My ward-daughter is studying in XI std in Indian School, Muscat-CBSE system. We are planning to shift to Chennai during the month of June. But I really wonder the admission for XII is possible? I heard the admission might start in Chennai around March/April. The issue of application starts by Jan. itself. Is this true? Another stunning news I heard is either of the parent should be present in chennai to obtain admission. We hear different waves of news from diff. corners. Could someone advise me properly? What is the procedure to obtain admission in Chennai CBSE or Kendriya Vidyalaya Schools. We will be put at in Virugambakkam. Which are the nearby schools and what will be the possibilities. Could some one help me and provide me information like website or contact no of schools etc. I will be much obliged and thanks in advance for your attention
Welcome to IL... I don't know if you can get admission to XII standard in Chennai... But you can try talking to schools explaining your position... There will be some option.. You have a Chinmaya Vidyalaya at Virugambakkam.. And also Pon Vidyashram and Vani Vidyalaya - all CBSE... Pon Vidyashram is under the PSBB school management.. Also you can refer to School sub forum under Chennai forum... You will find a lot of information about schools in that forum.. All the Best...
Dear Paradise, From what i understand of things in chennai. getting XII admissions in certain schools is very difficult. the other point is most schools start including xii portion in xi, there by gaining time for the xii revision and all.. You can surely try kendriya vidyalaya and you can get admission the trend here is to switch over to state board from there will definitely be vacancies in xii... since the exams will be over in march, I would suggest sending your daughter in march for that she can try the entrance...and all.. before you take the tc from that she can gain on the lost time...if you come down in june, she will have to cope up a lot... You can pick up application forms through your relatives and friends. if there are grandparents, they can get your daughter admitted. you don't need parents to be there. In the virugambakkam area,if that is the area you have zeroed in... you have one Avicchi school- I think it is matriculation(?) not sure but ask your people in chennai to pick up application forms..along with PSBB and others schools already mentioned and also go through the schools in chennai thread....
Hi I am a teacher in KV in Chennai. There are good KVs in the city and it is possible to seek admission in 12th If you are interested I will give you the details in my next reply.Please write the group requireed and the marks obtained in class 10 and half yearly in XI
[Hi ind I am a mother of 13 year old son studying in Isg muscat nest year i.e. 2009 we would like to shift my son to kv school chennai, is it possible to get the admission in pallavaram kv for class 9th if so what I should do further Your suggession and details will be highly helpful to me Thanks yamuna quote=indkailas;208780]Hi I am a teacher in KV in Chennai. There are good KVs in the city and it is possible to seek admission in 12th If you are interested I will give you the details in my next reply.Please write the group requireed and the marks obtained in class 10 and half yearly in XI[/quote]
Hi, what are the groups available in psbb kk nagar for plus two? I am thinking of this option since there are only a few schools that offer niche groups in plus two in cbse.