Art of Living here!!

Discussion in 'Religious places & Spiritual people' started by raginiprakash, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Q & A with Guruji

    Q: Is it possible to see a thought before it comes?
    Guruji: How is it possible? A bubble comes up from the water, or a ripple comes in the water. Is it possible to see the bubble before it comes? U throw a stone into the water as soon as you throw the stone doesn’t a ripple come? Is it possible to get the ripple before you throw the stone?

    Q: If we have to die one day, then why to live? I mean, what is the purpose of life?
    Guruji: Why you need to eat food anyway the stomach gets hungry? You eat food, and after four hours, you become hungry again. You have to get hungry again and again, then better to stay hungry. Why you keep eating? Our body gets dirty, why needs cleaning it again and again? Let it gets dirty always!
    This logic doesn’t work, you know? You eat and after a while you eat again Like that, in this world, we needed some directions and time. Just be with it

    Q: I have no time for YOGA and MEDITATION. What can I do?
    Guruji: Yoga and Meditation give you time. No time for these, means You have to go to a hospital, or a doctor!

    Q: How does one attain optimum physical health?
    Guruji: Don’t worry about health a lot.

    Q: Could you speak on non-stopped joy? /Great joy?
    Guruji: You know, the cause and effect is again an illusion, on one level. Some of you have this problem;”OK…I read all these books, I know all these knowledge. But in practical life, its not applicable. So what is the use?” How many of you have this sort of question? Think.!!!!!
    My dears you should know. There are two types of Science. One is the pure science, another is the applied science. You learn about Thermodynamics. aerodynamics, but all that you learned in physics, are not applicable in every day’s life. Is it? But the knowledge of it helps you in some point of time!!
    You can just learn, being a mechanic, how to repair a car.You take a diploma course; sit with a mechanic, he will tell you how to fix a car. But that is not enough to be an Engineer. An engineer should know the whole mechanics, the whole dynamics of how the car functions. Right?
    Thus, all the theory you read, may not come to you in day to day use. But never discard them. Sometime in your life, they will come to your use. Your help. It should just be there. At some point of life, in time, that will come to help you!! If you see only practical applications of knowledge, then nobody will study physics, chemistry the PURE science. Without pure science, there is no depth. There is no deep understanding of mechanics. There is no further innovation. How can you do innovations when you don’t have depth of the knowledge about it? Right? Similarly, all these studying, knowledge hearing though you may not feel applicable in life now, some point of time when there is a dire need, THESE WILL COME UP. And they do help your life. There are two types of help. One comes direct and other comes indirect. Like that, there is one kind of JOY which is direct, eminent…other kind of JOY which is indirect, which we do not obviously see the connection, like brushing your teeth everyday doesn’t give you any great joy directly, but it prevents you from toothache. It helps you in not having toothache. So in this manner it leads you in happiness, joy in direct manner. Seen with disciplines some time the disciplines like YOGA, MEDITATIONS etc may not give you an immediate pleasure or joy or happiness, but in indirect way, IT GIVES YOU HEALTH.

    Jai Gurudev !
  2. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Hello Veen,

    Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing pattern which has to be taught only by the teacher/guru. Proper initiation of it, by the teacher is a MUST ! Cannot explain the process to any body else as then the real and complete understanding and value of the knowledge will not be there.

    The Art of Living courses are not just about Sudarshan Kriya -- there is so much more to experience and enjoy ; simple points and processess which open up our eyes and our selves to a totally deep yet subtle peace.

    Don't worry ; you will certainly be able to do the course in the near future. If you are willing it so much, then surely it will happen.

    Good luck .
  3. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Q & A with Guruji

    Someone stood up from the crowd to ask Guruji a question.
    Guruji to that person: Use the mike, so that everyone can hear the question. Is it not working? No.. no you have to switch it on. Switch it on first

    Guruji : See in our life also God has given us all the equipments, instruments, tools in our hand, and we do not know to use it!! All you have to do is just switch it on! Even that you are not able to do!! All available at your service, just switch it on!!!

