about venduthalgal

Discussion in 'Queries on Religion & Spirituality' started by harini, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. harini

    harini New IL'ite

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    hi ladies,
    this is a common question which i need some ideas to know about.what happens when we forgot to do our venduthal(prarthanai).ie if someone makes a prarthanai to god,tht i need this one so pls make it for me i will do some pooja for u or i will giv u this etc.but after sometimes if we forgot about to do for the god and never reminds about that.so what will happen if in this condition.whether we can do an alternative for that one or if we forgot about that totally what can we do for that.whether god will punish us for that.pls giv me some suggestions my nice ladies.
  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    What i have learnt from my parents and in-laws is never make a venduthal that u cannot do later. be very sincere. if u want to do something. do it. and also we have the habbit and putting a 1.25rs in yellow cloth in the name of that deity to remind us of the prathanai. in most cases we do it that year itself if everything works out. if for some reason if there is a death or soemthing and cannot do. we do it next year. but most of the times if i forget a simple thing as a small one mozham poo. i will end up buying a garland the next time. vaddi vasool??? -that is the favourite name by my husband.:tongue .
    I also dont know much about what happens. but have read even if it is years and you forget some incidents or somethings brings it back into the right track helping u do it. i dont think god punishes for not doing it. after all moms/dads dont punish for not giving them but they do certainly if we make mistakes.

    i am also expecting suggestions/experiences from il's/

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