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9 Year Old Extreme Stubbornness And Tantrums..please Help!

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by anika987, Jun 3, 2022.

  1. SunPa

    SunPa Platinum IL'ite

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    My reply is a little late but hope it will be useful
    With lots of patience and firmness

    Universe prepares you for this, you have it all covered!

    This is like the terrible twos - except for teens
    When some say girls are so easy to raise compared to boys -- they are so sweet, and quite -- I laugh in my head. What mind games they play! But not with evil intentions though. It is often as a part of their growing up process, and mothers are often the one person they can get away with. So ya dont let the words hurt, it's not personal, it's just hormones and growing up and adjusting to the outside world.

    It's just words that she is grabbing to hurt cos she somehow cant deal/understand and is hurting, Finding her place, pushing boundaries to what she can control. Great that you could have a talk with her.
    Remind her to apologise to you. And once she does , accept her apology, say you forgive her even though her words had hurt. And do set consequences if she repeats this and follow thru.
    Also get your husband on board and after such outburst, remind him to have a talk with her -- being rude to your mother is not acceptable.

    At some point they may even compare you to other mothers, like how nice/good X's mom is -- oh that hurts more than cuss words! But ya, like I said keep in mind that they are tools to get to you, and you shouldnt let it. You are a good mother , period. If you need validation wait for Mother's day ;-)

    The good news is as she has started this early , probably the teenage years will be easier - just from my experience.
    And you will look back and see the metamorphosis -- and guess what only remember the sweet and happy moments -- just like forgetting the labour pains ...
    Anisu likes this.

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