our destiny is written by who?

Discussion in 'Queries on Religion & Spirituality' started by Huma, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. Huma

    Huma Silver IL'ite

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    as we r abt to born, do GOD send u in this earth to live a live predestined by him ,i mean all the action, decision,choice we make r already written in our forehead and not ?:idontgetit::wave

  2. Vidya24

    Vidya24 Gold IL'ite

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    This is my reasoning of our destiny. We all live on earth- some have happy lives where almost all their desires seem fulfilled, they are happy and content. Others have lives where there is much room for improvement and happiness. If I assume, that God sent all of us on earth- some of us with a good destiny, others with bad destiny- then it shows God as

    1) an unfair entity who favours some over others.
    2) If God is perceived fair, and still distinguishes in doling out destinies, then what is His/Her yardstick?

    So, this is what i feel. Regardless of the lives we lead,God is always our friend,always willing to help us and give us the best. Then why do we have different destinies? It is because of the past karma that we have accumulated. The karma determines our destiny. That is why it is said that karma will never leave us, it will follow us over births, and we have to work it out through good actions and prayers.

    The areas which are incomplete and lacking in my life, are the result of my karma. To ease (not erase fully) that burden, I can try to perform better karma, pray to God etc. But most of the brunt has to be faced anyway.

    For ex: if I had been Schindler in a previous birth, I assume the kindness of my actions then, would follow and reward me in this one. If I had been Goering, the bad actions would follow me and I would have to feel the same pain, that I once inflicted on others. One of our greatest spiritual Gurus,the Paramacharyaal said that karma is like a bank balance. You deposit good karma, draw the benefits.And conversely too.

    So, what is God's role? I assume god is always there to help and guide, regardless of whether we pray or not. But at times, when we feel that God has forsaken us, it is not so. It is our sins that make it difficult for us to accept God's help.

    My friend who is an astrologer says that even our horoscopes are based on our karma. They show how this life might be based on our accumulated karma. If I have Guru in a favourable position, it is the result of my good karma, I have placed Him there. If I have Ketu gnawing away at my happiness, then again it is my bad karma, I placed Him there.

    I actually like this reasoning. The fact that I control my destiny, that it is not planets or God who control it, gives me an awesome sense of power. And I hope I am mature enough to do good in my life.

    CoolPie likes this.
  3. Huma

    Huma Silver IL'ite

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    thanks vidya
  4. Nischel

    Nischel Senior IL'ite

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    Dear ILit,
    KARMA alone is the cause for the dispareetes of Life styles of different
    individuals. It must be definitely Due to the karma of our previous janmas only. There is no other possibility. If not if it is due to GOD alone the following
    doubts wiil arise. They are
    !) Is God partial towards some people ?
    2) If it is correct What made him to do like that?
    3) can we call him as a GOD ?
    4) Why shoulld we pray such a GOD?
    No one can answer these questions. So it is proved that GOD's intereference is
    not there in framing our Destiny. Then what? It is KARMA.
    Good KARMA Will Give good result and bad Karma will give Bad result.
    How to know Good/Bad KaRMAs
    simple----Helping others is Good KARMA. Harming others is bad KARMA.
    How to do? I have No Money or Manpwer?
    We can Do Good either by Thought,Word,or deed are all the three.
    Can we get the fruit of these actions in this very Birth(janma) only ?
    No,it is nt possible, In the next birth or biths.
    A Man in this Birth will take the birth of a man in future births also ?
    No A man in this birth may Take the form of a woman in the next Birth or
    Vice versa. Not only that A Human being in this birth may assume the body
    of an animal and viceversa.
    with best wishes
    CoolPie, Savvyheal and Pallavi4me like this.
  5. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Huma,
    We are only responsible for our destiny. According to our good and bad deeds, our destiny is written. ]
    According to Bhagavad Gita,
    humans who do not inquire about their nonphysical ( soul/athman)higher nature are compelled by laws of karma to continue in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, sometimes as humans, sometimes as animals, and sometimes as plants or insects. Our existance in this material world is due to the karmic reactions of this and previous lives, and the human body provides the only loophole through which the materially conditioned soul can escape. By properly utilizing the human form, one can solve all the problems of life. If however, a soul having evolved to the human platform,, wastes his life by engaging only in activities for sense pleasure, he can easily accumulate sufficient karma in this present life and get entangled in the cycle of birth and death continuosly. It is not easy for us to get freed from this cycle, but if we have the will power we could try to some extant.
    Hope I did not make your head spinning by thro' my reply.
    CoolPie likes this.
  6. Nischel

    Nischel Senior IL'ite

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    Dear ILIts
    Having gone through your Threads I understood that Both of you (vidya & puspavalli) are in Write understanding of the Topic "Our destiny.......who?". But as mentioned by u Man can
    write his own destiny for next Birth/Births by doing Good deeds in this Birth.But we cannot alter the Destiny of the present Birth. plz mind that this very present birth is meant to enjoy (suffer) for the previous karma ( at present it is called as PRARABDHA KARMA).God is given for Humanbeings
    only to do good or bad deeds as per their wish.This fecility is not given for any other type of livingbeings (Animals,plants,
    Birds,smallcreatures etc). The evidence for this is that they do not possess mind with Discretisonary power to perform KARMA of their own choice. So If man is wise he can utilise this special power properly.God will never interfere with our Routine Deeds(KARMA).Then what is his Role in our lives. His Role is to Help us(Livingbeings. What are the examples ?
    He saved GAJENDRA (An elephant king) from the clutches
    of a Crocodile on prayer
    He Rescued Draupadi in the Kaurava's court from denude
    although her powerful Husbands are present in the same court in a helpless state, on prayer to God
    It is God only who saved prahlada from death number of times by his own father;s attempts to kill him,on prayer
    Thus there are a number of examples of God's Role.
    To morrow ie on 21/06/07 I am going to post A new Thread
    by name "DEPARTURE" .plz go through it u can understand more about this subject
    With best wishes
  7. Huma

    Huma Silver IL'ite

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    pushpavalli thanks i think i uderstand roughly ur feedback.
    ok, i have another question. what happens if earth doesn't exist anymore?

    are we dead for good?
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  8. Nischel

    Nischel Senior IL'ite

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    Your imagination is wonderful.Try to answer this question by yourself
    imagining yourself as if it was put by me.I am verymuch anxious to know the
    answer for this question as early as possible.
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  9. Huma

    Huma Silver IL'ite

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    namaste Nischel garu

    ellaga unnaru?

    thanks for the compliment. i have some answers but i don't want u to shred my reply.

    take care
    no offence
  10. Nischel

    Nischel Senior IL'ite

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    Hellow Huma Garu,
    Meeru Telugu vara? Meeru Na tho Cheppadaniki Emi Sandeha padanakkarledu. Adi Elantidi ayina nenu Sportive gane thisukuntanu. Feel free to Express your opinion with me what ever nature it may be U need not Hesitate to express any doubt even of your personal with me. I will accept it
    with due Respecr
    with best wishes
    your NISCHEL
    4 people like this.

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