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Weight Loss Tips For 40+ Women

Discussion in 'Keep Fit & Maintain Shape' started by mangaii, Jun 3, 2023.

  1. mangaii

    mangaii Finest Post Winner

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    I really want to loose weight but my metabolism sucks . I try hard but absolutely no change unless I really cut down to one meal a day . Just wondering if anything has worked when we are not that young . Any tips to loose weight . I walk an hour every day. Planning to start on Pilates from this month . Anything that has worked please share . I will probably use this thread to motivate me to loose weight in summer
    gknew likes this.

  2. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Actually one can rebuild metabolism by eating well.Eat normally and healthy in taking sufficient vitamins,minerals ,protein, fiber and carbs. Do this for atleast two to three months.

    You metabolism will reset.

    You will not gain much weight if you eat home cooked food and not too many oils or junk.
    Once in a while a cheat meal is fine in moderation.

    After three months..now start strength training. There is something called “Newbie Gains”. Your body will
    Drop fat and gain muscle.

    You can take it from there.

    else if you don’t like strength trainings..You can do Zumba,walk or yoga.
    mangaii and gknew like this.
  3. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for this thread. I am in the same boat and trying so hard to reduce the weight.
    I am having some chronic pain issue and have taken few medications in the last 3 years..
    Side effects of those medicines were the weight gain and I have gained a lot of weight. I am talking about 55+ pounds weight gain in one year.
    I was in the overweight range before this pain but my body was so flexible earlier.
    Now I become obese and hard to do anything. I tried several things to reduce the weight. My Dr even gave me medication to reduce the weight.
    My metabolism is messed up and I am not able to reduce the weight at all.
    I am very strict about the diet and eating home made foods with walking time everyday.
    I feel tired end of the day with all walking and diet. But I didn't reduce any weight. Will follow the thread for some inputs.

    This thread will be a motivating factor for me too. thanks for starting this thread.
    I don't have any inputs but don't give up. I am not giving up and keep trying. We will reach the required goal one day!! Good luck!!
    mangaii likes this.
  4. mangaii

    mangaii Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks @anika987 do you have recommendation for any multivitamin?
    I’m vegetarian so consuming enough protein in my diet is also a biggest challenge.
    @gknew join me here for weight loss journey. Hope we both can achieve our goals
    gknew and anika987 like this.
  5. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    chanchitra, gknew and mangaii like this.
  6. mangaii

    mangaii Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks @MalStrom Low carb do you mind sharing just a day what you eat ?
    I have been exploring low carb but without carb I don’t see many ways to eat using my meals . I eat tofu everyday to the extent I look like tofu . Other than that everything I touch with protein include carbs . I’m wondering if using some plant based protein will help since anything animal based has cholesterol. Any suggestions
  7. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Protein can be found through yogurt,green yogurt also known as hung curd,cottage cheese and other lentils.Intake more lentils instead of white rice as they contain same carbs but lentil has more protein. Egg whites are good too if u can take it.

    Nature made multivitamins are good but honestly good food and rest are more than enough than extra vitamins as of now.

    Eat well,rest and less stress will help reset metabolism.After three months you can start working out.Try a 10 week challenge or some gym memberships..surely would help
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2023
  8. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I use less rice, just measure a cupful. Then I try to include spinach as much as possible. I have not been able to adjust to eating kale. I try to make one salad of moong sprouts with tomatoes, onions and cucumbers at least 3 times a week. I also make tadka dal every day, and try to incorporate bean dishes as much as possible: chole, rajma and black-eyed peas. I do simple preparation for green vegetables like beans, cabbage, cauliflower, bell pepper etc: just sauté lightly, tadka with just a pinch of spices.
    I like tofu but it doesn’t always fit into the meal plan. If I buy firm tofu I will make a quick stir fry using the box of stir-fry vegetable mix from Trader Joe’s and one of their stir fry sauces. I also like this recipe with silken tofu but I don’t use the eggs:
    Spicy Cold Tofu: 5 Minute Recipe
    If I go to the Asian markets I will pick up greens and prepare them with vegetarian oyster sauce:
    Easy Chinese Yu Choy Sum
    mangaii and gknew like this.
  9. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    In one year I gained 20 lbs.

    It creeped up on me

    I ate the same, blood levels were normal.

