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Baby Slapping Us Always

Discussion in 'Toddlers' started by kshema, May 4, 2016.

  1. kshema

    kshema Bronze IL'ite

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    My baby boy is two years now, and he is slapping us on head if somebody ask him something and sometimes he slap others also if they talk in high tone. Simply he slap us seeing their face. He always do this. And he get anger very soon if we tell him not to do such things and he hit his head to wall. We tried to tell him very politely, it didn't worked. Still he didn't start talking, only he speak few words. I am feeling very bad he is doing like this. People telling me to control him why he is like this and it hurts a lot to me . they don't even think he is very small to make him understand. Please help me what to do.how to stop him from slapping.

  2. swaran

    swaran IL Hall of Fame

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    I would suggest while your LO tries to hit you,just catch his hands softly and look into his eyes and politely explain what he is doing is wrong

    Beating him back(incase you are doing) will not help

    It takes time and dont hear what your surroundings say and get pressurised.
    Kids take their own time and we need to be patient
    Is he playing with someone who keeps hitting others?

    Hope these links are useful for you
    Toddler Hitting: 5 Strategies to Handle It - PhD in Parenting - PhD in Parenting
    How can I stop my toddler from hitting us? | Mom Answers
    shobhamma and imhappy like this.
  3. kshema

    kshema Bronze IL'ite

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    Thanks a lot Swaran. I will go thru the link. No our Neighbour kids are good, they don't hit anyone. He hit them while playing(i always try to control him)they are 3 yrs and 6 yrs old. Thank God they don't hit him back.
    swaran likes this.
  4. Chocolatey

    Chocolatey Gold IL'ite

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    Hi kshema,
    My daughter is also around the same age as your son. She also did the same things as you mentioned.. Hitting us, hitting her head on the wall.. When she hit her head on the wall we wouldn't react at all. She would hit harder again to gain our attention and also try crying. We just tell her that it will hurt if she hits her head. After few days, she stopped doing that as it would be painful for her and also as we showed no interest. You can even try this. But make sure that he doesn't hurt seriously. And on one fine day only I found out that she was hitting us by learning from a cartoon she watches on TV. So I stopped showing her that cartoon for few days. And she stopped hitting us as she forgot that. But even now she will try to hit me if she watches that particular cartoon. So I fast forward the hitting part alone. You too try checking if he is influenced by TV or something like that.
    guesshoo likes this.
  5. kshema

    kshema Bronze IL'ite

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    @Chocolatey - As per my observation if someone talking in high pitch he don't like , that is the thing I observed. He also do the same thing hit himself very slowly and holding head looking us.:grinning:
  6. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi OP
    My cases is very close to @Chocolatey and you. My LO is about 2 and from very early on, I think at age of 1, she learnt to hit herself and us. When we put her in daycare at 1, it kind of started from there.

    I think she was also acting like this at daycare too but more in front of us to hurt us. I have many posts about this issues and I was so stressed all the time. Her hitting increased over time. Infact I tried all ways to stop her doing that but she did not. Best advice was to completely ignore her. But I could not. First I used to cry, then I raised my voice to say no, then I started slapping her back ( mildly) to tell her its big NO. Also when she hits me and DH scolds her loudly, she gets scared to do it again.

    Month ago, we went to India to meet grandparents. Her hitting increased so much that parents were scared to come near her but she won't stop. We tried all ways. There I kind of got inert. Best I told my parents, look other way, not to look/respond her slapping herself. When she was hitting my mom/MIL/sis , I scolded/slapped her strongly. Even sight of my mom, or mom coming near she would raise her hand next her head and look, I am hitting myself. For every small demand, this became her way.

    she does that a lot when she is tired, in stress, fussy, hungry wants milk.

    I am not recommending scolding back/slapping etc. But in my case, it does work, on my stubborn girl. I noticed she never hits her dad, my father or FIL but me, my sis, my mom or MIL. I had to scare her to stop her from doing that.
    Many times, she feels angry or irritated, she comes to hit me, raises her hand, and then changes her expression suddenly dramatically as she knows its not permitted.

    Now, back to US ( just 2 weeks) I see it less. But my nanny complains a lot. She does that to nanny. When tired/sleepy/wants milk, she will start hitting herself. Even though I have told nanny to respond aggressively, do not let her over rule u but she does not.
    I read many kids do that and change with time. Now best u can do is ignore, just ignore when he is hitting himself. And when hitting others, tell no with strong voice. At 3, he can still be controlled. He would need to understand what is acceptable and what not.
  7. kshema

    kshema Bronze IL'ite

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    @sanjuruby3 - thanks for ur reply. I am trying very hard to stop hitting others. Still he is not talking, he don't understand what am telling sometime. Somehow I can handle him, but frustrated with peoples comment around me
  8. swaran

    swaran IL Hall of Fame

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    @kshema::people around no nothing but to just comment..even if your son was fine,they would find fault with something and raise it...so leave the people around and concentrate only on your LO's issue..

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