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Accept Mortality

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by jayasala42, May 20, 2022.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes,it is the ultimatum to every one without exception,
    whether one likes or not. We have our own reflections on old age,
    retirement living and preparing for departure.Even people
    who consider it inauspicious to talk about final journey,
    indeed think a lot about the same.They do it more
    frequently than what others do,without their own knowledge.
    As you say, it's practical and pragmatic to think about these
    issues and indeed plan for them without being unduly
    sentimental. We owe it to our children to make the adjustment
    to our going away easy for them.
    I am reminded of Atul Gawande's ‘Being Mortal'?
    For sure it's morbid but immensely interesting and thoughtful.
    Old age Home is a great topic for some credible sociological research.
    Research findings are not all benign. Some studies show that living
    with other old people is actually depressing and accelerates
    emotional deterioration. New research shows that people's
    sense of well being is maximum when they live in
    heterogeneous communities.
    None of this is conclusive but it certainly is material for reflection.

    The Katha Upanishad has perhaps, the best philosophical
    explanation of Death in the form of a dialogue between
    Yama and Nachiketas.

    There are medicos who fearlessly talk about the travails
    of their profession. They examine its critical limitations
    and inherent failures based on personal experience
    and that of their colleagues as life nears its end.
    They meet with 'death' so often and are capable
    of viewing the reality barring emotions and sentiments.
    It is worth while to have hard conversations and
    locate people who show us how to make certain
    not to sacrifice what people genuinely care about.

    Nursing homes, devoted above all to safety, battle with
    residents over the food they are allowed to eat and the
    choices they are allowed to make. Doctors tend to rely
    on false hopes and treatments that result in shortening
    lives instead of improving them.

    We learn of an incident. It begins with a tingle in a surgeon's
    fingers and a pain in his neck. A couple of years later,
    he learned he had a tumor inside his spinal cord.
    That was when the difficult choices began. Should he
    have it removed right away in a risky operation, as his
    doctor recommended? Or should he take time to consider
    this question : At what point would the expanding tumor
    cause debility bad enough to justify the risk of greater
    debility or even death in trying to fight it? This is the
    dilemma of a surgeon who is a patient himself.
    How we can one better live with age-related frailty,
    serious illness
    and approaching death?
    It is a clarion call for a change
    in the philosophy of health care. A doctor's job is more
    than ensuring health and survival, It is“to enable well-being.
    For many, such talk raises the specter of a society
    readying itself to sacrifice its sick and aged. Medicine
    has been slow to confront the very changes that it has
    been responsible for — or to apply the knowledge we have
    about how to make old age better.”
    Doctors also age.We have seen our family doctor since
    1965.He has saved my husband and children from various
    ailments and crises. We liked the approach he had, the way he
    made us prepared for eventualities when my aunt passed away at 52.
    As we became old, he also did.
    I could see an altogether different person in him.
    The bodily ageing takes us by surprise.
    It was a dignified voice to older people ,like me
    in the process of losing their counterparts.
    I was made to see the world from my husband's perspective,
    not just those of his doctor, worried family members which

    included me too.But our family doctor who prepared
    me to face the reality met with his end six months
    prior to my husband.
    Assisted Living cannot be defined at all. It differs
    from patient to patient, place to place and time to time.
    There are so many models of care that promote frail
    people’s ability to live a meaningful life, by imbuing
    them with cause or promoting their ability --to keep
    shaping the story of their life in the world.
    Arriving at an acceptance of one’s mortality and a
    clear understanding of the limits and the possibilities
    of medicine is a process, not an epiphany.
    The ideal modern doctor should be neither paternalistic
    nor informative but rather interpretive, helping patients
    determine their priorities and achieve them.
    Here is a touching example.
    The piano teacher is on her final weeks. She was suffering
    from terminal, untreatable leukemia. The doctor persuaded
    her to leave his hospital and try, with his support, hospice
    home care rather than passively await the future or
    seek “death with dignity.” With a combination of
    pain management and thoughtful physical assistance
    she regained energy and found the zeal, in the six
    weeks that followed, to give private lessons again.
    She also enjoyed a recital organized by her pupils,
    past and present, wherein they could all express
    their gratitude to her. Three days later she slipped into
    coma and passed away peacefully.
    “Last days need not be lost days.”

    jayasala 42
    Thyagarajan likes this.

  2. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera IL Hall of Fame

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    The only death I have observed before my eyes was rather so revealing. The person in context remained calm and cool till the last moment, smiling, talking, and fully aware that his days are numbered. No complaints, grumbling, and no advice. He was fully aware that he is painkillers and finally morphine.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Smt. Vatsala Jayaraman:

    Getting together and separation of Atma with the body, mind and intellect happens with a lot of love for the humanity. That is why DMT output during these sessions are extraordinary and the Jeeva experiences bliss at the time of birth and death. Accepting mortality happens only at the intellectual level whereas if one considers the death as an action of shedding of the shirt one is wearing as reality, one can experience immortality. In my view, Yama is teaching Nachikita what is that high-level wisdom that gives the humanity an understanding of what happens after death of the body.

    The question is whether it is necessary to experience love only at the entry and exit or one can experience that love while living and what it takes to experience it throughout life.

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