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60 years of independence- has it brought freedom for women in India?

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Tamildownunder, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. vidhyaramkumar

    vidhyaramkumar Senior IL'ite

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    I go with sharada. Right to do anything regardless of the impact on others is what you say freedom, then we already have that. Walk back home at anytime of the day is what you say freedom, then i would say a big "NO". Its the lack of security and that is applicable for both men and women. The word Freedom is very subjective.
  2. s1979s

    s1979s New IL'ite

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    Hi friends,
    I am new to this forum. I have been looking for a way to talk openly about the bad conditions women have to face in India. Every day we have men making passes at us, you read in the paper about men raping women every day. It is a big shame.

    My friend was going home on monday night and 3 men in a tavera started following her car. She tried to drive fast but they stayed behind her. Then she dialled her husband who didn't answer. She remembered she had this thing on her phone--so she called it. 55100. It is some sort of emergency alert that goes to multiple people. Her sister, brother in law, husband, son, father and daughter all got her alert. It also told them where she was and that she was in need of help. As a result, she got an immediate call from her brother in law who came to help her within a few minutes. Her sister called the police and alerted them. Her son called her and showed up with her father. She stopped her car on the side of the road and when the men who were following her saw all these people with her, they drove away. She gave the police their car number.

    I am so happy my friend is safe. This alert service is amazing according to her. Sadly only Airtel people in India can get it right now, but I hope this will come to other providers too. But the family members she added are not all on Airtel--which means you have to be on Airtel to subscribe but you can add anyone from any provider. I asked her what it is called-- 55100 Airtel Emergency Alerts. They also have other features which look VERY cool.

    I got it for myself and have been telling all my friends about it. This place is unsafe and women like us need the tools to make ourselves safe. If you want to sign up, on Airtel, just send an sms with the word START to 55100. You can add maximum ten numbers of family and friends to your group who will get your alerts. It was pretty straightforward to sign up. And not expensive which is nice--only 1 rupee per day. They say all the calls, sms'es and alerts are tollfree and work across the country no additional charges.

    Anyway sisters, I hope you find this information useful. I don't work for Airtel and I'm not trying to push a product. But I live in a reality that is VERY unsafe and if I can help my fellow sisters to be safe, then it is worth it. Consider this my recommendation for a must-have!

    Peace and love to everyone.

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