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Beauty Tips From An Accountant –Lesson 3

Discussion in 'Body Care' started by varalotti, Nov 27, 2005.

  1. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    For those joining us at this point. In the first lesson we discussed some concepts of beauty and in the second we saw how the manner of speech and the command over the language can enhance the beauty of women.

    Now on to the third lesson.

    Ramesh had gone to see his colleague Kumar at his house. Kumar’s wife Manjula answered the bell. Ramesh and Manjula had not seen each other earlier. But Kumar had told his wife about Ramesh.

    Manjula welcomed him warmly and ask him to sit in the drawing room. She also offered coffee and snacks.

    Ramesh was stunned by his colleague’s wife’s looks. She was tall, fair and what impressed him the most was the way she spoke. Soft, gentle and to the point. Ramesh was impressed. His own wife who had hailed from a nearby village was not that soft-spoken.

    Kumar was taking his bath and Ramesh had to wait for him. When Manjula came again to clear the coffee cups Ramesh, more in an effort to engage her in conversation, asked her about the painting that was hanging in the centre of the room. Manjula blushed and said with appropriate modesty that she did the painting. And she loved to paint in her pastime. Now Ramesh was even more impressed by this beautiful woman. Kumar should be damn lucky to have a talented artist and an extraordinarily beautiful woman to be his wife.

    Soon Kumar came into the room and Manjula withdrew to the kitchen. The colleagues discussed some office matter and before leaving the place Ramesh pointed out the painting in the room to Kumar and was about to say something. But before that Kumar responded,

    “Oh, that’s a wonderful painting. You’ll be surprised to know, Ramesh, that I got it for a mere thousand Rupees from an unknown painter in the recent art exhibition.”

    Ramesh was shell-shocked now. Manjula appeared almost ugly to him. He now saw his rough country-bred wife far more beautiful than the slimy Manjula who had showed herself off with a blatant lie.

    Even in the first lesson when we saw the importance of beauty in the words “Sathyam, Shivam, Sundharam” , the first thing is “sathyam”, that is the truth. Nothing is more beautiful than the truth. Not that we can insist that all ladies to be reincarnations of Harishchandras, but nothing aids beauty like truth. And nothing is uglier than falsehood revealed, as in the above example.

    I remember another incident. She was one of the most beautiful actresses in the Tamil Screen. It was seven years back. Cellular phone had just come to Tamilnadu. The rates were damn expensive. The handset cost about 30000 Rs. and the peak time per minute charges were about Rs.16. Incoming calls were also expensive. So to be able to have a cell phone and to talk – well that was a clear status symbol.

    This beautiful actress was walking along the aisle of the five star restaurant all the while animatedly talking in her mobile phone. Her beauty was enhanced by her graceful walk and her subdued voice. The fact she could afford to talk in a cell phone for that long made her look very rich. And the richness further added to her beauty. And then came the climax. Her cell phone rang. Which meant that she had all along been pretending to talk to an unconnected mobile phone. The spectators had a nice laugh. She looked very comic now and in a flash her beauty was gone.

    Is the lesson clear? Shakepeare is far better than a poor accountant to give lessons on beauty. If a lady pays heed to the words of the great poet she would be beautiful whatever may be her external appearances:

    “Speak less than thou knowest;

    Have more than thou showest.”

    Waiting for your response, ye beautiful ladies of this wonderful site!

  2. Sharada

    Sharada Senior IL'ite

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    learnt the lesson!

    I seem to be the eager beaver student! Truth is beauty - but women are forced to be diplomatic and tactful. Imagine the everyday scenes in an average household if the d-i-l retaliated to taunts and jibes.
    What Manjula and the filmstar did was wrong - they wanted to project a certain image. Manjula wanted to show that she was exceptionally talented and the actress wanted to showoff her wealth. When stripped of their facades the naked truth was laid bare, and they became objects of ridicule.
    Every woman is different - so be true to yourself; you are neither superior or inferior to anyone else. Each has a place in the firmament and larger scheme of things - so there is no need to pretend to be someone/something that you are not.
  3. meenaprakash

    meenaprakash Silver IL'ite

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    let's look at the innate worth....

    Hello Sridhar,

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    We women are born diplomats. We are most of the time trying to avoid confusion at home, avoid misunderstandings, etc. by pretence or lies, basically for the betterment of the family, friends, etc.

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    But on the other extent, we do have women who go to the extreme of telling so many lies that one lies leads to a thousand and there’s no end to it.