    Question: Guruji some people talk so well in front of us but they just talk opposite behind us. They get cynical and talk completely different. How to deal with such people?
    Guruji: If they are good to you even at your back, then you may tend to get entangle. They are actually doing good to us. They are saving us from entanglement. Do you see what I am saying? Such people without conscious effort are actually saving us from entanglement. You should actually thank them. (Turning to the person) Do you have any trouble now? All the troubles are gone right? (Laughter!!)

    Questions: Guruji, How do we have good dreams? Has bad dreams got anything to do with Karma?
    Guruji: Through out the day whatever we do, they make an impression in our minds. This impression sometimes manifest as dreams.This may have something to do with Karma. Now let us see it in this way. When you go to see a movie, there is a box which is holding the reel, the entire film, right? But can you see the film them? No. you cannot. So you need a projector. But still can you see the film? No. Still you cannot see the film unless you have a screen! So the seed is the box, which contained the film. And what you see is what it appears on the screen only.

    Question: Guruji, what is the meaning of Madhukari?
    Guruji: You know during the time of Buddha, the disciples used to go out and beg. Then house hold used to eagerly wait of those Bhikshus(Disciples) to come to their house, so that they can give some food to them. From the deepest core of your heart when you offer someone food, that becomes food. Madhu means honey, if you look at a honey bee, if you see it doesn’t sit on one flower and collects the honey. It sits on many flowers and collects honey. So the word comes from that concept. In the ancient times there were Gurukuls. There used to be 100 students. These 100 students used to go to 1000 houses and ask for food. They used to collect the food and bring it to the teacher. The teacher used to give them rice, etc. That used to taste like honey! Means very tasty!!
    Those days, we had Nalanda University where 1000’s of students used to study at a time. That was the biggest university. The farmers used to give 10% -20% of their crops to the students. Like that vegetable etc.. everything was sourced out of the neighboring villages! Those days they did not have mike
    anything. I wonder how they used to conduct sessions!?!? ?! They used to scream, or what!??!?!

    Question: Guruji what is Shanti(peace) ?
    Guruji: We must make you sit in a closed small room and play loudspeaker 24 hrs. And not some good music, some heavy music. Then after 24 hrs, when we switch it off you will come to know what is Shanti. (Laughter!!)

    Question: Guruji how important is it to have a desire? Can a desire turn harmful for us? How to perform in our day-to-day life without having a desire in our minds?
    Guruji: When a desire becomes intense it can turn into craving. And craving is only a distortion that takes you away from your self. Become aware , very important!!!

    Question: Guruji, lots of people have cheated me!! I kept trusting one or the other and they kept looting me. Some turned me financially bankrupt,some turned me emotionally ruined! One day I aspire to be on a seat like yours. Where every one will look in sheer admiration of my success. Can it be possible?
    Guruji: Sure, it has already started! That you spoke about it, the seeds are already sown. Do meditation. Do Pranayama, do seva and you will find the changes soon.

    Question: Guruji, the number of temples and mosques and churches are increasing everyday. We did not have so many 20 years back. With that number of Gurus, Spiritual reformers have also increased. Still there is so much of corruption! Adharma! Can you explain why?
    Guruji: There were not many hospitals some 20 years back because there were not many diseased. But can you say the disease came because of the hospitals?!! No. You cannot. The no of sick people have increased, the number of hospitals have increased likewise. You know some 50 - 60 yearsback there used to be only one doctor in a huge area!! Because they had to literally wait the whole day for one patient! Our food habits have changed. Our lifestyles have undergone drastic change. Global warming is happening. You know the ‘Green Peace’ team has made a lovely film on conservation of the nature. Will all watch that after Satsang. People are cutting trees from everywhere to create houses. They are consuming antibiotics for petty health problems. We need to go back to the nature. Use natural remedies. You know farmers are committing suicide. This is because of the pesticides they have used and the chemicals they have used to get more yield in the past. They are paying for it now!!

