दुनिया में हम आए है तो जीना पड़ेगा भक्तो के पुकार भगवान् को प्यारा है भक्तो की भक्ती में जीवन मुक्ति है हमारी राह में प्यार ही प्यार है आओ हम सब मिलकर गाये भक्ति संगीत
Viji Dear Is this poem written by you... Very nice wording on Bhakti/ devotion to the Lord. He is only hungry for love if we can spread even little bit of love around HE is the one who will be very happy.
Aruna dear thanks for reviving my thread. Ya this poem was written by me. Glad you liked the poem . True HE is the one who is happy with small things also. We have to catch his legs tight always.