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Two most important things in life

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by simran4u, May 2, 2012.

  1. simran4u

    simran4u Silver IL'ite

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    Dear friends
    Today while i was meditating in the morning, two words were just coming up again and again in my thought and these two magical words are "Faith and Courage".
    When I thought about them , I realised their importance in life.If you look very deeply into the meaning of life, you will find that life is nothing but flow of events or situations from one moment to another moment and we are bounded to life through our actions(thoughts, words and deeds) in these moments. Thus we are sum total of our actions and life is sum total of the consequences of these actions which is sometimes known to us, but majorly unknown to us.The part which is unknown to us can be termed as destiny or the part of the cosmic plan .

    Faith and courage are the instruments which help us to lead a meaningful life and move towards our goals.Faith in ourselves and faith in the supreme power is the thing that helps us to sail through tough situations in life. In Bhagwad Geeta, Lord says that whatever happened was good, whatever is happening is good and whatever will happen ,will happen for good. So where is the place of self doubt. Just remove self doubt from your life and realise your potential. You are more than what you think you are. Break the chains of worldly perspective and try to rely on yourself. Just believe in yourself and the rest will be taken care of.

    Talking of Courage, It is also very important and it goes hand in hand with faith. If faith is like shiva, then courage is the Shakti. Courage removes all our fears in life. Courage is nothing but that enthusiasm within us. It is that never die spirit within us, It is the passion within us.

    Do think about these two words and share your thoughts with me.

  2. ramyaramani

    ramyaramani Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I think one should hAve courage to keep faith in something/someone completely. There are going to be challenges that deter the faith kept on something. But overcoming these challenges with courage is key to succeed.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Very well written blog and thank you for sharing thoughts you had during your meditation session. The faith is nothing but Self-confidence and Self-confidence comes from Self-satisfaction and Self-satisfaction comes from Self-sacrifice. Many a times, we misunderstand Self-confidence as the ability of our mind to resolve issues. That is not self-confidence. Having faith that we have an inner core that is Godly and would guide us towards right thoughts, words and actions is Self-confidence.

    Anger comes from desires and Fear comes from attachment. Our mind is the one that creates desires and attachment from its thoughts. If we begin eliminating our desires and attachments, our anger and fear would automatically disappear. If we are not attached to anything, the question of fear does not arise. If we are not longing for anything as "must have" or not expecting things to happen, we will not have disappointment and hence there will not be any anger.

    Lastly, if we are the soul and not the body or diminutive ego, then, all we experience are individual events that are unconnected to each other. It is our mind that connects all of them together, interprets them and makes it into a life. All we need to do is to get the lessons out of our each experience and store it in our mind. If we understand those experiences are presented to us based on our past actions and we don't get attached to them and expect no results, we do not accumulate any Karma.
  4. simran4u

    simran4u Silver IL'ite

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  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Great question. We have been struggling with the implementation even though right methods have been clearly defined in Scriptures. We keep coming back again and again because we were not able to practice the defined methods.

    1) Desires - We have to realize that they are coming from our thoughts which again are coming from our past Karma - The gateway to pursue these desires are mind and five senses - In general, we need to practice control of the mind and five senses regularly through meditation and other character building exercises - We need to learn to do everything in moderation - We have to watch our words, actions, thought, character and heart ("WATCH") - When we watch our thoughts, we need to list out the desires that are coming out of it and begin the process of eliminating some desires regularly - We need to have a ceiling on desires - We need to change our life to need based instead of want based - Get the mind to practice giving it to the needed people of what we saved out of elimination of our desires - Synchronize all our thoughts, words and actions - Review all our thoughts, words and actions every single day, identify the bad ones and recognize them, make a determination not to commit it again and forgive ourselves for that mistake.

    Attachment - Develop a manobhava (mental attitude) that everything we possess whether it is relationship, friendship or movable or immovable are held by us as trustees on behalf of the Universal Absolute and it is given to us by the Grace of the Lord - Do every action skillfully (to the best of our ability), selflessly (without expecting any results or benefits for self and lovingly (with complete devotion to that action without any ill feelings) and surrender the fruits of all our actions to the Lord - Once we detach ourselves from our actions and hold everything as a trustee, we do not accumulate Karma.

    We have to obtain the knowledge that we are not the mind, body or intellect and we are the supreme Atma - This is the most difficult part - All of the above actions purify us and we become instruments in the hands of the Lord - Atma should take control of everything and body, mind and intellect should become subordinated to the Supreme Atma - We have to learn to watch all experiences that are happening to our body and mind and learn out of such experiences - Once this attitude develops, good or bad will have no difference and the mind will achieve Samabhava (Equanimity).

    When a person becomes an instruments ready to be used by the Lord, our Atma prepares us for a total surrender (Atma Nivadhanam) - We have to remember everything we build in this fashion remain with us (unlike worldly possessions) for several lives and we do not loose them.

    We should never get overwhelmed with so much to do. The best thing to do is to start with control of senses and mind and slowly develop all other disciplines. Disciplines build our character and purifies our mind like what water does to the body.

  6. simran4u

    simran4u Silver IL'ite

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  7. suryakala

    suryakala IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Simran,
    I am so glad that you practice meditation.

    Yes during meditation the 'Chit' is constantly on dialogue with the one who meditates. When the chit stops this dialogue and identifies with' Sat', 'Anand' -Bliss is experienced. The meanings of Faith , courage, Life and much more can be understood in a broader context when you experiece Bliss in meditation. You can still come back to the mundane life going through all' Bhavas' of life and still be unaffected and be Blissful.

    How? This cannot be explained. Only to be experienced when you seek that experience with great determination.( That is why probably scriptures call that as ' Self realisation- both realising the Self and realisation through one's own self).

    I am sure your meditation leads you to this Inner Bliss. The answers will come by themselves.

    Thanks for sharing.

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