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Boiled Peanuts Are Healthy For Heart

Discussion in 'Healthy Living' started by csailaja, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. csailaja

    csailaja Senior IL'ite

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    Boiled Peanuts Study
    New study says boiled peanuts are the healthiest peanuts to eat

    Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007 - 01:02 PM

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    A new study finds the healthiest way to eat a peanut is to boil them. Researchers found, boiling peanuts increases their healthy chemicals...The substance helps fight cancer-causing cells, and heart disease.

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    UNDATED -- A new study finds the healthiest way to eat a peanut is to boil them.
    Researchers found, boiling peanuts increases their healthy chemicals...
    The substance helps fight cancer-causing cells, and heart disease.
    Researchers also say, be careful when boiling...
    Overcooking the nuts can cause water and heat to penetrate through the shell...releasing the beneficial chemicals.

  2. diwali

    diwali Senior IL'ite

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    Hi sailaja,

    thx for this information!!:clap

  3. prasannakiran

    prasannakiran New IL'ite

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    Hi sailaja.....

    I have a query reg. the peanuts.

    Are boiled peanuts recommended for who are diet consious???
    Because i heard that peanuts inceases the cholestrol in the body.

    Pls clarify as my hubby likes boiled peanuts a lot but i fear if he puts on more weight.
  4. csailaja

    csailaja Senior IL'ite

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    Hai Prasannakiran,

    I found an interesting article ,you may find some answers for your questions

    "Peanuts, almonds and more are good -- and good for you"
    By Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD
    WebMD Weight Loss Clinic - Expert Column

    The key to including the great taste of nuts in a healthy diet without
    overdoing the fat and calories is portion control.Several studies over the past several
    years have shown the health benefits of nuts -- which contain monounsaturated fat,
    vitamin E, folic acid, magnesium, copper, protein, and fiber, and are rich in antioxidant

    They are a powerhouse of good nutrition that can dramatically reduce the risk of heart disease.
    They've also been shown to play an important role in helping to lower "bad" cholesterol levels and raise "good" cholesterol levels. In addition, they can help dilate blood vessels and prevent hardening of the arteries
    To find a food that is delicious, nutritious and filling is a dieter's dream come true.
    Dieters who eat nuts tend to stick to their diets because the fat and fiber content of
    nuts makes them very filling. As a result, they are not as hungry and ultimately eat less.
    Several studies have found that eating small amounts of nuts helps dieters lose weight.

    One psychological benefit noted in a study done by Pennsylvania State researchers was that dieters did not feel like they were dieting when nuts were allowed in their eating plans -- which helped them stay on their diets longer.
    A small handful of nuts is about 1 ounce.
    A one-ounce serving of nuts contains between 160 and 200 calories,
    most of which come from the heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.

    Nuts are also very high in dietary fiber, and are one of the best plant sources of protein.
    Most nuts are consumed on their own, by the handful, which can be dangerous.
    This is the kind of food that often leads to "eating amnesia" --- hand to mouth
    without much thought -- and can easily lead to consuming lots of extra calories.

    Avoid mindless eating by pre-portioning your nuts in small bags for a great snack
    to take on the go or to the office. Choose nuts in the shell and you'll probably eat
    fewer since it takes time to crack them. Or take one handful and put the package away.

    Your goal is to eat nuts instead of other sources of fat like cakes, cookies, or chips.
    You won't feel deprived when you top your apple or celery slices with peanut butter!
    "Nuts are very high in dietary fiber, and are one of the best plant sources of protein"
    Peanuts helps to lower the risk of heart diseases.

    A handful of peanuts contains 160 calories. Two tablespoons of peanut butter
    have 190 calories and 16 grams of fat. Peanuts satisfy hunger longer than other foods.
  5. prasannakiran

    prasannakiran New IL'ite

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    WOW sailaja..

    That was a awesome info...

    Thanx alot for that.....

    Now i n my hubby can eat nuts without fear of putting on weight.........

    Thanx again for such a informative message.........

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