1. Don't nag! 2. Resolve arguments quickly... and REALLY resolve them! 3. Forgive and truly forget. 4. Don't bring up past problems when addressing a new one. 5. Constantly remind your love of how much you love them. 6. Never lose your respect for your partner. 7. Even though you are a couple, never lose your self-identity. 8. Schedule and never break a weekly date with your partner. Even if the date involves staying home. 9. Don't lie or be unfaithful to your partner. 10.Make it a point to say and show that you love your partner every day.
good, short and crisp. but do you ladies think this will work out if we alone follow these? and do you think guys have the patience to read through forums like this? bcoz I hv forwarded 2 of the posts to my husband 10days back and he's yet to open up, doesn't mean he is a care free person. the interest they show in reading articles or forums to better their life I mean. Malar
Hi malarp, Why do forward it..when u know he may not get a chance to open...just take a colorful printout and stick it on the wardrobe door...back your bathroom...fridge door..where it will come into his vision..so will definitely read.....:mrgreen: To better their life..is to put butter on the table.......that is also equally important....
Hi Rena, The message is an universal one to all couples no matter how much aged they are. It is really good:2thumbsup: NandiniBala