Most Gracious ILites, Now here we go with the 21st Paasuram of Thiruppavai. In this verse Aandal wakes up the Lord Himself. I love this verse because it talks of the right attitude with which we should approach God. As of now we approach God treating him as our partner in our evil deeds, our lawyer, our power of attorney holder and at times even our henchman. Aandal says "We have come to your house as your enemies, defeated and disgraced by you." We behaved like your enemies because we thought foolishly that we can manage our affairs and even those of the world with our bloated egos and swollen intellects. Time proved us wrong. We have now realised that we cannot do any thing unless we have your grace. This realisation first humiliated us but then humbled us too. Like an enemy defeated and disgraced we are waiting at your doorstep. Please come to rescue us, Lord. Varalotti ஏற்ற கலங்கள் எதிர் பொங்கி மீதளிப்ப மாற்றாதே பால் சொரியும் வள்ளல் பெரும்பசுக்கள் ஆற்றப் படைத்தான் மகனே அறிவுறாய் ஊற்றமுடையாய் பெரியாய்! உலகினில் தோற்றமாய் நின்ற சுடரே துயிலெழாய் மாற்றார் உனக்கு வலிதொலைந்து உன் வாசற்கண் ஆற்றாது வந்து உன் அடிபணியுமாப் போலே போற்றியாம் வந்தோம் புகழ்ந்தேலோ ரெம்பாவாய் The cans placed to receive the milk from the cows Become full and then flow over! As the cows, like generous donors, go on giving! Ye, son of the man, who owns such cows, Now is the time for you to wake up! You, who are, forever focussed on those Who are devoted to you! Please get up! The great being, the very presence in this world In the form of efferverscent light, wake up! We have come to you like your foes! Who were humbled and disgraced by you! Who devoid of any strength are waiting at your gate! To fall at your feet and beg for your love! So have we come, singing your praises!
Dear Varalotti sir, Another beautiful effort by u. Very impressive n I have been admiring about ur devotion to Aandal Amma.It is such a delight to note the postings of all Tiruppavai along with audio files for chanting..Iam so sure u will come with more n more successfully n of course we r all set to benefit... May Amma grant u the power to post more n more like these! A big Thankyou to u Sir n cudn't thanq enough... Luv Tej:wave
Dear Sridhar, What canI say ? The original and the translation just superb . Youare indeed doing all of us a great service by translating the thirupavais Thanks and keep going. Vandhana
Gracious sir! Never mind about the comments, let us enjoy our freedom of expression and express ourselves the way we deem fit. In the real world, it is doubtful if I will go around calling you gracious Sridhar, even if you are one!! So why not do it in the virtual world! And why should we stop the others from commenting whatever they want. It all adds some salt, pepper and chilli to this wonderful cooking machine Enjoyed the paasuram from Thiruppavai along with the wonderful photo from Teja. Similar lines are also said in the Venkateswara Suprabhatam where the Lord is being asked to wake up and Grace the world. L, Kamla, your gracious friend))))))))))
Thanks Teja For Decorating and Enriching This Thread! Dear Teja, Thanks again for posting a beautiful picture and decorating and enriching this thread. In this kainkaryam we are together, Teja. Not only us but all the ILites who read this respond to this thread all are together. With Ammas blessings and your good wishes, Amma-willing will post all the 30 verses. Thanks once again, Teja sridhar
Thanks Vandhana! Dear Vandhana, Thanks Vandhana. Actually by doing this kind of work I am actually doing a service to myself. Is it not a great privilege to be the career of divine words into this wonderful forum? Thanks once again, Vandhana. regards, sridhar
Thanks, Thanks and Thanks! Dear Kamla, There is a significance of the word appearing thrice in the title to this post. I owe a triple thanks to you. 1) for the nice words about this post 2) for endorsing and enjoying about my way of endearment and beautifuly reciprocating it to me and 3) for advising me how to treat comments on my post. So thanks thanks and thanks. Now I think you are referrring to the lines "thrai lokyam mangalam kuru." Grace the three worlds. But what I specially like about this paasuram is Aandals comparison of devotees to defeated enemies. Just imagine for a moment that we have fought with a mighty enemy in the battlefield of life. We have lost the battle and the war. And we are now hostages held captive in the palace of the mighty king. The king can by a wink of his eye annihilate us. But then we realise that the King is nothing but love. And he invites us into the palace and gives us an equal honour to be with thim. Assume for a moment what will be our attitude towards that mighty and loving king. Aandal says that she has come with such an attitude. Mark her lines, மாற்றார் உனக்கு வலிதொலைந்து உன் வாசற்கண் ஆற்றாது வந்து உன் அடிபணியுமாப் போலே These lines make us cry and endear Aandal to us for all time to come. regards, sridhar