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Be Afraid Of Birth-the Cause Of Death

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by HariLakhera, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Be Afraid of Birth-the cause of Death.

    Pains of failures, loses, illness, betrayals and aging are part of life, as a result of birth. We are not afraid of any of these pains because we know they will pass because of their temporary nature. The other side of duality, again borne out of birth, is the pleasures of success, gains, good health, trust and youth. We know these pleasures are also temporary but want to make of it as best as we can. It is because of this duality that we love life and are not afraid of it. On the contrary we create more of it by the process of procreation.

    We are afraid of death knowing fully well that it is inevitable, more certain than the pains and pleasures of living. We are inching towards death from the day we were born but are not prepared to accept the truth. Immortality was not granted to us by the creator.

    Birth is not in our control. We cannot be the reason of our own birth and that is for sure. Death is not in our control and this too is for sure.

    Death is a liberator. We do not know what happens after death but we do know that there will be no life after death and hence no pains, no pleasures. Still we are afraid of it and do not want it, not yet.

    Birth on the contrary is the cause of all pains. Jyan Yoga (Knowledge) Niskam Karma Yoga (action without attachment to fruits), and Bhakti Yoga (surrendering to the Almighty) were advocated to obtain freedom from the cycles of birth and death. In kali Yuga, Bhakti Yoga is the only way to Nirvana (freedom from rebirth). Ironically it was also indicated that only one in trillions will be in a position to achieve this. This proved to be the disclaimer, written in bold letters and thus became a de-motivator.

    Therefore , be afraid of birth because it is cause of all pains and ultimate death.
    sindmani, Thyagarajan and messedup like this.

  2. ragz2richez

    ragz2richez Bronze IL'ite

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    Not sure I get this. What purpose will being afraid of birth achieve?
    (Being afraid of wrongdoing yes, I understand, but what purpose will fear of 'birth' after you are anyway born, achieve? Do you mean fear of being born-again after death? (Which you stated - we don't know what happens after death anyway?) So not sure.

    The writeup felt a bit confusing, so you may want to clarify.
    satchitananda likes this.
  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    I'd just say think 100 times before you sentence a soul to life on this earth. That is all one can do. As you say, one cannot control one's own birth. How our karmas affect our future births is also not sure. So at best we can do our best not to upset Ms. Karma. There is no life after death? What about rebirth? This is being talked about a lot these days and being supported by NDEs etc. Fact is 'we don't know'. Besides, fear and life are incompatible. If you choose to 'live' life in fear, it is existence. Fear of mistakes can be paralyzing. So fear, no. But yes, certainly if one feels birth and life are scary, one does not have the right to bring other beings into this world.
    sindmani and goldenhoney87 like this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:after reading the post and views of others I wish to point out few mighty things.
    2. Adhisankara had mentioned that soul and body appears as one entity and when body wears out and or soul tired and sick of the body needs to find another body and enters with all consciousness intact into another foetus of any rational being ( female) among the species and the moment it is delivered with grown new dress or body it loses the consciousness.
    3. It starts again stay as a catalyst for some period pre destined and leaves for another cycle..
    4. We Change our attire as per needs and comforts and or the fashion in vogue. But our soul remains immortal.
    5. As feet of Lord filled tight with noble souls already - and there is no vacancy for other noble souls to enter at His feet, they only born as saints.
    6.whether one cries or rejoices at the death or birth depending on the community they are born with, the soul's journey is inevitable.
    7. My soul might have travelled already trillion times in different bodies and left too as many times but the Lords home is houseful and so .....
    GOD is perhaps tired of us but we remain indefatigable!!!!!!??????
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2018
    sindmani likes this.
  5. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    No one really knows what happens after death but there is a theory of salvation in this life only to get freedom from rebirth. The cause of death is birth and if there was no birth, there would be no death. This is for those who believe that it is the body that dies and not the soul as the soul never dies.
    Then it is also true that our pains and pleasures are related to our body. Once the body is not there, there is neither pain nor pleasure.
    But that again is not all. We can die many deaths before we die, death of our conscience for the sins committed or tolerated by us.
    Well, it is confusing.
  6. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    The very fact that 'we don't know' is the cause of all misgivings. Taking birth as a human is greatest gift, as they say because only humans can strive for salvation and freedom from birth and rebirth.
    Life by itself is not scary, the end of it, is. Pains and pleasures are part of life but the pains scare. The answer would be not to have life itself but since that s not in our control, it is only fair that we believe on theory of salvation.
    satchitananda likes this.
  7. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks. Yes I am aware of this. Sometimes I wonder, if the soul enters in another body immediately after death, how come that the world population is increasing? If I accept that the souls enters each of those 84 lacs Yonies depending on the karma, before entering another human body, still human population should not increase. Again agreeing that some humans obtain salvation and are nto born human population should not increase.
    God help me.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    The only plausible explanation may be that some creatures( sub human ) like worms, ants etc .plants also may be born as human beings.We find some species of animals have totally vanished from earth. Some of us might have been those animals in our previous births.I think the problem should not be looked at from the point of head count as in our parliament.
    Out of total number of souls ,say N,that have left their bodies, only a few active souls ,say 'n' enter into immediate action of entering into body. So this'n' will more or less remain constant.Please note that n is always a small figure and can never become equal to N.
    The souls other than n , as and when time ripes, join one by one along with 'n' and the population will definitely increase.

    Other way of looking at this is the soul, if it so desires, can have any number of bodies simultaneously.Some of the religions talk about this possibility.So the same soul dwelling in different bodies is another possibility.So number of new bodies will be greater than the dead ones.

    Those who don't believe in reincarnation or rebirth don't agree about the existence of something like soul and they explain everything through quantum mechanics.
    Chandokya Upanishad gives details of how the soul travels among air ,converted into clouds,falls on the earth as rain drops, connected to earth, get attached to grains or fruits, eaten either by human beings or animals according to karma and are born as human, animal or any other creature.How our deeds get attached to the souls in the form of imprints is a difficult theory to explain.
    So it is better not to get worried about death/birth, one remaining cause for the other and just follow'true love' principle without intending harm to others. Other things, nature will take care.

    jayasala 42
    sindmani, HariLakhera and Thyagarajan like this.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:kudos to madam sister for THIS fantastic Plausible lucid rational explanation .
    HariLakhera likes this.
  10. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello: souls that can not find qualified bodies in the making or not permitted by Nature/Omnipotent shall be ordained to
    Turn into ghosts or Phantoms or vampires or other similar invisible beings.
    2. Rest of the portion of your response - I endorse views of madam sister @jayasala42 .
    HariLakhera likes this.

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