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A Serious Warning Bell This Time - The Monster of Jealousy!

Discussion in 'Saturdays with Varalotti' started by varalotti, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    A Mini Discussion With Seena, Sudha and Meena!

    To avoid my having the final say in any matter I am making my responses in a discussion mode, that is within the constraints of this medium.

    Sudha, your family friend's story is pathetic. We always come across such persons; and so far the best strategty available is to run away from them.

    Seena, you have a valid doubt. The person who very diligently enquires the price of saree, jewel etc and then comment on that person in her absence, well, I would label her as an incorrigible gossip. She may or may not be jealous. She does not covet those articles for herself, at least not openly. That makes her first a gossip!

    Sudha, you remember the character of Kalpana in Manirathnam's movie, "Dum dum dum" ? When she asks a person, "are you going to work?" his cycle tyre will burst. She has a characteristic evil eye. Jealousy, evil eye springs basically from a sense of deprivation, of low self-worth. Everyone has an estimate of herself and of others. But these are subjective estimates. When later developments prove these estimates wrong, they cannot help becoming jealous.

    Meena, thanks for all those nice words. Those words are particularly cozy and I do relish them especially after being stung by an ILite about the length of my posts.
    About envy and jealousy. Meena, for our practical understanding it is better to treat them as the same.
    Some say that jealousy is the feeling which you get when someone is trying to take something we have. For instance if a husband and wife go to a marriage party. A young man is talking to the wife non-stop for an hour. The husband becomes naturally jealous. He is not jealous because the young man is more handsome than him. He is jealous because his wife is talking to that man. And envy is what the wife gets when she sees someone having a better dress or a jewel.
    Another distinction is that envy is less intensive and jealousy is more so.
    But practically both are evil and both are the same. One is Hepatitis Type A and the other is Hepatitis Type B.

    Let the discussion continue.
  2. sihi

    sihi Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar,
    An excellent write-up on the green-eyed monster I must say. I enjoyed reading all the replies.....but am wondering what category does sibling jealousy fall into? lets take an example of 2 very young siblings. It is very much natural for those kids to develop some jealousy. Like when one parent hugs one of the siblings, the other might throw a tantrum or even come and hit the sibling or the parent who is hugging the child...the list is endless. The child might even try to harm the younger sibling physically when parents are not around. During the initial phases of the jealousy in those children's lives, the parents pitch in and make them understand that they are all one family. Then as the children grow, the jealousy will usually go away. Why does this not happen between friends and other relatives, when the jealousy starts to creep when we are much older and capable of handling situations?
    I too, like others here, have started to believe strongly in the "kan-drishti" theory.....especially after having my baby. Recently, we had gone out with our close friends with our daughter. That couple do not have any children and they are married for almost 12yrs now. Its natural for any woman longing for a child to envy another one, much younger than her, having a baby. I completely understand her feelings, infact I even whole-heartedly pray to god that she be blessed with a child. But that evening, she made a comment on my daughter about how she drank the whole glass of milk in one gulp. At that time, I just ignored that comment casually..didn't even take it into mind. Later that night, my daughter started vomiting all over the bed in her sleep. And it did not stop, she went on vomitting the whole night...every half hr or so till around 5:30 in the morning. Next day morning I called my mom in India and you know the first thing she told me was to do the Dhristi Suthi podu ritual, and I religiously followed her and the vomitting stopped. I know its wrong on my part to think about such things about my close friend, she has been with me in tough times too and is a very good person...but after going thru the effects on that day, I could not stop thinking like that.
    Maybe envy might lead to jealousy and in turn that jealousy might harm the other person in some form or the other.
  3. Vandhana

    Vandhana Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar,

    Finally got the time to go through your post in detail. Yes i do have occasional pangs of envy too. But then i introspect and correct myself soon enough. My thinking is that what starts of as envy, if left un addressed, will fester and become worse and end up as jealousy. ( noone can become jealous of someone right at the start, it always starts as envy!).
    I totally believe in kan Drishti. It is somewhat like Voodoo.
    I know some asked you about the prescription/cure for this disease. There is none.Just that the effect of this on others varies with the degree to which one is jealous. Our own classic Mahabharatam is a great example for what jealousy can do. So also , Shakespeare's tragedies.

    I do miss reading your individual replies to everyone.

  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Welcome Aboard, Vandhana and Sihi!

