Baby Has Heart Problems, What To Do:-(

Discussion in 'Pregnancy & Labor' started by sanjuruby3, May 17, 2024.

  1. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    My Brother is having baby after long time and now we were all so happy . suddenly at 5th month found out that baby has heart problems (hole in heart) and small atrium and few other issues. His brain and body development is healthy. Doctor suggesting surgeries after birth ( at 2 and chances of survival are less).

    There are more appointments and doctors are also talking about terminating pregnancy if chances are 70%

    We are all so disturbed at this point. Does anyone have any experiences with doctors or such conditions
    They have met 3 doctors and XRays are accurate.

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    They need to see a maternal fetal medicine specialist and go to a children’s hospital and see a pediatric cardiologist. Are they in the US?
  3. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    they are in india and so far they have seen multiple docs and top doctors . Results are same and baby has multiple heart problems. Not just hole but also place where gap should be there, it is contracted. ( Tetralogy of fallot) Sorry I do not even know or remember the terms.
    Doctor said baby will have to have multiple surgeries and under watch. Can not do sports, and heavy things. They also mentioned life expectancy.
    Mother is going to start 6th month soon and we all are heart broken. Gyne was talking about aborting. Some relatives as well.
  4. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Relatives need to shut up. Sorry not sorry for being blunt. This is a matter between the parents and their doctor. If people can’t be supportive then they can zip it. Tell your brother not to discuss too much with others.
    Fetal and neonatal medicine have made great strides. They should listen to their doctors and follow their advice.
  5. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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  6. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    Relatives are actually quiet and speak only when/what needed to.

    My brother/wife are so confused, they are asking everyone what to do. Mostly no one saying or suggesting anything.
    They are so confused.

    I am here to ask if anyone has such /similar case known, if miracles happened post birth.
  7. Jollylife

    Jollylife Bronze IL'ite

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    hi ...
    i think its more than 15 days since the post. but logged in after very very long time to post

    Best is to discuss/talk to doctor and listen to what they say.
    They are the only people who really knows/understands such issues. And they are the ones who have seen so many various cases/conditions.

    the test/scan during pregnancy is to have safe and health baby. It is recommend to listen to their advice and follow them.

    Sharing my experience from a mothers point :
    My child was born normal with no issue reported during pregnancy/post birth check ups.
    But on 5th week , when we had gone for regular check up, the paediatrician said the child seems to have heart murmur and due to which the child is crying heavily and need to meet pediatric cardiologist and need to do echo/and other tests. She bluntly said next 24 hours if baby cries very hard/or any colour change to blue/black near eye brow/nails or skin need to rush to emergency. The next one week was meeting doctor after doctor.
    Luckily the test came out normal.
    But to think of doing such tests on new born itself is very very painful. and every time baby cried until 1 year or 2 year I used be really worried and kept praying nothing worse should happen. it was really nightmare.

    Please listen to doctors advice they are best people to guide.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    just came to update and saw this post
    incase it helps others.
    Baby left us with in 3 days :-( just few days ago. I am so sad right now.

    Parents decided to keep the baby because girls parents interfered and kind of coerced and convinced them into some miracles and prayers/workships. I am from boys (my brother) side and our family did not say anything other than we are with you in all decisions. After that they did numerous rituals. Each visit/scans same results and doctor asked you should have. By that time, it was late ( 6th month) and they had anyways made up their mind.

    She has health issues near delivery but finally Baby came with much more problems. No food pipe. 3 days, he did not and could not consume any milk anything. No body cd see the baby.
    Doctors said he is so fragile to operate and could die on surgery table. Moreover chances to live are still very slim.

    Everyone is heart broken right now. I am posting here, to help others if someone has such case, please take example.
    Miracles happen but chances are rare.
    If science tells something 100 times, then it must be true. They had seen 20 doctors before and all had said same thing. Pain of seeing baby going away is just too much than while in belly.
    My brother is not able to come out this trauma right now. Only time we could see the baby was in body bag.
  9. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear OP,
    So sorry about the loss. I know it is hard. Much more harder on the child's parents, especially the mom who carried the child this far. So, whatever the outcome, stand with them during this hard time rather than judging their choice.
    Faith is something. Science is something else.
    My brother was born with weak legs, and he could not walk even after turning two. Despite of seeing so many doctors, not just in Sri Lanka but also in abroad, his condition remained unchanged and made my parents feel hopeless about his future.
    But, miraculously he started walking one day, and his condition improved drastically. My parents call this as power of prayer or power of God and they are still thankful for this. My brother calls it a medical miracle, as in most cases the doctors give 5-10% chances of improvement. He believes his case was one of them, and today he is a very strong man.
    No one can predict anything. Not even science.
    So, I wouldn't blame the girl's family for staying hopeful despite the negativity. But poor them. They lost the kid.

    I experienced almost everything you have explained above with my second born child - DD.
    It was a nightmare at that time, and I remember taking the 10 day old child to a paediatric special hospital to do echogram some 100km away, that too following a tough C-section. All I remember today was the Good news from the Dr, who calmly explained why they heard the murmur at the first place, and why the test came out normal now. Whatsoever, I felt relived and started enjoying the childbirth only after that moment.

    I hope the new parents (OP's brother and wife) will be blessed with a healthy baby very soon.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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