    Guruji: You know some time back a reporter or may be a journalist came to me and as usual, you now in their style of asking, asked me “Guruji why is
    breath so important?” I was so surprised! I said, It is important because,if it is not there you will die. (Laughter!!! ) Just see how the pattern in
    the mind can make you a fool. These people are so used to asking the question in that stereotype manner, that some times they do not know what they are asking!!!! (Laughter!!! )

    - His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar
  4. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    An old Farmer lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson.Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Bhagavat Geeta. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

    One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Bhagavat Geeta just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Bhagavat Geeta do?"
    The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water."
    The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house.
    The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.
    This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.

    The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough," and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.
    At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house.
    The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, "See Grandpa, it's useless!"
    "So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket."

    The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.

    "Son, that's what happens when you read the Bhagavat Geeta. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Krishna in our lives."

    "Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you."

    Jai Gurudev !
  5. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Question : Guruji, after having done so much of sadhana also I get negative thoughts. This leads me to very awkward feelings. What do I do?
    Guruji: You know, don’t bother too much about the thoughts. I tell you it comes and goes. But if you see that you are still not able to handle them then… then you should run!! Just run for some few kilometers! And then you will feel so much out of breath that no thoughts can come to you.(Laughter!!) Or can you swim? Do you know to swim? Ok so swim… Swim for a few hrs and then you will see not a single thought is coming to you! Just do as I tell you. 5 kms of run. But do it in the daytime. At night if you run then police will follow you. (Laughter!!)

    Question : Guruji I have seen you 13 years back once. And after a long gap I am seeing you now. Guruji am so shocked to see that age has not touched you. How have you kept yourself so young!??! Guruji, my next question is I am very restless. How do I handle this restlessness?
    Guruji: Have you done the Sudarshan Kriya? No? You should do the Sudarshan kriya!

    Same devotee who asked the above question: Guruji what else?
    Guruji : What else? (Laughter!!) You are asking what else? (Laughter!!) Ok pranayama, Meditations. Are you in TTC? No? Then you should do the Teachers Training Course. It makes you so firm! Then nothing shakes you!! (Laughter!!) 15 days of grinding and grooming!! (Laughter!!) Its good! Very good!

    Question : What is life force?
    Guruji : How are you speaking? There is some life, that’s how, right? Are you alive? Yes you are. If you are not living you cant speak, right? So that
    which is getting the drive in you to speak is the life force. When you in Satwa then your parana is high. You feel more energetic. But if you eat too much then it is not so high. And if you eat more than that then you know what happens to you!!

    Question : Guruji, how to sharpen my memory?
    Guruji : I’ll tell you the answer by 15th July 2019. (Laughter!!) When will I tell you I said? Let me see if you remember.

    Question : Why is your name not there in any book?
    Guruji : You asked me this question yesterday also right? And I answered you…

    Question : Guruji, at times I get very angry, How do I deal with it?
    Guruji : You like perfection. Right? You are a perfectionist. If you leave a little space for imperfection then you will see things are different. Then you
    can have but anger will never have you!!

    Question : Guruji, what should we do for the less fortunate people?
    Guruji : You are fortunate, you have the eyes the ears, the legs, the hands the tongue in place and perfect! You should use in a proper way to do good to others.

    Question : Guruji, I don’t get sleep at night, Only get our thoughts of you at all the times.. What should I do?
    Guruji : (laughter!!) That’s all right no?!!?

    Question : Guruji, what happens when we die?
    Guruji : You know I want you to have some surprise when you die. (Laughter!!) If I tell you everything right now then you will not enjoy the scene after death! Then you will feel “Oh! I already knew it!!” (Laughter!!)

    Question : Guruji, what is the difference between Atma and Paramatma?
    Guruji : Atma came in the beginning and Paramatama is beyond that. The in between the Atma and Paramatma is the Mahatma. (Laughter!!) So catch hold of the Mahatma and see the atma to ultimately reach the Paramatma.

    Question : What is the spirit?
    Guruji : Spirit is the life force. That helps you to see, helps you to function..Like the thoughts arrive. Its like electricity, it is there you cannot see it. But you can see the lights shining! The air condition working! The fans moving! But cannot see the electricity. Similarly the prana you cannot see. Do you see this?

    Question : Guruji, how to realize the soul?
    Guruji : Have you done the Sudarshan Kriya? Yes. Tell me how do you feel? Blank? That is it!