    Dear Vandhana,
    I was just waiting for your response. And when you did not respond for a while I was even worried that the thread was not up to your expectations. I am relieved now.

    Dear Sihi,
    your incident about kan dristhi is quite instructive. As I have already said that is like a fight between the two minds. As childrens minds may not be strong, it is possible, that others eye-sight might affect them.

    And Vandhana, I will resume individual replies from the next thread. I wanted to have the discussion mode and hence adopted this method. But many ILites prefer the earlier individual replies. Will switch on to that.

    Sihi, sibling rivalry is the very first instance of jealousy. It is where the quality gets into our minds for the first time. Many siblings, once they come of age, leave that jealousy behind and shower their love and affection on their brothers and sisters. But there are also people who continue to have that kind of jealousy through out.
    In our place we have an adage, அஞ்சு வயசுல அண்ணன் தம்பி, பத்து வயசுல பங்காளி meaning "brothers at the age of 5, and rivals at 10"

    Thanks for illumining this thread with your words, Sihi and Vandhana.
  5. aasawaree_b

    aasawaree_b New IL'ite

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    Thank you, Sridhar!

    Dear Sridhar,

    Thank you very much for the quick reply! Though my problem cannot have any immediate solution, your words of wisdom have encouraged me to face it with a broader mind. I am sure that henceforth I will not get upset or feel sad due to my mil’s outbursts. I will treat it as some kind of defect/imperfection and try to ignore it. Your idea of ‘growing out of a relationship’ appeals to me. However, it is very difficult to love and understand people who are jealous of us. Your narration of a mil — who made her son do the household work— has somewhat relieved me, because earlier I used to think that perhaps ours is the only family where the mother is jealous of her son.

    Sridhar, I am an ordinary working-woman with less amount of patience and understanding. Being an IT professional, I always think rationally and try to look for logical reasoning in any circumstance. But I cannot find an explanation for my MIL’s weird behaviour. I think I can never be like your friend who still lives with her old mil who used to ill-treat her. She managed everything with love, understanding and a lot of sacrifice. Very few people have such great inner strength to cope up with hard times. Moving abroad is an easier solution (kind of escapism) for an ordinary person like me, so that I will rarely have to interact with my mil. However, there can be no long term solution, other than what you have discussed. Thank you very much for your reply. I never miss your articles on IL. Though I have been a silent reader till now, after reading your article on jealousy, I could not control myself and openly conveyed my feelings to you.
    Thank you very much!

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  6. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Time To Relax Now, Ladies! Please do Join Me!

    Dear Friends,

    I have a guilty feeling that I made you all very heavy with a thread on a raw emotion, jealousy.

    So to partially compensate that heaviness I am posting a couple of scenes from Ramayana this Wednesday.

    Needless to say, that this is only a preparation for something serious to follow.

    Welcome on board the craft that is ready to fly to dizzy heights. Our captain this time is Kavichakravarthy Kambar.

    Somebody said that literature is the most powerful detergent that washes the dirt off one's soul. Here is a powerful demonstration of the effectiveness of this branded detergent.

  7. Manjureddy

    Manjureddy Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Varalotti Sir,
    (oops ! sorry about that "Sir", but I just cant get rid of The Head Master Image that flashes in my mind whenever I read your posts !)Will start afresh.
    Dear Varalotti,
    Kindly bear with this habitual latecomer.
    I have been reading all the posts in this session with great interest and trying to analyse the different thought processes that are evoked by a common subject.

    There seems to be a consensus that Jealousy and Envy are synonymous, with perhaps just a shade of difference ( light green-dark green as in your post) In everyday speech we are quite justified in using the two words interchangeably. But western philosophy makes an interesting distinction between the two and I want to share my understanding of it.
    "Jealousy" involves three components - A. The Subject ( the one who feels jealous), B. The Rival ( self explanatory) and C. The Desideratum ( that which invokes that feeling. It can be a material thing like a car or a relationship, like a girlfriend) A's emotional focus is on C, not on the Rival B. This fixation can stem from insecurity, low self-esteem or inability to acquire. In this state of emotion, A would not be bothered if B were to acquire anything other than that particular C. B can elope with X or Y or both and he wouldnt care a fig !But B getting C creates an atomic fission inside A. This condition of negativity is, officially, Jealousy.
    " Envy " has only two components. The Subject and The Rival. A's emotional focus is on B. He would be equally bothered if B acquired C or X or Y or anything. Interestingly, in such a state, A would not bother if anyone other than B acquired this, that or the other. Thus, we may not envy Bill Gates or Narayanamurthy, but most certainly will go green eyed if Mr.Neighbour wins Rs.500 in a TV Quiz Show !
    Jealousy is coveting what someone else has. Envy is not wanting the other person to have what one does not or cannot have.

