An exotic food is something which you do not prepare routinely at home. To eat it , we usually go to restaurants. I have my own list of exotic foods. Seeing me, relishing them so much in restaurants, my wife planned to make them at home. One such recipe is Manchurian dry. She bought gobi , finely grated ginger, Manchurian sauce, hajinomoto etc, spent around two hours in downloading the recipe from various sites. And finally made it. Having read, from several threads, that wives direly expect the husbands to appreciate their culinary skills liberally, I too appreciated the new recipe, and ate it too. Then, she started trying one by one, my next favourite exotic recipe, that is dum biriyani ! Oops ! Not again ! She trying painstakingly to please me, by spending hours together and finally me failing to appreciate it and being labelled as an ‘insensitive husband’. Fearing this, I appreciated this also. Then she planned the third one ! My God ! Enough is enough ! How would I dare to tell her that an exotic dish remains exotic, only as long as you don’t make it home-made ! Finally, I mustered the courage and told it to her, before she attempted my third favourite exotic recipe ! She was greatly upset that I fail to understand how much she cares for me ! ‘She cares for me so much, that is why she is making all those exotic foods at home’, that is what her perception is ! Alas ! unfortunately, that was certainly not my perception, though I pretended to be happy and pretended to be appreciatory after she made them ! My perception is and exotic recipe should not be attempted at home. It should be eaten at restaurants only. Having known my perception, she was upset for about a few minutes. Then, I had to tell her, it is the late evening two-some two wheeler outing, after making our son sleep at home, going to a restaurant, ordering the exotic recipe, tasting it with a nice conversation ! I enjoy the two some togetherness in the outing , the exotic environment in the restaurant that adds a sense of novelty to the food, the different taste, a long conversation, she being free from the tiredness of having to spend hours together in kitchen and thus a fine end to the day, back home. Two lessons , many wives have to learn : The exotic food would remain ‘exotic’ only if you do not attempt it at home. Though I can not speak on behalf of the entire male community, I can vouch with certainty, that there would be tens of thousands of husbands like me who can’t be impressed by wives' culinary skills ! Next time, when you plan a big /exotic meal to impress your husband, just be sure, if he is genuinely impressed by your culinary skills. And do not put him into the predicament of having to make a fake appreciation ! What may be a very special way of conveying care, may not be so for him ! His thought process may be different from yours ! Good Luck !
Here is the list of my exotic dishes : 1) veg Manchurian dry 2) chicken hot sour soup 3) Dum biriyani (both veg and non-veg) 4) Mutton Seek Khabab
i too tell the same to my husband, he doesnt care. he likes home made food and wants me to experiment all exotic dishes at home. i have no problem cooking but i strongly feel no home made food can be as perfect as that in restaurant, once in a whhile dining in restaurant is no harm to health. over the years, i convinced myslef that cooking for family gives us immense happiness. watching movie, dining with family is is that one has to feel themselves. with these kids i prefer watching movie at home . its okay when you say you like exotic restuarant style food but she dint get the food ordered but she tried every recipe you like, you must have admired her effort to impress you rather than putting her down.
My husband always tell his critics in my culinary skills sometimes i take it as a compliment other times it hurts i tell him straightaway.... but my hubby always tells what his tongue says ... truth hurts but take it as a fact life is will be easy ...
its too a personal opinion to be made generalised... probably its more about the ambience of the restaurant that makes you feel exotic than the dish (try take-away of those items and eat at home and see the difference... am sure they wouldnt be as exotic as they seem to be at restaurant) as lucky said, the efforts of your DW (to impress YOU) should be appreciated rather than the dish.
Okay ! But, where did I put her down. The point I made to her and to you guys is, what is a special and nice way of conveying care in the form of making a favourite dish may not be perceived in the same way by some husbands.
The recipes you think as exotic dishes are the most easiest dishes. You might be liking the style of the hotel, presentation of the hotel etc... but these can be made at home in much quicker time. Introduce your wife to IL's recipe central forum and she will find all these dishes there with perfect measurements and most quickest way to make it. She will be happy to try and feed you and you will be happy that it has come out good and tasty better then the restaurant.