    Question : Guruji, how can we prevent the mind going around the world?
    Guruji : Have you done the advance course? The part II program? There are several meditations there to help you huh.

    Question : Guruji, do you believe in rebirth?
    Guruji : I don’t believe it. I just know it!

    Question : Guruji, I have gone through several experiences, which are not so good. Some of them I am not able to forget. What to do?
    Guruji : By experience you become mature. Every pleasant or unpleasant experience makes you strong!

  6. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Gurudev Speaks ---------- WOW !!!

    There are various online blogs and forums where some misguided people post defamatory and inflammatory things about wise men and saints . Guruji was asked about this in a recent Satsang, someone who happened to be there wrote an account… Here it is:

    In a satsang at the Art of Living centre in Germany last night, someone asked Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: “Guruji, I have observed that Guruphiliac seems to follow your every move and then write negative things about you. Why are they doing this?”

    This is the gist of what Guruji said: “I have inherited an ancient lineage and my job is to further its cause. Neither by thought, nor through word, nor by deed, have I ever done any harm to anyone, nor will I ever do so in the future; it is simply not in my nature. Nobody can expose me because there is nothing to expose: I stand tall, clean and naked in front of the whole world.”

    I do whatever maximum good I can, and I inspire others to do so. These people who keep writing about me simply cannot leave me alone - they must be in deep love with me! (laughter) When they keep comparing me with other people all the time, I must have made a very deep impression on them. I cannot help it if they can’t get over me - that’s the way I am! If I am that bad and fake, they should simply be able to ignore me and move onto the truth –why are they are holding onto me, again and again?
    If they are trying to teach me a lesson, if their intention is to correct me, then I’m sorry, I am incorrigible! (laughter)

    If their idea is to stop people from coming to me, and if people do stop coming just by reading these blogs, then I really thank them; it is good for me, it reduces my responsibility! If they think I am doing this for publicity, they are unaware of the disadvantages of popularity. I pity them. Celebrities enjoy only popularity, but spiritual leaders have a huge responsibility with that popularity. People do not go to celebrities for guidance and blessings, but with spiritual leaders they do.
    If they think I have no right to exist on this planet, then they can crucify me; I am afraid neither of death nor of being defamed. I am not afraid, because nothing can destroy me.

    We do charity with the hard earned money from our courses. We are, of course, rich with people and with good character, and I am ready to share this wealth with anyone.

    Lest they understand that their hatred is nothing but love standing upside down.

    Jai Gurudev !!
  7. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    GURUJI SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR, took a gathering of school-children, parents and teachers on a cheery and reflective trip… Lucknow was beaming under the stars, when Guruji as he is fondly addressed by devotees, picked up the microphone on his first visit to Lucknow. This was at City Montessori School’s lawns.

    “You all want me to say something. What is going on in your minds? You are waiting, and wondering what I’m going to say. This is the internal dialogue of the mind. Seeing this internal dialogue increases awareness of the self.”

    The goal of education
    “The goal of education is to increase awareness not information. …Watching our inner-responses, knowing that they are there, increases our self-awareness.”
    He juxtaposed the words - ‘hosh’ awareness, and ‘josh’ excitement; to say that hosh, awareness was essential for creating something, while josh without hosh was a destructive force.
    Did you know that your comfort is a direct result of the commitment of the people around you? The Karmayogis

    Success in life?
    “A successful person is one, whose smile nobody can take away. A face bubbling with joy!”

    “The second sign of success is, to be friendly.”
    Addressing the children, he asked them to make a new friend everyday. “To begin with, change places in class to get an opportunity to sit with a different child everyday, so that eventually, everybody could be everybody else’s friend. This is the way to begin being friendly to the whole world. Sab Hamaare Hai.”
    “Khub shararat karni chahiye, aur mast rahna chahiye Bachcho, khub hanso, khub hasao; Mat fanso, mat fansao.”
    Parents, smile please…
    “Nobody ever taught me how to keep a smiling face. Parents should become like children again – free, uninhibited, natural. If parents stay like this, children will catch on from them.”

