Pre-wedding Photo Shoots - Charming Or Corny?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Rihana, Jan 26, 2023.

  1. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Call me old fashioned, but lately I hate these photoshoots.
    For me, intimate moments between a couple should be kept for themselves, and not to be shared publicly. Especially those sexy couple moments where the girl wears a revealing cloth, and the boy gazes at her assets with expressions.
    These photos go viral, everyone including the parents and siblings in the family see them and share them among other family members.

    We have taken special pictures, of course before marriage when we were in a relationship, but never shared them with others even after our marriage. Those pictures are very very special, as they always recall the special memories of our younger selves. So, I am not against taking couple pictures, but doing them in public in an artificial manner and then sharing the same among others is what concerns me.

    Recently one of my younger cousin had a pre-wedding photoshoot with her fiancée. The photographer and the make up lady insisted her to wear some revealing cloths, which she isn't comfortable at first. But for the sake of "catchy" pictures (which is a must for younger generation these days) she accepted the demand and wore a glamour dress for the shoot.
    It was indeed like a cinema shooting where the photographer directed the scene and the couples were just acting and not really feeling the moments.
    The photos turned out so well, and was shared in FB widely. The photographer used these pictures to market his studio, so as the make up lady.
    These viral photos somewhat reached the groom's nosy relatives who in return started questioning the girl's background in relation to the cloths she was wearing, and the intimate photos. This has created a lot of unnecessary arguments between the families, that lead to calling off the marriage.

    In fact, both the bride to be and the groom to be were not so in love in the first place. It was a usual arranged marriage, and they were just at the phase of getting to know each other.

    But these photos spoke something else, and are widely shared in social media. This will remain there no matter what the couple decide for their future, and I feel these are totally unwanted given the fact that we live in a society that is very conservative in nature.
    anika987 likes this.
  2. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    Female each their own. i for one hate these photo shoots.

    I make corny collages of mine and my husband's pics and they are just for us. Even our kids dont get to see it. But thats just me.

    There are others who love all that attention and jazz. As long as they are happy with the result, i am ok with it. Well for one, it gives me and my sister enough fodder to comment and enjoy! :laughing:
  3. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    Just a week ago I was seeing my pre wedding pictures and recalled all the funny memories.

    The main thing I observed was my hubby was really shy to even hold my hands and pose for all the romantic poses :tearsofjoy:
    And me on the other hand I love to get clicked so I never felt shy and I was busy posing :grin:

    In few pictures his expressions are so blank and I’m like :eek:

    Since ours was an arranged marriage for sure the pre wedding shoot was more like an ice breaker between me and my husband.

    Unlike these days we dint goto any cool destination for photoshoot but it was in a famous place in our city!

    And we dint display any of those pics during our wedding because we wanted it to be private.
    When all my family members were asking for those pictures I was too shy to show them my short dress :clapclap:

    I still don’t regret our pre wedding shoot but wish we had chosen a better location somewhere in the outskirts of the city.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2023

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