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    I remember a lady who always wanted to pose like she‘s the best. She had 4 children – 2 boys and 2 girls. She has trained the children to lie for even silly things that even after they grew up they couldn’t have a normal conversation without few added-on lies.

    I still remember my uncle who used to tell the children that they all should sit and decide what to answer and then come out of the house – cause, even for a simple question like where did u buy this furniture? or where is ur Mom?? Where did u go for dinner? When did u buy this vehicle??, etc., there’ll be different answers. But its fun to have such people around, its good entertainment at no cost.

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    Manjula looked a perfect woman but her value went crashing down by one silly LIE.

    The actress who otherwise would have been an idol for many became a laughing stock in front of people for her one silly ACT.

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    Personally, I don’t like people who pretend and put up show. I believe in innate worth, whatever little it might be. THE TRUE ME, THE TRUE US.....

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  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks Sharada and Meena!

    Sharada, as usual you were the first student to raise your hand! And when allowed to talk, you taught something to the teacher himself! Yes if only we realise that each one of us have a place in the larger scheme of things we would never imitate another, never pretend what we are not. I doled out the lesson, you gave the reasoning, the basic and the ultimate reasoning behind the lesson.
    Meena, your post is quite interesting. By introducing the word "diplomat" you have already made it clear that absolute truth is not practical. Yes being diplomatic is quite all right. At times it enhances the beauty. For instance when my friend's mother went to see a girl for him (long back, aeons back) and the girl was not good-looking and not at all suitable for my handsome friend, his mother spread across the message that there was some serious problem with the horoscopes and that she had sent to some upcountry astrologer for a second opinion. After a day or two she called them up and said that the Astrologer is against the match. This involved lie is necessary so that the girl's feelings are not hurt.
    But showing off - that is showing that one has more than what she actually has - mars beauty completely.
    Good responses. Now let's wait for the others to join us.
  5. suja6

    suja6 New IL'ite

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    hello sridhar,

    i read all your three posts and felt great to hear these three lessons from a male. usually but not all, ladies believe in inner beauty than gents. to judge my sentence...i'll ask you a question...have you seen any tall handsome smart guy marrying a short fatty girl? but we see many fair beautiful ladies marrying a person who is not handsome or smart and with a bald head. this is true because men wants beauty first then only character.

    in your lesson 3 also ramesh got impressed with manjula's looks and soon compared with his wife and came to a conclusion that he is not as much lucky as kumar right? he couldnt even recognize his wife untill he found manjula's character, then how can we say manjula is only wrong.i dont say all women are right or wrong or pretend or whtever it may be, but i beleive women try to pretend because in this world no one recognizes them simply by character or inner beauty and importance comes first for beauty then talent and then for character this is how the present society is....

    your lessons are good and i hope society changes its view and craze for external beauty to internal in near future

  6. Pree

    Pree New IL'ite

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    Women as diplomats - lessons learnt form all the posts will help everyone around if used well.

    Tactical truth is the best IMHO, as long as no one is hurt in the process, and this does not give rise to any other string of falsehoods.

    Women are still batlling many wars, sometimes slowed by their own conciet and most often by society that is yet to keep up with their progress.

    It takes exceptional courage and a secure male to accept the new woman without automatically labling them as feminist - is there a guy there?

    I am refering to the previous observation - as the friend who woke up to his wife only when confronted with the blatant lie of his friends wife.
  7. BhargaviChakravarthy

    BhargaviChakravarthy Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear varalotti sir,
    A good message conveyed through the stories.I wonder manjula was already beautiful,then what is the need to say a lie.Basically if a person is contented with his life he/she will never have the need to lie.On the bottom line manjula does not feel fulfilled.I would like to recall a line which i had read in a tamil magazine.When the wife of Dr.kalaignar karunanidhi was asked to say about over confidence she replied"When the depth and reality of life is known,over confidence becomes meaningless".(Seems unconnected to the subject???).I say this because a person rely on external beauty because he/she wants more in life and fail to recognize the inner beauty of life,the result he is not satisfied with what he has and search for unrealistic things.Like manjula,their beauty gets wasted.
    Regarding the actress and the cell phone,at that time i heard this news from my aunt.If she would have behaved well,her talent and beauty would be more appreciated.I again wonder what is the need for her to project???(The story goes againbonk)

    A powerful lesson.......A powerful thanks :thankyou2:

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008

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