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Adventure Sports Of New India

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Balajee, Jul 6, 2024.

  1. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Bungee jumping? River rafting? mountaineering or rock climbing? Nope these are passe'. The adventure sports of New India are something you don't even think of as adventure sports but for years have taken as parts of everyday lie. But of late they have become adventure sports , even extreme sports. I have managed managed to list at least four such activities here. But there could be more.

    !: TRAIN TRAVEL: How does this become an adventure sport? You just buy a ticket, get in with your luggage, sit back until you reach your destination right? Wrong. There is many a sl9ip between the cup and the lip. Nowadays railway safety is just a word. Your train could derail A, another train could fall in love with your train and come on the same track for a kissing bout or express its love by ramming it in the back. And how dare tou scream about railway safety! We are goi9ng to have bullet trains! That is of higher priority and you yap about train safety! are you anti-national or something?

    Here the adventure sport becomes an extreme sport if you travel in unreserved compartments. You can get your adrenalin kick by pushing and shoving your way into the compartment. You may not get a seat and may ge t your quota of adventure with your legs sticking out of the window or tou perched precariously on the compartment steps with the door open. If that is not adventure what is?

    2: WALKING ON A BRIDGE. Please note I said WALKING ON THE BRIDGE not CROSSING THE MBRIDGE. Our bridges are such dainty darlings. They might collapse under your weight. If there is water under the bridge/ step on it in your swimming trunks so that you can swim out once the bridge comes down . If there is no water, well that enhances the adventure factor. Even our great leaders after inaugurating bridges don't step on them, Couple of bridges collapsed under the impact of the sound of scissors cutting the ribbon according to studies.

    Opposition leaders have flatly rejected the suggestions that to show the solidarity of rulers and opposition on infrastructure development thery should walk on the bridges while the government guys cut the ribbons.
    If any ribbon cutter actually steps on the bridge and crosses it, his enraptured bhakts can cover every wall with posters hailing the brave deed of their hero. The posters could even act as cementing factor
    to hold rickety walls together unless some stray gaumata eats them (the posters, not walls).

    3 CROSSING THE ROAD: Why did the chicken cross the road? Obviously 9it was feeling suicidal and wanted to come under a speeding vehicle. If you are crossing many of the Indian roads you are either suicidal hoping to come under a car or a bus or an adventure sports person. What could be more adventurous than crossing the road in a pedestrian unfriendly nation where guys walking on the road could be fodder for four wheelers? They should actually give pedestrian bravery awards for the brave men and women who cross the roads braving non-stop traffic with no traffic signals to help them Red light> Huh? What is that ? Isn;t it the light that shines in areas where certain ladies do. naughty, naughty things for a price?

    4:HAVING A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD: Isn't that what everyone longs and strives for. to have a roof over their head? But nowadays that is akin to playing Russian roulette. in which you don't know when the mullet will enter your head. Here you don't know when the roof will be over your head and when it will be on it.Such is the quality of construction. One rain and the house is brought down, well at least the roof. True there are houses where rain also provides showering facilities in the drawing g room , bedroom and other areas , at times even waterfalls. But the real fun is when the roof hangs over your head like the Sword of Damocles to provide you a real adventure experience.

    These are all the adventure sports I could find. Maybe you could add to the list. May be reading this thrread without nodding off itself is an adventure.

    Thyagarajan and iyerviji like this.

  2. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @Balajee ,

    It was nice reading your humorous post! If the basic needs are met, I guess for want of something, one could seek adventure sports. But like you mentioned, if everyday living becomes an adventure, where's the need for seeking thrills? Honestly, though, I think and hope that the situation is improving. It almost feels like we take one step forward and two steps backward.
    Thyagarajan and Balajee like this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Balajee,

    If train travel, walking on the bridge, and having a roof over the head becomes an adventure sports, 90% of the people will lose life insurance because they exclude the life involved in adventurous sports. Nowadays, the airport terminals also collapses and even travel by plane is also an adventurous sport.
    Thyagarajan and Balajee like this.
  4. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Not just India, but someone told me that travelling in NY metro af5ter sunset is an adventure sport as you could be slashed or mugged by hylking thugs who demand money. Anyway, we are living in an age when very existence is becoming an extreme sport, as we struggle to survive in this extreme sport called life.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Viswa, insurance cokmpanies include a clause which says yiu cnnot collect insurance money dor " acts of God" (except for life insurance of course when death is attribvuted to God). "Acts of God" include natural mdisasters and even house or bridge collapses caused by natural disasters. We nare living in an age when survival itself is becoming an extreme sport.
    Thyagarajan and Viswamitra like this.

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