    Model Teachers [​IMG]
    “You should know that your life is very valuable. You are putting the foundation stone of the building. We play several roles, that of mother, father, teacher, friend, etc. We can play our roles in life in two ways. You could do as a Karmayogi, or you could do it as an Akarmyogi.”
    “Did you know that your comfort is a direct result of the commitment of the people around you? The Karmayogis.”
    “When an Akarmyogi doctor sees you, he will charge you, and then discharge you. He does not really care for your well- being. He is only concerned with money. A Karmayogi doctor gives you a thorough check-up, and is concerned that you become healthy.”
    “An Akarmayoi teacher is one who doesn’t care whether the students study or not. As long he gets his salary, he feels that he has done his duty by the students. This is an Akarmayogi teacher.”
    “A Karmayogi teacher is deeply interested in his students. He thinks day and night on how to give his best effort to the children. He wants the children to learn and grow.”
    Citizens’ charter?

    “Then there is an Akarmyogi citizen, and a Karmayogi citizen. The Akarmyogi citizen does not care if a tap is running on the road, or if there is garbage lying around. He goes his way without bothering to set things right.”
    “Whereas, a Karmyogi citizen takes care. He stops to switch off the running tap, or tells the authorities about the garbage heap. He is a Karmyogi citizen. Would you like to be an Akarmyogi citizen, or a Karmayogi citizen? Similarly, do you like an Akarmyogi doctor or a Karmyogi doctor? An Akarmyogi teacher, or a Karmayogi teacher?”

    “An Akarmyogi father, provides for his child, without bothering to mix with the child, without bothering to know his child, her dreams and aspirations. You have thus created a gap with your children. Whatever we do, it should be done to the best of our ability.”

    “The purpose of education is to create a sense of belonging to everybody: Sab Hamaare Hai. In ancient times, children were instructed on Brahmopdesh, ‘You are love, you are anand, you are chetna, you are that, Tum Vahi Ho.’ Bacche Pratibhavan bante the. They discovered their strengths and did their people proud.”
    “Nowadays, we use the wrong kind of language, negatively charged… Galat sankalp karte ho – ‘You are useless, you know nothing….’ Such remarks make the child’s foundation weak.

    Happy children do well in studies and life

    “Instead, take the children to an amusement park, let them be happy. And encourage them to do their best.”
    “Don’t make any subject a burden for the child. The rule for education is that it should be interesting. Concentration is such an effort! Is this shocking for you? Whatever you love, you like doing. You don’t have to concentrate then. Concentration is effortless then :)

    “Children should be allowed to be natural, free, uninhibited. They should be able to speak to anybody, they should be able to shake hands, hug anybody in the family. Then, there will be no generation gap, no parental gap, no teacher-student gap…”

  8. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Q: What is Pooja ?

    Sri Sri : Pooja means “jo Poornata se Janam leta hai woh” (That which is born out of fullness of the heart)… When you sit and thank the Divine for all the Blessings that have been bestowed on you.​

    Q:How to become a good volunteer?

    Sri Sri: To be a good volunteer -(1) Avoid and ignore those who hamper your work . There will be many at every corner of life, who would like to resist, dishearten you , ignore them and keep doing the work.(2) Whatever work you do someone or other will find fault or blame you. Keep working without losing your enthusiasm and spirit. (3) Do not react to criticism.(4) Always be happy !

    Q: How to handle those who lie to us?

    Sri Sri: With a smile, compassion. Understand that the person lying to you lovesyou so much that they value your love/acceptance more than truth itself! I have some devotees in the ashram who lie to me. I just ask them about the matter with a smile and they smile back!

    Q: Destiny is decided at birth. Then why should we anything?

    Sri Sri: To improve yourself is also a part of destiny. World is a combination of destiny and Karma. Some things can be changed, some things cannot be changed.

