Having been born and raised in a modern Christian family in Sri Lanka, I’ve never placed my faith in superstitions, astrology, or remedies. While I trust in God and have a deeply personal connection with the divine, I’ve always been sceptical of predictions that seem to dictate lives. Interestingly, as they say, opposites attract—I fell in love with a Hindu man who was raised in an ashram in India and holds strong faith in astrology, rituals, and remedies. He follows these practices religiously, as does his family, who share a deep belief in the influence of stars and planetary alignments. Though I fell in love with his soul, I could never connect with those beliefs and have often been critical of them throughout our marriage. To me, life is in our hands, and relying on stars to guide it felt unnecessary. After many disagreements, we’ve reached a place where we respectfully agree to disagree and allow each other to follow our hearts. Lately, however, I’ve started to reflect on these matters with a more open mind. Perhaps there is some connection between astrology, the stars, and the energy that surrounds our lives—more than just coincidence or luck. According to my horoscope, I belong to Makara Rasi and was supposed to face a challenging 7.5-year period of Sade Sati (7 ½ Sani) for the past 7.5 years. When my husband’s astrologer warned me about this earlier, I dismissed it. At the time (7-8 years before), I had just emerged from one of the most difficult phases of my life—marital issues, a brief separation, and immense personal struggles. I thought, “Life can’t be crueller than this.” And I was right. The past 7.5 years turned out to be the best phase of my life. My career soared, I united my family after years of separation due to work, gained control over family matters, and achieved significant milestones. I bought properties, enjoyed family trips abroad, and significantly improved our financial status. Ironically, during this same period, my husband faced setbacks. He lost his job and struggled to return to the workforce, which caused tension at home—especially between him and my mother, who often clashed while both were home during my absence for work. From a practical perspective, it felt like he was going through 7 ½ Sani, not me. But as they say, not everything is black and white. Life has layers of mystery, and I’ve started realizing the hidden truths behind these predictions as I approach the end of my own Sade Sati phase. Yes, life has changed—significantly for the better. Despite career growth, wealth, and travel during those years, I often felt mentally drained, constantly stressed, and emotionally exhausted than ever. My spirit was so negative during these days and life seemed so difficult. Now, I’ve found peace. Taking a sabbatical from work and considering early retirement has been a liberating choice. I’ve shifted my focus to an alternative career closer to home, and the comfort, control, and pride I feel in leading a harmonious family life far outweigh anything else. As for my husband, his long wait for a decent job ended this January, finally easing the tension at home. My mother, who was often critical of him, has softened, and her frequent clashes with him have ceased. Watching my loved ones fight was one of the hardest things, especially knowing my children had to witness it while I was away. Interestingly, my mom, who has always been critical of me and my choices, has also started recognizing my efforts. A brief stay with my brother made her realize the adjustments my family has made to accommodate her. My silence during this mom Vs Son saga has earned me newfound respect from my family especially my siblings and their spouses. Though life hasn’t drastically changed outwardly, it feels like I’m living in a dream. When I shared this with my husband, he simply said, “Your Sade Sati is ending.” This got me thinking—maybe Sade Sati isn’t about losing jobs, illness, or poverty, as half-baked astrologers claim. Your life is always within your control. Hard work and determination can still lead to success, regardless of planetary alignments. But happiness, peace, and comfort? Those belong to a different realm—one that’s deeply spiritual. Perhaps the planets don’t control our actions but rather align the energy around us, creating harmony for us to truly enjoy life.
Astrology is very interesting concept . I wouldn’t even spend a minute if I don’t believe in it . Everything your husband stated is a misconception about Saturn and its effect . I would recommend you to ignore his comments and move on with your life .
Sade-sati is never about "losing jobs, illness and poverty" Saturn is a very slow moving planet, thereby, gives results slowly. Things take inordinate amount of time and mental stress, Saturn tests your patience and your integrity and your actions in the face of stressful events. If you are highly conscientious, Saturn never gives bad results. Makara rasi is one of the favourite places of saturn (4-5 rasis out of 12 rasis are its happy places), so it gives good blessings... Also, it depends on where your janma saturn is deposited and with which other planets.... There are a lot of calculations for sade-sati - you cannot generalise and say everything is bad. At any given point of time 1/4 th of the world's population would be undergoing sade-sati, and if you live for 60 years, you go through sade-sati for 15 years of your life... so, it is not always bad. And I have mostly seen the sade-sati periods full of new relationships, weddings, new houses and new kids, travel to far away places, riches/promotions but after a lot of mental/emotional struggles! Since you are 40+, this must be the 2nd sade-sati of your life! So, the results are for your family, husband, kids (You would have a lot of 2nd hand stress) Anyway, by March, your sade-sati will get over, so everything will be hunky-dory! Keep smiling HR
Astrology is true. It has to be seen by knowledgeable Astrologers. Many of stuff told by them has been true for my family. I never used to believe in it while growing up .
A different perspective indeed—and what you’ve described above actually mirrors my real-life experience. I truly hope the last line comes true as well! Yes, I understand. But what’s the point of listening to astrologers? Whatever is destined to happen will unfold regardless. In my case, what helped me successfully navigate my 7 1/2 Sani phase was my ignorance of it. Had I known I was going through that phase—especially with all the negativity associated with it—I doubt I would have made it this far. I probably would have given up after a few failed attempts, blamed Sani for my setbacks, and fallen into a self-pity spiral over what wasn’t working out.
Personally, i prefer knowing it and understanding why things are happening in a certain pattern or manner. I am currently in my second or third year of this 7.5 years of journey. So far, as mentioned by Hastro, as to new beginnings is so on the point along with me being in mental agony. To cope with it, i have actually started meditating since the beginning of this Sani phase. And now it has become a routine for me. I mostly pray for mental strength. Also i am cautious about venturing into something new, take a moment to think before i talk and am constantly trying to connect with god to help me sail through this.
Yes, it's a different perspective and deeply thought-provoking. Looking back, while I eventually came out successful, every setback left me feeling devastated. I had to cut ties with certain relationships and drastically lower my expectations from the things I once cherished to shield myself from future disappointments. For instance, I stopped expecting a cake or celebration on my birthdays and began treating them like any other day. While this approach helped me cope, it also led me down a path of hopelessness. Had I known it was all due to the 7 1/2 sani phase, which lasts only seven and a half years, I might have handled things differently. I could have chosen to stay silent, postpone decisions, or even step away temporarily to revisit those situations when the planets aligned in my favor. Today, life feels remarkably easy. I’m not sure if it’s because my 7 1/2 sani is nearing its end or if I’ve reached a state of inner peace where attachments and expectations no longer cause suffering. Age and maturity undoubtedly play a significant role as well. Still, I can’t shake the subtle feeling that the universe is now on my side. For instance, Jan 18th was my birthday! not just my family or staff, but most people I value took their time to wish me on my birthday, and my dear ones made it even special with gifts and cakes. Call it luck or something else. But, looking at the positive changes, after reading your response, I think, I would have approached the painful moments of my past very differently if I’d known what I know now.