Hi Indus ladies members, Nice to meet U people, How are U all? I am SriLavanya and I need to earn some money. I am a House wife and like to work at home and earn money I am having a kid 4 years old. I need to manage him. Hence I decided to work at home by seeking any profitable home jobs. I am residing at detroit USA. Any detroit ladies earning from home, if interested, pls inform me about profitable home jobs. hereby, Srilavanya.
Hi SriLavanya! Thank you for this post. I am Padma. I am also in your position. I live in Ann Arbor. If u come to know any home job related things , please let me know. Regards Padma
Ladies have you tried baby sitting.for the indian community. you may need some formal training and certification in this country.
Hi Lavanya & Padma, Iam Jaya from Grand Blanc. Me too having the same problem.I want to work but no H1B.Life is boring too..
hi all here too same issue h4, want to work from home, boring. u guys ve any ideas? when i searched i found teaching from home is easy, but all the jobs want ms degree or work permit.. may be we can do baby sitting, or teaching something we know to others like my friend here teaches yoga at 10$ a person for one month course.
To all young ladies seeking to work at home while raising a kid: Try to get enrolled in a correspondence degree course if you do not have a formal degree. If you already have one and are good and strong in English, then seek editorial assistant type jobs with publications that interest you. Ex.: When I was in my early twenties in thailand, I helped edit the Medical Journal of Thailand's English submissions and made a bit of good money but gained documentable experience. You can also offer to translate from vernacular Indian languages into English for the State Department. Try contacting the Foreign Broadcast Information Service which publishes the Daily Reports of Indian newspaper articles and can use the help and pay for it. You can also tutor neighborhood children in basic subjects like English & Math at elementary or middle school level. If you can get into a cooperative arrangement for play-times with two other mothers with a young child, for every time you take their kids in, you will get two times out when you can pursue your interests like looking into getting admission in a college course or taking on an extra-curricular activity, or volunteering in a local school all of which while may not be actual money, will definitely contribute towards later achievements. There is always baby-sitting if all else fails. You'll have the reward of a few dollars earned and grateful parents. Good Luck! keep cheerful. You'll never again get this free time at home once your child grows up nor will you get his/her attention as now!
I have got 2 lady friends in detroit working for me from US and they are earning like 300-500$ in a week. Sometimes in 2-3 days also. It all depends upon them.
hi I am also in us want to work from home from home can u also give me opportunity to earn money.I have done MCA sand worked for 2 year in Pune
hi, Me and my husband are doing a business and are looking for business associates. Its like a work from home job. If interested write me at