Between October 2012 and April 9th 2013 I have visited Bangalore and Hyderabad twice. I went to Bangalore with my daughter to my newly married grandson's house to start the Navarathri puja. We were there for eight days and returned home to celebrate Saraswathi puja at home. In the month of December I went to Hyderabad to see my sister in law who had undergone hip and thigh bone surgery after a fall. She had completed 88 years and we were all very much worried thinking whether she could withstand the surgery. By God's Grace the surgery went off well and she could walk with the help of a stick. In February I went to Bangalore again to give moral support to my niece whose husband was hospitalised and then stayed at "Nightingale's Eldercare Home," where I met Satchi and her mother. My niece's husband stayed there for two months and he is much better now though he can't move on his own. He had too many complications and my niece is glad at least he is back home now and she could take care of him with a helper. I went to Hyderbad on 6th of this month to attend the Sathabhishekam of my b-i-l (sister's husband) and returned on 9th. We had a jolly good time as my nieces and daughter also accompanied us in that trip. The latest trip was really an adventurous, hectic, religious, and site seeing tour. We have almost completed the 108 Sri Vaishnava Divya desams except Naimisaranyam and Mukthinath. We planned to visit them in 2010, but we couldn't because our Dr niece and her Dr husband who were to accompany us couldn't make it. We completely forsaken the idea as it is difficult to go to these places without escort at our age. I met my Dr niece who also came to Bangalore to see her sister and b-i-l when he was at the Eldercare Home and she told me that she wanted to go for the tour this year and asked me to find out the details from "Sree Travels." We didn't want to miss this opportunity and everything moved fast. We went in person to "Sree Travels" and confirmed that we would like to go on this tour on 15th April which was in their schedule. Though it was 15 days programme we decided to cut short visit to Gaya, Varanasi and other places and decided to return by flight from Kathmandu. So seven members of our family departed on 15th April and returned on 25th night. Since October I have not pestered you with my boring write ups frequently. Now I have come back to bore you, but relax and be ready to read my travelogue. See you soon.
Nice read Ma... Glad to see everything went off well during your 6 month travels. In between had an IL meet too with Satchi and her Mom...very happy to note this too. Waiting for your interesting travelogue alongwith pictures, right! Sriniketan
Dear Sriniketan, Thank you for your stimulating fb. After a 11 days hectic tour energy has drained and also too much work. My DH is also not well and so I am unable to concentrate and key in the travelogue. Hope to start in two three days. Love, PS.
Thank you for saying that you find my blog interesting. Wish to see your comments frequently. I wish that you become a registered member of IL. PS