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A life in reverse!

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, May 17, 2007.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sunkan
    You talk as if I am a big celebrity here and my name is enough to draw the readers, no matter what I write! It is true that I started getting attention when the powers that be of IL decided in their own wisdom to give me a sub forum but even after that, some of my blogs did not receive much of an enthusiastic response. What do you say for it?

    Who knew JK Rowling when she presented the first of Harry Potter novels? Who knew Sidney Sheldon until he wrote his The Naked Face and The Other Side of Midnight? Grace Metalious was an unknown name until she hit the market with her Peyton Place. These people were unknown when their creations became block-busters. Their names never had anything to do with the millions of copies they sold and they were hot because of the contents of their books.

    No one reads something because it bears a known name. Saying so would be an injustice to the readers. Please do not think that I claim that what I write is hot stuff. What I write about appeals to the members and possibly they are able to relate to them. Tomorrow they may turn me down if I write anything that is not acceptable to them.

    By the way, I understand that IL has about 7000+members or so. What I write is read by about 300 members on an average! By no stretch of imagination I can call it a big readership to elicit that kind of response from you!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2007
  2. uncannybal

    uncannybal Senior IL'ite

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    Haha But I just thought of it and starting as CEO and then being demoted cannot be the way it works. No no. Let me tell you my version. We start at kindergarten but we have the body of a 80 or 90 yr old (depending on how old you would have been when u died I suppose) Then you start school and then go to college etc. But ure body is growing stronger and fitter ! When youre body is that of a young man you are at the peak of ure mental cycle and have become CEO. Then you retire when ure body is that of a teenager and have the best relationships of your life while ure body is more than co operating ! What a retired life ! Thereafter life goes downwards since you have the body if a four yr old and begin to regress into a sort of alzhiemers and return to the mothers body (she being in her 20s would have the body if a 60 yr old and hence she gets the wrong end of the deal here since her body is not as strong as she would like for this arduous process!)

    Lovely blog. Made me think !

  3. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Santosh
    This is what I consider as a great improvisation!
    I guess if it happens the way you suggest, it will be fun all the way but, as you say, the riddle of a woman having her life in the reverse would remain unsolved. I suppose the woman of the species must be excluded from this exercise. An exclusive offer to only the male!
    Thanks for your reading and the great FB!
  4. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri,

    Hilarious to say the least.From an old man and into childhood and back in the Womb.Who else but u can pull it off.

    Born with a glass of whiskey , and dieing with a bottle of Milk Sri ?

    Loved it.Regards.kamal
  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamal
    Your ability to sum up things is really amazing!
    I would sum up your last line further as 'BL to BM'!
  6. uncannybal

    uncannybal Senior IL'ite

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    Cheeniya Sir

    Apparently this new oscar nominated movie 'The curious story of Benjamin Button' has dealt with this exact topic ! I am waiting to see it and see if it matches what u have written


  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Santosh
    That's very interesting! I must confess that my total obsession with the Slumdog Millionaire
    has denied me knowledge of the details of all other Oscar nominations! I too would look forward to Benjamin Button's story.
    I actually wrote this inspired by a quote of someone who did not want all the labours of his life merely culminate in his death!
  8. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri:


    I am speechless and feel that silence is the best tribute to something as magnificent as this. When you see the Taj Mahal, are you supposed to say: Oh! How nice! That's a bit like insulting the architect. You don't pay compliments to God, do you?

    Yet, like all the other mortals on this site, I can't quite control myself, because I have rarely read something like this. The philosopher in you keeps me spellbound. Yet speech or at least words invade.

    I can't help thinking about eternity. Once again, I have this eerie feeling that I have known you for an eternity. Following you, I just took a trip back in time and at each station that my Time Machine stopped, I saw you waving at me.

    As I read the piece, I couldn't but be reminded about Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time. Again, you may well be conversant with it, but there is no harm repeating. I am sure you wouldn't mind chatting about such things. What is the starting point of time? This is the fundamental question he asks. Time being infinite, the question is hard to answer. So, he goes back to universe itself, since time is one of the defining characteristics of universe -- I guess he means the fourth dimension.

    Time and the universe must have been born at the same time and hence the birth of time took place with the birth of the universe, i.e. when the big bang occurred. Now going back to Einstein's theory of the expanding universe, he turns backwards just as you do. If big bang theory is to be trusted, then the expansion of the universe, if reversed, takes us back to where you took us. It could have all started when the universe was the size of a point, i.e. dimensionless. Zero length, zero breadth, zero height.

    Perhaps a God existed when nothing else did and he made the big bang occur. As a result the dimensionless point grew to something that accommodated solid mass -- you, me and all the others. But how long does it take for a dimensionless object to attain any mass at all, however small? The answer quite clearly is: Infinite Time.

    Hence, going back from now to the starting point of the universe involves infinite time. Even if time existed before that, it doesn't matter. I suppose the same observation applies to God himself. God could have existed before the big bang. But that does not matter. I mean the God who existed prior to the big bang doesn't matter. God had to produce a big bang to ensure that he begins to matter!!

    Do you notice though that while universe took infinite time to grow at all, life doesn't take that long to grow and die. I was reminded of the experiment that we were treated to in the chemistry lab in college. Two atoms of hydrogen were mixed up with an atom of oxygen. An ear splitting bang occurred and the test tube was full of water particles!! All that took less than a second to occur.

    Yet God's universe took infinite time to assume any mass at all. I guess God created something from nothing. The rest of creation probably is not creation. It's recreation. God had no sperm, no ovum to work with.

    I know I am turning crazier and crazier as I go on blabbering. So let me stop here with another Bow

  9. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Cheeniya sir, this reminds me of the video of the song Return to Innocence by Enigma. In that video dead rise as old people get progressively younger before ending up in the womb!
  10. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear oj

    I am overwhelmed by this lavish praise. And I must confess that I am equally embarrassed. As I have told you in another response, this also makes me apprehensive. A peak is a place I would hate to occupy because it is so sharp-pointed that it will be tough to stay there for long. I am more comfortable in the vast plains where I can roam at will without the fear of falling!

    I am no less surprised at the similar feeling that I have of you. You do sound like a person I have known for ages but never met. It is possibly the result of the total synchrony in the way we look at life.

    Time and space are the two dimensions of our whole existence. There was a time when people believed that the term ‘Infinity’ applied only to time and not space. But today, scientists are baffled by the ‘limitlessness’ of both Time and Space. The thought that both would have had their origin in the Big Bang is a fascinating thought. In fact, the rewind back to the Big Bang is a mind boggling imagination. Imagine the whole vast universe the limits of which are beyond our wildest imagination imploding back into a dimensionless point. Perhaps that’s where physics is taken over by metaphysics.

    Your words “God could have existed before the big bang. But that does not matter” remind me of the Berkleyan Theory. He firmly believed that nothing existed if there was no observer. He gave some interesting examples in support of his theory. If we look at it in his perspective, God would not have existed if the whole universe was a dimensionless point. In the same perspective, your statement makes a lot of sense.

    Aging is again a fascinating subject. Our body is reported to be composed of 100 trillion cells which keep replicating. What we are composed of today is not the same as what it was a year back. In our normal life span of say 80 years, our cells would have died and been replaced innumerable times. For a single human cell, the life span of its host is awesome. So it is for us when we think of the Universe.

    Because, as you say, God created Something out of Nothing, many scholars particularly of the Advaitha School believe that what He created is also Nothing, the everlasting Soonya. That is the fulcrum on which their whole theory of Maya is built. Incidentally I subscribe to it too!

    I guess I too got carried away and let me stop here!

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