    Q: What is witnessconsciousness? (Shakshi Bhav)

    Sri Sri: Wait… (Looking for something on the seat). Wait… (Running his fingers through His hair). Wait..(Crowd laughs) I did not ask you to laugh, I said just wait. See what is happening to your mind? That is Shakshi Bhav…the witnessing consciousness. When you are listening withoutreacting, that is witness consciousness. For example if you are at the airport andthere is a flight announcement for another flight. What do you do? Just witness without reacting. Right?Similarly you are at the railway platform with many other people whom you don’tknow. In a while some trains come and those people get into their respective trainsand go. What do think you are doing at that moment? You are simply witnessing.Do you see what I am saying?

    Q: You said at the Navratri that we see only 0.003% of what is actually happening. Can you please talk on that?

    Sri Sri : You know there was this scientist named Mickel Kako who established a theory, after having done several experiments and research, that there are parallel worlds. It is he who said that, what we see is only 0.003% of what is actually happening. What we cannot see is the ‘Dark Energy’.
    What we cannot see is the ‘Dark Energy’. That’s what he named it. The power of that ‘Dark Energy’ is unlimited! It is immense! In fact our Rig-Veda also says the same thing. The ‘Dark’ is referred to here as the ‘Tamas’. Even Rig-Veda says that this ‘Tamas’ has great power. That’s why they say ‘Kali’. The dark Goddess. She just do not symbolize destruction, she is also referred to as the epitome of knowledge. Like the pupil of our eye is dark! It is because of that we can see. Do you see what I am saying? The source of knowledge is the ‘Kaali’.

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  9. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Q: How should a devotee’s bhakti be?

    Guruji : Like Nandi bhakti. Nandi is always gazing at Shiva. Nandi is the bull vehicle of Lord Shiva. In Shiva temples, there’s always a statue of Nandi facing the idol. After that, at the next level, bhakti is like the crescent moon on Shiva’s head. Better than the moon is the serpent around Shiva’s throat. The moon is on Shiva’s head; it’s still at the mind level. The serpent is at the throat, it’s closer to the heart!
    Better than even the serpent bhakti is Parvati’s bhakti. She is His “Ardhanareshwari” . Even the bodies are shared. The mind, buddhi,and chittha should dissolve.

    Q: Guruji, there is celebration in your presence. How to keep up the same celebrative mindset in your physical absence?

    Guruji : To keep up with the same celebrative mindset you need to inculcate certain disciplines. Follow certain things. They are

    a) Not talk too much. Talking too much makes a person tired. Then while you are conversing a lot of ‘ buts’ and ifs will arise. This may lead to an unnecessary argument and then end up in an unnecessary bitterness!! So it is better to talk less.

    b) Then second thing is often you make a plan and talk on the plan too much. There is no need to think over and over again on the plan and explain to someone about it.

    c) The third thing is if you are not able to enthuse people, at least don’t loose your enthusiasm.

    d) Then the fourth thing is, do not engage yourself in eating or sleeping too much. Or even watching TV, or reading books. These in turn can reduce your enthusiasm. The best thing would be is to be with your self. Listen to music.

    e) Exercise and do some yoga. That way you will be able to retain your enthusiasm.

    Q: Guruji, after having done so much of sadhana also I get negative thoughts. This leads me to very awkward feelings. What do I do?

    Sri Sri: You know, don’t bother too much about the thoughts. I tell you it comes and goes. But if you see the you are still not able to handle them then.. then you should run!! Just run for some few kilometers! And then you will feel so much out of breath that no thoughts can come to you. (Laughter!!) Or can you swim? Do you know to swim? Ok, so swim. Swim for a few hours and then you will see not a single thought is coming to you! Just do as I tell you. 5 kms of run. But do it in the daytime.

  10. Grace3

    Grace3 Silver IL'ite

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    Here is the transcript of Guruji’s talk in the Satsang on Guru Poornima, 18th July 2008

    How many of you are thinking “Guruji say something?”…Huh?
    What is there to talk? What is there to talk? Hmm..?
    We all are happy & celebrating
    Meditation, singing, celebrating on Guru Poornima day is considered very auspicious thing. Certain days in a year when you participate in satsang and meditate it compensates for the other days which you have not done….hahahaha
    That doesn’t mean…that u can take this as an excuse for not meditating everyday. One of those days is Guru Poornima. In satsang you participate and get the merit of not doing for many days (during the year)….hmmmm

    (someone asked Guruji why are you so sweet) I am made like this…..Apple is sweet, that is how it is made, apple is sweet by nature… isn’t it? Hmmmmmmmmm
    What else?
    Yes, today you all can have one wish…whatever wish you want to have…just before going to bed make a wish in your mind, our intentions are powerful and they manifest in the right congenial time, at right place with right attitude, they just click.

