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Should I Stay In This Marriage

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by ats, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    You chose to (or were pressured by family/others) to have a child even though husband's interest in nonprocreative sex was zero. You didn't divorce him before child for that reason. Should you divorce him after child for that reason? IMO, no.
  2. ats

    ats Senior IL'ite

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    Like I said intimacy is not my reason even now. I am ready to take this as any Other disease
    My issue is he not considering that as scrafice on my side and even says what bid deal
    On top of it he is not social and not make any friends so I am stuck with him only all the time with no change
    Not good with my family either
    Thought that if I am busy I cannot tell a father that please you take your kid to park really drive me crazy
    We were pressurized from family side
    Only my mom knew about this and she said force him so atleast you can have kid
    And I agree that I was stupid to go by that decision
    I guess now my patience is over and have seen more life
  3. Ragini25

    Ragini25 Platinum IL'ite

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    You listened to your mom earlier, brought your daughter into this world, and now "patience is over".
    What about the beautiful, innocent daughter who is going to have her world torn apart? (any child does suffer maximum in a divorce, more than parents). Anyway decision is yours. Give maximum thought to dau, that innocent child's interest is #1 priority over your mom's suggestion then, and your patience over now etc.
    maya9876 likes this.
  4. ats

    ats Senior IL'ite

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    Thanks Ragini25
    I do understand your point and I think you also need to think from both perspective
    What if I tell you that in whole week father only spends 5 minutes with her daughter
    His daughter does not want to go anywhere with her father because he is too strict
    All events she attends only with her mom be it PTA , any performance , any spring fair
    Sometimes people do make mistakes in life and realize it little later
    In 11 years of marriage I can count number of times we had any relation and with not even single friend
    People do loose patience and I see no harm in it
    I have been reading so many articles - according to experts staying in marriage just for sake of kids is even more harmful to them when they see their parents unhappy behavior
    I just wanted advice if I am being too selfish to think about come out of this marriage which has no relation , no love, no emotion , no friendship
    I do agree I made mistakes and late in thinking about this decision but is it too late to spend rest of life like this
    Bestmom likes this.
  5. Ragini25

    Ragini25 Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes, understood. Like I said, I trust you know your personal situation best, so good wishes - whichever way you decide.
  6. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    There is an equal number of articles about the impact of divorce on kids. Don't go by articles only. If you and child end up being unhappier outside the marriage, you can't blame the article.
    Yes, it is selfish. You knowingly brought a child into such a marriage. Husband is the same as before. Your analysis of the marriage has changed.
    There are more options. You could move to another city. He could. "Job" could be the reason for living separately. You could hang in there till she is off to college. Unusual arrangements are possible. Unless you are going to seriously consider getting married again, it seems like you are better off in the marriage.

    Of course, you know best. We can only provide opinion, based on your posts. And our own values, prejudices etc.

    Is a temporary living separately possible, while you think over things?
    ats and yellowmango like this.
  7. ats

    ats Senior IL'ite

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    Thanks Rihana
    Leaving seperate is not an Option - he will not agree to do that and I have a nice job and know few people at my work place to whom I can ask for help if needed so moving is not an option for me as well
    I do understand your point but what I am thinking is if she grew up seeing her parents sleeping in different rooms is that good. If she grew up seeing her parents don't talk sometimes in days is that good. Somedays her father comes home from office , eat dinner and go to sleep without she knowing as he did not had any conversation with her
    As far as remarriage , for now I am not thinking about it
    I will think over the points you mentioned surely
  8. crazywriter

    crazywriter Platinum IL'ite

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    OP, I agree with you when you say that mistakes happen. Sometimes we do make the wrong choices but it does not mean that we should be paying the price for the rest of our lives. Maybe you initiate conversations with your H like 'will you be ok to live on your own?'. Good luck, and I hope you make the right choice for you, your daughter and both your happiness. I can't comment on your DH happiness because it is unclear what makes him happy.
  9. ats

    ats Senior IL'ite

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    Hi crazywriter- Thanks for your kind words. I am reviewing all the options and points made by friends on this forum. As far as for my husband - as long as no one is coming to our home, no one is calling him on phone , no one inviting him for dinner ,I am ready to accompany him whenever he wants a company for a dinner - he is happy sitting in his room
    He does like shopping , eating out and window shopping - that is all he likes
    crazywriter likes this.
  10. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Reading between the lines, you don't want to do that. If you want to, it can be done. Not wanting this option, is not bad or wrong; it is just one option you should look at before discarding. You have.

    Tough questions. Will not be much solace if you are told that there are many households where this is the norm. Adding some more questions to the mix: when is 12 or 13, she might ask you some pointed questions. If you divorce (start using this word actively in your mind, don't keep it hazy), if you divorce, what will be the reason you give her? What will be the reason you give if she asks 'so I was born in a very unhappy marriage, and you guys ... just to have me?' We didn't ask our parents questions about their choices and parenting. Kids now-a-days do ask, and even in 'normal' households.

    She is seeing parents sleeping in separate rooms, and not talking for days. Contrast that to she splits her time between two houses. Parents meet only in parent-teacher meeting, or her birthdays. From what little I know, children are remarkably selfish. She may prefer this setup, to the two homes setup.

    A "sad, emotionally zero" marriage is not enough reason to walk out. You have to compare your present to the possible future. Single parenting has logistics like care of child when you are sick, usually standard of living of child also goes down. If happiness or emotional contentment (yours and child's) is going to be an uphill battle even after divorce, then.....

    One more point - office colleagues are nice to rely on, and good that they might help you. But, such help is never for long. Life happens, people move on. After the initial help, support, sympathy, you will be mostly on your own.

    Couple more things - "a child is better off with divorced parents rather than fighting/emotionally silent/bickering parents", "you deserve happiness, you deserve a better marriage, you do not have to remain in such a marriage" are nice to read in articles. When applying them to real life, much more customization is needed. The "you deserve happiness" does not come accompanied with the handbook of happiness. That advice only sets you up with the task of your own happiness. If you are trying to build up the strength to make a jump towards an obviously happier you, and a divorce will bring that, and you are having some residual misgivings, then, that 'you deserve happiness' can give the little final push you need.

    And these articles, are more applicable to 'western' marriages. This over interference from SIL, in-laws, the having a child in spite of... are more typical of 'Indian' marriages. So,apply the gyan from those articles with some care.

    You are struggling to make your husband be the dad your child deserves. A divorce will make that particular struggle even harder.

    Good Luck. Sorry for the longish response. If you post 'I have decided to walk out, I need help/suggestions', you'll get those. If you post 'I have decided to remain.. I need help/suggestions', you'll get those. You are currently evaluating/brainstorming... so these suggestions. These are like the sounding-board you seem to be looking for, they are not a criticism of any of your choices.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
    bhagya85, ats and yellowmango like this.

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