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Aalilai Krishnan

Discussion in 'Posts in Regional Languages' started by jayasala42, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    திருப்பாவை 26ஆம் பாசுரத்தில் கடைசி வரி.
    'ஆலினிலையாய் அருளேலோர் எம்பாவாய்'

    மூன்றே வார்த்தைகள். நமக்கு நினைவு படுத்துவதோ ஏராளமான விவரங்கள்
    ஆலினிலையாய் --
    தர்க்க சாஸ்திரப்படி ஆராய்ந்தால்,ஆல இளம் தளிர் பகவானுக்கு ஆதாரமா?ஆதேயமா?
    ஆதாரம் என்றால் தாங்குவது .ஆதேயம் என்றால் தாங்கப் படுவது..ஆண்ட சராசரங்களையும் வயிற்றில் அடக்கிய பளுவான கண்ணனை இளம் தளிரால் தாங்க முடியுமா?இளம் தளிருக்கே ஆதாரம் கண்ணன் தான்.எனவே தன்னையும் தாங்கி,இலையையும் தாங்கி ,ஆலிலைக்கு ஒரு உயரிய அந்தஸ்தை அருளி விட்டான் பகவான்.அடியார்களுக்கு அருளுவதற்கு முன் இலைக்கு அருள் செய்தான் கண்ணன்.

    ஒரு சமயம் மார்க்கண்டேய மகரிஷி கடலில் ஆலிலையில் சயனிக்கும் எம்பெருமானைப் பார்த்தார்.அக்குழந்தையைத் தொட அருகில் வந்தார்.அப்போது அக்குழந்தை தன மூச்சை வெளியிட்டு அவரைத் தன வயிற்றுக்குள் செல்ல வைத்தது.அந்த வயிற்றினுள் சகல ப்ரஹ்மாண்டங்களையும் கண்டார்.ஆச்சரியம் அடைந்து ஆனந்தப் பட்டபோது எம்பெருமானின் மூச்சுக்கு காற்றால் வெளியே தள்ளப் பட்டார்.பின் ஆஸ்ரமத்தில் பழையபடி அமர்ந்திருந்தார்.சமுத்திரம் , ஆலிலை, குழந்தை எல்லாம் மறைந்து விட்டது.

    Very often people used to say that they are going to temple for Viswaroopa Darshan.
    I didn't know what it was.Even at this age,the expression is not clear. 'viswa Roopam'has so many interpretations among many .

    . Divine Revelations, called the Vedas, are immutable and are valid forever. Sages and saints have given proper interpretations and explanations when some of the directives therein seemed to present doubts or appeared to be contradictory. Yet there was one instance where God Himself had uttered a statement that is totally at variance with His own earlier declaration.

    The Vedic words are that God can be approached, among other steps, by the study of the Vedas, by chanting them, by the performance of austerities, giving gifts, or by conducting penance or doing sacrifices.

    But God, as Sri Krishna, after having granted His Cosmic Form to Arjuna on the Kurukshetra battlefield, says that all these exercises will be of no avail in beholding His vision in this mundane plane.

    Are not the two versions puzzling? The Lord Himself has given the answer for this ambiguity. "It is only by single-minded, unalloyed devotion that My eternal beautiful Human Form may be perceived, observed and actually realised. True devotees alone can enter into My Blissful Realm. Those who carry out all ordained duties for My sake, refrain from the fruits of their actions, look upon Me as the only supreme goal, and cultivate pure Bhakti in all affairs, will attain My All-attractive Form", replied the Lord to Arjuna's query.

    This will mean that those who study the Vedas or adopt other measures mentioned, not with pure devotion, but through unholy means, for show or by force or for pretension, not dedicating them to the Supreme, cannot see Him.

    After witnessing Krishna's universal "Viswaroopam", Arjuna tendered his apology regretting that he had deemed Him as a friend, jested with Him, at times even showing irreverence, and urged Him to assume His normal form. Krishna told Arjuna that none but he could behold this radiant and limitless form and asked him not to be terrified about any of the forms. Arjuna was privileged to see the huge form because of his devotion.

    Many of us would not have known about'Rama's viswaroopam.

    Those who have studied Rama Charita manas In Hindi might have known about sage kakaBhushandi.The sage Kakabhushandi took the form of a crow and was revolving around the world.He saw the entire objects of nature as Rama.So Lord Rama somehow decided to show his Vishwaroopam to the sage.As the sage in the form of crow was enjoying the Balalilas of Rama,the child Rama wanted to catch the crow which started flying. The cute little hand of child Rama followed the crow wherever it went, even beyond Brahmalokam.The sage was literally panicky.

    Ultimately he was back in Ayodhya.He took the form of smallest crow and enjoying the beauty of the child sitting very near to his face.Rama utilised this opportunity and swallowed the crow,The sage could see many brahmandas, crores of devas, maheswaras, stars, many suryas,yamas, lots of mountains, seas and oceans,sages, human beings, kinnaras- among them the beautiful child Rama also.He was totally amazed at this great sight within the small stomach of Rama.

    The child Rama laughed loudly at the confusion of the sage held in his stomach.
    Along with his laughter, Kakabhushandi sage also came out.
    This is beautifully explained by Tulsidas in his Ramacharita manas.

    Sage Markandeya had Viswaroopa darshan even as Krishna was lying on a banian leaf as an infant.
    Arjuna saw Vishwa Roopam in the battle field on his requesting Lord Krishna. Yasodha , and kakabhushandi had viswaroopa darshan inside Krishna's mouth and Rama's stomach respectivly through God's own Sweet Will.
    Bhagavat Gita- sloka 30 ,6th Chapter
    "yo maam pasyathi sarvatra, sarvam cha mayi pashyathi
    thasyaaham na pranasyaami sa cha me na pranasyathi "

    " One who who perceives that sarva vyapee Lord is inherent in all creations and that all creations are within the Supreme, I don't become invisible to him. Nor does he escape my vision. ( He is sure of getting my viswaroopa Darshan)

    Perhaps this is the reason why only certain people are blessed with Vishwaroopa darshan and not all.
    If God willing, we may also be blessed with viswaroopa darshan or is it that God is in the form of Viswa or world represented by all creatures inclusive of mankind?

    jayasala 42
    Thyagarajan likes this.

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the wonderful analysis of roopams and viswa roopams that God permitted the mythological characters to look with awe and reverence.
    I enjoyed the brief in Tamil too.
    I enjoyed VISVAROOPAM if Kamal but God - I think I would shudder to think and look.
    For the past few days, your responses includes a bit kannan in various dimensions including the infant on penpal leaf with teo bite.
    Thanks and regards
    God bless. .
  3. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you Thyagarajan Sir.Some five years back, I wrote comments on Thiruppavai ( all the pasurams) to our bank group.I had some in depth study to write the same.This year it just coincided with Sri jayanthi We have a portrait of Aalilai krishna at home,very lovely.

    Jayasala 42
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:Good morning.
    Thanks for the re response.
    Visualising the portrait of alailai infant Lord krishna in your Home gives me a great soft feel in the morning .
    God bless.

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