    In Oct 2022 I started lifting weights, i.e. 8 lbs. Then I got sick for a month, plus recovery. Then my Dad had Heart Operation in Mar 2023 and was re-admitted Apr 2023 due to A-fib.

    As of now I do 9 lb dumbells for arms, 3 days a week. 10 lb ankle weignts for legs, 3 days a week. 6 days a week I do recumbent bike

    I don't see success in sight. All I can do is GRADUALLY increase the weights and the bike endurance.

    And i stay away from processed foods (but body shape is funny, i.e. I never seen my arms so chubby)

    But I'm trying to take it in stride.
    mangaii and gknew like this.
  10. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    After several years of trial and error, I've found my way of weight loss which is working!

    My metabolism got stuck with hormonal imbalance since several years and my sedentary life style made it more difficult to lose weight.
    With several attempts of trial and error, I found my own way of weight loss which is now working.

    - Rule out any underlying problems in the body.
    I had vit D deficiency for a long time, which was undetected. This was the main culprit behind my slow metabolism & weight gain.
    Hypothyroidism, PCOD and many other hormonal imbalances can cause weight gain.

    - Consider life style changes, rather than sticking to a certain diet plan
    After 40, your body's response to any diet plans would be slow. I used to lose weight with a week long diet plans, and always consider crash diet tips before Christmas or wedding parties, which worked. But now a days, I have nothing but being consistent is the only help.
    Therefore, to prevent you from heartache after trying diet plans with no apparent results, better you can consider life style changes which will definitely have some progress at the end.

    A few life style changes that helped me after 40.

    1) 7- 8 hours sleep daily

    2) Low carb diet.
    I usually eat carb rich meals 3 times a day, plus a snack on most of the days. Now that I have switched to oats and Greek yogurt for breakfast, portion controlled rice with lots of proteins for lunch and vege/chicken soup and boiled eggs for dinner. Most of the days my menu would be like this with slight variations as per my taste buds. For snacks, I would munch on nuts or fruits.

    3) No sugar diet.
    I don't consume sugar or any sugary stuff in my regular diet. But in case it is unavoidable (like cakes in birthday parties), I consume them in moderation.
    I take coffees without Sugar, and do not munch on any sugary items such as chocolates or desserts.
    Honestly, I don't be harsh on my body. I consume 2-3 coffees latte daily, and I am not ready to trade this bit of happiness ever.

    4) Drinking a lot of water.
    I understood that most of my weight comes from water retention, and that's a common cause with hormonal weight.
    I also have swellings in my legs and feet. As a remedy, I've started drinking a lot water, which helps in weight loss process.

    5) Joining a Gym.
    This has made wonders for a person like me who sits at office for 9 hrs at a stretch and do not work much. I workout at least 1.5 hrs for 5 days in a week. During this 30 mins cardio and the remaining 1 hr for strength training.
    At least one day during the week, I would do intense cross training. It was difficult in the past, but with the help of a trainer/personal coach, I could do this now.
    In fact, I have started liking my Gym time a lot these days. This helps a lot with regards to my mental health as well.

    6) High protein intake. Since I eat non-veg, I depended on chicken breasts and eggs much. I also ate a good amount of dal.

    7) Do not trust your scale. With workout, you lose fat but gain muscle; hence the scale doesn't change. Trust your photos

    With all this in place, I patiently waited for a while.

    - The first month I did not lose any. But did not gain anything either. Especially, the rapid weight gain came to an end that month
    - I lost only 2 kgs in the next month. With lots of hard work, diet and stuff, 2 kgs seemed too little. But at least I lost something in a while.
    - Again 3 kgs in the 3rd month. But I started feeling much better from within. In fact, dropped 2 size down with my jeans, and my hip areas were toned. So, I realized something is happening.
    - This is the 4th month, and I've already lost 10 kgs in total. Now that I've come back to my usual weight range. 71 kgs. But I look much toned, and shaped so it shows. Especially the face, arms and stomach have gone down.

    I still continue the same diet. There is no cheat days, but I do eat briyani and KFC once in a while in moderation, and never fee guilt for doing that. Life is to live, and enjoy. So, this kind of food add spice to your life and give more energy to work out.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023
    mangaii and gknew like this.

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