    All blessings are there for everybody… lots of blessings Universe is showering blessing. You only have to catch it. Open to it
    You know in Sanskrit Guru means ‘heavy’ which is weighty, Guruji is light but words of Guru is weighty and Gravitational force is called Gurutva in Sanskrit.
    So many meanings… Hmmmmmm

    You know our 5 fingers , all the 5 planets are there.
    Thumb indicates – victory (u win) right!! Who wins? One who fights… who fights? Commander in chief military (this is Mars) 2nd Finger (index finger) is Jupiter is Guru…..its the indicator…when you want to show the way its like this… Throughout the world this is how the way is shown… This is Jupiter…..what do u do with this? Pointer indicates. What does Guru do? He indicates/ points out. So that is Jupiter.
    Saturn, one of the farthest planet is Saturn, the biggest, tall, Saturn is servant. You know servant has to good and well built, if the servant is weaker then master then how can he carry the luggage. Servant have to carry the luggage of the Master, king or anybody for which he has to be strong. Tall servant.

    Then the king…where do u put your ring? jewels, that is ring finger (this is sun) nobody puts ring here to the thumb, but where do they put the ring? In the ring finger…in fact we call it ring finger. King cannot stay alone but he needs servant along with him. So this is sun cannot stand alone.
    The little one is the business one, its mercury. on one side of the Sun stands Mercury- business man and on the other side is Saturn- servant.
    And Jupiter. So all the planets are in the hand, its indicated when Jupiter and Mars are together meaning the power is together with wisdom in the commander in chief that is called chin mudra.
    And when all the king, servant, business man all together its chinmay mudra its higher consciousness in society, cause when wisdom dominates its higher consciousness. And there is beauty, love and abundance.So whole story is in the fingers.

    And children when they are born they put on this mudra, all the babies sleeps in chin mudra , they are so wise. Chinmay mudra. Carefree mind. Joyful mind is chinmay mudra, baby sleeps on that and when they start walking. They suck the thumb u know…is means …now no more in 4 legs….its now 2 legs and 2 arms….so the nature teaches us the whole yoga. Its very good…very good…

    See the guru principal is prevalent in all the culture of the society of the world. Even here in America you can’t play soccer without a coach or mentor. You need a guide, even when you need to write P.hd, no body will give you doctorate when you don’t have u guide. Am I correct…? You have to work under some guide.
    And word guide comes from the original Sanskrit word Guru. Sanskrit its Guru and in English it becomes guide, so in every field you need a mentor and in a field which is so abstract and subtle like spirituality, consciousness then definitely needs a mentor and that is a Satguru!

    Mother is a first guru for everybody and each one of you should play the role of Guru for at least some people in your life. When you want nothing from them other then their own happiness their own progress. Can you be guru like that for some people? Like you become father or mother to somebody you should also be Guru to someone. Don’t have to tell them “I am your Guru”. Now you have to play the role of the Guru. Never, assert that u are a Guru. Be light like a flower that is Art of Living. Do u see what I am saying?

    Play the role of the guru in the sense you are caring for them unconditionally. You care for them without expecting what they are going to do for you and what the result is going to be. Unconditional care for someone. Start with few and it can spread to many…that you all can do…isn’t it? Can everybody be?
    In fact Guru Tatva it is principal light within us, the light in our heart, the light in our life. Hmmm… Viveka….wisdom that tatva also dawns …ok…. So….when you come here in this path, in this Knowledge you will never go empty handed. Just ask, there is proverb its “Ask and it shall be given!”….that is what Guru Poornima all about…
    Definitely!….ask it shall be given… Lets us sing few bhajans!

    Jai Gurudev !

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