes library books returned to them through lawyer.

    But the real reason is not the dodging of paying salary by the institute but i saw what i should not have or ought not to have seen. My next street neighbour’s daughter -a spinster then- as steno was raising from the lap of the head who was sitting holding her in a squeaking revolving chair. This was the moment, when i was impelled to have sneak-a-peek of head’s chamber & the girls eyes met mine!

    It is incredible till this day, i never breathed about this (despicable) sight to any other soul. Few days later, the girl met me in the street corner in isolation - alone - with tears gathering in her eyes with her palms glued & said just “thanks”.
    I responded kindly,
    For What?”
    Last edited: May 8, 2023
    anika987 likes this.
  3. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    I think she said thanks coz you never called her out..shows your dignity sir.

    You responded with class.Kudos.

    I never understood why money,fame,name,Power is more important than morals,class and dignity.people think coz one can never find out and what’s the purpose.

    I think conscience is our Judge. It may not fetch us anything but atleast one can sleep in peace ie..if one abides to conscience.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello: A superb summing up for the thread. Delighted.
    Thanks & Regards.
    anika987 likes this.
  5. SGBV

    SGBV Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @anika987

    Your decision to quit is perfectly fine. Given the amount of stress and anxiety this situation has caused you, it is wise to get out of this place at least for your own sanity.

    But, problems like this will never end if you chose to run away from them. They will chase you no matter how far you go.
    If not this A or B, some X or Y or Z from some other place will appear and cause similar or more serious damage to your physical and mental health if you continue to run away from people/problems in your life.

    Abusers don't find their preys randomly. Rather, they test the waters and find their preys based on their vulnerability.
    That's why, some people are recurrently abused at home, at school, at work and in the society no matter how much they take precautions.

    Your body language, the way you react to certain hints and your background tells everything what you are capable of doing. These abusers know this well.

    This is how they test the water. A kind of rapid assessment on the newbie whether she can be their prey or not.

    If I were you, I would have asked him to shut up!
    I would have taken this matter to my supervisor right away, and made sure such talks can never happen in the office.
    This is wrong, and there is no question about this.
    This level of confidence make me look stronger in the eyes of others!

    But, what did you do?
    You did not shut him up. You did not show your anger and unacceptance. You did not reach out to your management or lodge any complain against him.
    Instead, you felt hurt, worried, upset, sad, showed fear and reluctance. You were confused whether it was a joke or not. You were confused whether this kind of acts are acceptable or not. You were confused about whats and ifs!
    All these emotions show how weak you are.

    So, probably the predators got the hint :)

    It is not, and this kind of words can never be a joke. period.
    Why are you confused about this?
    Has anyone in your family or community cracked such jokes in the past which makes you think this is also a joke? Come on!

    In psychology, we call this as victim mentality.
    The victims always wonder whether the abuse is right or wrong.
    In particular, women in domestic violence always romanticize the abusive behavior of their husbands, and say they were doing it out of love or disciplining. Hell no!

    They were not normal. Your repeated threads and posts in the past few months show things were not at all normal.
    They sex chatted, talked about other women, and complimented your looks and all after assessing your vulnerability only. These are all their attempts to crack you down.
    You knew it and that's why you were upset and anxious. You could not take these talks anymore and your gut feeling was constantly warning you on this. This is why you chose to resign!
    But, again... you tend to normalize everything as if this was yet another passing cloud.

    Had you revealed what you hided in the first post, we would have guided you towards the right course of actions that time itself. But, you tried your level best to normalize their act in public, while constantly battling within yourself.

    This is called self doubt. Self doubt arises from past trauma. I remember you had discussed a lot in the past about your traumatic past, bullying, low self esteem, insecurities etc.... and hence you need validation from outsiders as you lack confidence.

    The first step towards self confidence is accepting our weakness, identifying our problems and working towards them.

    No one is perfect here. Everyone is battling some or the other problem in life. How you face them make you strong or weak.

    Covering up our weakness to fake a normalcy doesn't help.

    I know my post was harsh, and you may not like it.
    But, this is what I would advice if you were my sister or daughter.
    I was you... exactly you a few decades back, and such a harsh advice made me who I am today.
    I want you to be stronger and prosper in life :)
  6. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    Firstly the guy who said that is my supervisor and since it’s a very small office no HR rules as such.Also I was strong enough to understand something went wrong and decide to be alert.I am not going to berate myself for not speaking up right away.It is not always an easy thing to do.Many so called Powerful women have also been victims to stuff like these and confusion is a normal part.I would not consider myself a victim now.
    At the same time I also understand you are trying to help and so the following..
    They r acting fine for past two months now as though nothing happened.360 turn!My only confusion is
    If they might start again in the future and even if I shut them up is it worth continuing there..

    Coz it’s a small office and am the only middle aged lady there.Others are way older and they r laughing it off..that’s the problem.Them being women..they are okay with these kind of talks..

    Although things ceased..maybe I can still work there but don’t know if that salary or those men who are acting very normal are worth to be around..

    Also can you elaborate more about these creeps or perverts in a work place? so that am alert in the future..

    Why I got doubt is there was this other two Indian girls before me and they were so bold but they used to hang out with these guys and even hug them a bit.They were outspoken and confident gals.

    Anyways Some things which were done were:

    1) Too many compliments..didn’t enjoy that.
    2) Usage of word Hot casually in an office with everyone and one guy always talks about women.
    3) one guy took selfies and pics casually without my consent after first couple of times asking.
    4) He Will sometimes sit close to me and it annoyed me ..some cringe feeling.
    5) Once when taking pic..he slowly and hesitantly touched me in my shoulder and arm which I hated.
    6) Both used to flirt and one guy blurted the above..

    Now it’s a 360 turn..

    Both don’t trouble me at all! They are acting or they feel guilty I don’t know.Very very normal office but unsure to stay even though I liked my work but I hate him even sitting in the same room quietly five feet away when he has a room all to himself I just thought.I think I can try in other places with more experience and more awareness.

    Right or wrong These are experiences which will groom me to be more aware in the future
    Last edited: May 9, 2023
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    #15 thumbs up!
    anika987 likes this.
  8. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    Didn’t understand the #15 thumbs up sir..
    Can u elaborate?
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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  10. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for asking. It refers to
    @SGBV 's reply in box #15 in this thread.
    anika987 likes this.

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