    Alright, enough of semantics. So whats the prescription for a cure , as most here have already wondered ? Buddhist teachings, which call Jealousy a"prajna Dosha"(Aberration of Consciousness)" prescribe total cleansing of the basic fallacy of the I- and -You Concept. Impossible for mere mortals like us !

    But we can give this Pop-Psychiatry of New Age Gurus a try :
    1. Write down your emotion. Honestly, frankly, brutally raw. No holds barred. No niceties. Go on and be wicked. Like Kushwanth Singh's byline, "with malice towards one and all !"
    2. Read it four or five times. By the fifth time, you will find that the pungency within you is starting to wear out.
    3. Leave that place, do something else, but keep the paper safe.
    4. After a day or two, read it again. ( if you are mortified , all the better)
    5. Tear it up into tiny pieces and discard.

    ( I have tried it. Works in mild case of the infection. Only !):mrgreen:

    Thanks for "listening".

  8. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: Thank you, Sridhar!

    Dear Aasa,

    I am happy that my reply brought some relief to you. Just a few points to be clarified.

    My friend is an angel. She had suffered to the extreme with her mil. But now knowing that her mil has nowhere to go she is keeping her in her house. And I was moved to tears to see that she still gives that respect which her mil deserves as a human being and even the respect which she does not deserve as a mil. I will ask her to pray for you. When she prays God will definitely answer.

    Now all of us are ordinary working people, assa. No one is better than or superior to no other person. All of us suffer from our own lack of patience, short temper, anger, pride, jealousy etc. This is just to say that I did not stand a step high on the pedestal to advise you. We are on the level, and I being not affected by the problem described by you, gave a slightly more objective vision that's all.

    When you said that you are an IT professional and hence can only think rationally, I am just reminded of my young days. Being an accountant all my working my life I am sort of wedded to figures (I mean the numbers). And being a programmer myself, I was sort of addicted to logical thinking. I have programmed in Fox Pro (even today a 10000 line old-fashioned robust program written by me takes care of our entire operations) In that phase I also did not have any patience for the imperfections of human beings. But soon I became a cold, dry automaton who can have only computers as his friends. It all changed in 97, 98 when I became fascinated by human beings. Their lives, their desires, their love, their wishes, their wickedness, their holiness, their pettyness, their complexity, their emotions, their foolishness -- I am still adding on to the list.

    In this context I am just making two statements. If you consider them unfit, just ignore them.
    First, view your mil from a distance and try to understand her words and actions. Then try to know everything about her. Once your knowledge of her is complete you will be amazed to find that you cannot hate her. You can do this without getting close to her and without losing your self respect. In our parlance, view your mil as a complex OS and find out its features.
    Secondly I have been meeting many people in work-a-day-life. Many times I am amazed to what lows a human being can go. When I see such persons, I always think, that I have the potential to be that vicious myself. That puts the fear of God in my system and I tend to be more careful.

    Finally, when these 3000 wonderful ladies pray for you Assa, your troubles will simply flee from the scene.
    All the best,
  9. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Manjula,

    Now I am most tempted to call you Madam, especially after reading your brilliant post. As I was reading your post I had the image of "Manjula Miss" standing near the blackboard with a chalk in her hand and a stern look on her face. But jokes, apart, you have filled some gaps in my education. That's why this teacher-imagery came in. That jealousy-envy distinction is brilliant. You have immensely enriched this thread by your post.

    I have an incurable allergy for this modern-age gurus of pop psychiatry. But when some like you reads hundres of pages of those stuff and give the distilled essence in a few words, more significantly in a few action points, there again, you do this gap-filling process (in my education).

    I love your gentle but firm command over English. Words flow out of you with natural grace making the readers happy.
    Hats off to you, Manjula. May you and yours be blessed for ever.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2007
  10. Manjureddy

    Manjureddy Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Varlotti
    Thanks for that lightning fast reply.
    Your appreciative words made my day ! I never expected a writer of repute to be so encouraging towards kaththu-kuttis !
    Thank you so very much.


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