If you could try out any job or a profession for one week, what would that be? Let's assume that you will have the skills and knowledge necessary for that job. .
I have a list of such jobs that I'd like to try. UPS delivery guy - There are two UPS delivery guys who serve my area. They are cheerful and play music or news radio at loud volumes. They needn't ring the bell for me to know they are delivering something to my door. I look out the window and sometimes wish I could drive away in that truck, without the driver of course, and do the rest of the deliveries. Their job is not a fun job always. There are horror stories of no time for bathroom breaks etc. But, it is a job I'd like to try for few days at least. Tailor - Not a tailor in current times, but one a few decades ago. A tailor from my childhood, stitching uniforms for school children, and the rush of orders in festival or marriage season. I would like to be the "master" tailor/owner who only does the cutting while the other trainee tailors do the stitching work. Radio announcer - I would give anything to go back in time and be the announcer on one of Vividh Bharathi or Radio Ceylon's music programs. TV English News Reader - Not in the current times when they new anchors shout and yell, but from the times of:
teacher for prek,kinder,1st,2nd,3rd grades only... Doctor.. MAth teacher as i was not so good at math, i wanted to become math teacher but didnt work..
I always wanted to be a Nursery school teacher and be with those tiny tots. I want to be a radio announcer, train announcer( agla station dadar) I want to be a book influencer(if there is anything like that) I want to be a story teller to children.
I shall go back some 60 years in time when I must have had learnt the nitty-gritty of making samosas. With ingredients occupy a corner near market or and busy park or lunch time around schools or near intervals at movie theatres. The samosa sells fast and am owner of business. Mending umbrella is too good in monsoon near school offices or near churchgate vt railway stations . All platform businesses with no or less capital less labour intensive no buz management. Projector operator in movie theatres in rural set up. Easy job easy going. Hair cut/ saloon on call! Work in hotselling dailys- news paper office in printing section. All small jobs are interesting to kill the ennui. I sold for my friend sundal murukku at marina shores in paper cones in 1954. ( this friend retired from bank of india after marrying off three sisters in a row!) Due to recession in 1967-68, i could not get into a job of my liking. Bu tthen i could teach. I was employed in a tutorial for ₹400 a month with three slot working hours daily except sun . 8am to 10 am. 2 to 4 pm. & then 8 to 10 pm. Lousy working hours. Four weeks i lectured and end of the month, the admin man said salary 50 % on first of month and rest after fifteenth. I left with library books costing few hundreds. He sent lawyer notice threatening legal action etc. i was ennervated and scared. Dad through his Advocate friend resolved the matter and i got my salary dues exchangingfor their library books. Bade good bye to teaching. There are numerous jobs that one could think of remunerative and lucrative and easy going. But best of all the jobs for all the time for all ages is the one where one can pretend to listening to their stories and get paid. The job is - you guessed correctly ....psychi..... Thanks for nostalgia .
I always wanted to be a librarian, ofcourse to read the books And i like school teacher job also, i wish i should have opted that profession.. And Any shop owner like fancy store or some department stores. I should try this after retirement..
Private yoga tutor coz am not comfortable with lot of people around Choreographer Nutritionist dietician Zumba instructor Librarian coz I like the environment,so quiet and can read some books Prek ( I love babies and small kids but only reason am afraid is..it’s a huge responsibility and Ofcourse cannot imagine doing potty training hee hee) Trekking guide