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Vitamin D Deficiency - Any Support Group?

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by SGBV, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    What's that soleus workout? I missed that thread.
  2. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Glad it all went well. Now you have the answers, you can just relax and work on it.
  3. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    I missed this comment earlier and thanks for all these information. Its helpful to me too.

    I have vit D deficiency since I moved to US. I don't know if I had before when I was in India. When I had the first blood work, it was 11 in 2017 and after so many years with high dose prescription d pills all these years and now it's still low and in 20s. Dr said I need to increase it up to 60s.

    I have severe hairfall and lost almost all of my hair and don't know the reason. I have other health issues which is there for 3 years now becomes chronic pain but no answers found. Been running around for answers and relief.

    For D, I have tried several things and the value is not increasing. Now my Rheumatologist put me on active form of D to see if my body absorbs it.

    Is D shots are the only way to increase the vit D? I haven't tried the shots yet. I have taken 50000iu per week for all these years. They tell me to take it for two months and then start OTC dosage. But end up continuing the same prescription strength because the value will be low again.

    Recently my blood work shows high hba1c which is new and am on medication for that. This is because of the weight gain from other medications and I got high hba1c because of weight gain.
    I also have high inflammation markers(CRP) which I keep checking every 3 months and still high. Dr doesn't know why mine is still high and relating it with my chronic pain.

    Have many things on my plate for sure. But this thread helps to learn more about D deficiency. But don't know how to increase it to an optimum level.
  4. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Keep us posted if any diet or something works out for you to increase the D. Btw, do you have hairfall with respect to low D?
  5. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Is hair loss related to D deficiency? I have severe hairfall for past 7 years and I have seen doctors and dermatologists. They do blood work and end up saying low D. They want me to try PRP treatment for the hair loss which I am little hesitant to try on. But they don't have answers for the hair loss. I do use filters for my shower and tried all other shampoos etc. Taking collagen powder for more than an year and no changes seen. Also taking B complex pills.

    I am not talking about mild hair loss. Mine is so severe , it's like, if I run through the finger in my head, I will get bunch and bunch of hair. Just comes in batches with my finger. If I wash my hair, it will be doubled. They say we have to be stress free and I feel this itself causing me stress.
  6. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    I have severe hair fall since a long time, but I always attributed this to change of locations (I frequently travel to different countries, so different diet, different weather and water) and hair styling (ironing frequently and doing keratin or rebounding treatment for the past 15 years) to the hair loss.

    I have even cut my hair short to the shoulder level to manage hair thinning.

    Now that I understood Vit D deficiency was the culprit. I also have anemia, which is another reason behind hairfall.
    Now I am taking medication for both, plus my doctor has also prescribed omega 3.
    I hope to see some improvements in the coming months.

    My biggest worry which took me to this diagnosis was my weight gain. Despite of following 14:10 IF, low carb diet and almost no sugar life and gym exercise for the past few months, I ended up gaining weight. Post surgery I gained 12 kgs and now a days I have bra bulge in the sides/back and I feel slight discomfort while wearing tight fitting cloths.
    I have become shapeless these days, and I am really bothered about this.

    Has anyone notice fat/bulge or shaggy skin around armpit/upper chest or back areas lately?

    Secondly, my worry is severe acidity. I think I have IBS, and I am unable to eat anything these days.
  7. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Omg. I can totally relate to this. I have severe hairfall since I moved to US. I always thought water and climate change. Have seen dermatologist who specializes in hair. No answers given.

    I have ha low iron too. I am not on prescription for iron pills now as my ferritin is super high whereas iron is low. So Dr told me to stop the iron pills.

    About the weight gain , I can totally relate to what you said. Bulgy in the mid section of the body also the breast and arm pit areas. I wear a plus size bra and I still feel it's not fitted and not comfortable to wear.

    I was in overweight category before and I have chronic pain since 2020 and been running around for answers and relief. I have given many medications for my pain and I gained lots of weight from those. In one year, I have gained 55+ pounds and I am very obese now.

    Because of this weight gain, I developed high hba1c recently and taking medication for that.
    My Dr wanted me to reduce my weight and I am trying so hard to reduce. I am not losing any weight irrespective of trying all the things. I am on IF too.

    My Dr wanted me to try a medicine to reduce my weight. I am just not ready for the pills to reduce weight. I wanted to try all natural ways to reduce weight. She wanted me to take appetite suppressers to reduce my weight. I am obese now and totally frustrated with my sudden change in my weight. This affects my social life too and not very confident to meet people. Being in constant pain, this is an additional fuel to the fire. Just trying to be positive.

    My weight has mostly increased near the mid section of the body. In the hip, waist and breast area. My face becomes thin because of IF but tht body is not.

    I don't know how to reduce the weight. I am trying all the ways. I have acidity issue too. My Dr said I might have silent reflux and she said it could be from my diet.

    For the hair loss, i did the same thing as you. I cut my hair like bob cut. I didn't even use any hair brush for few months. I cut it so so short bob cut like no one can recognize me. But I had hairfall even when I had small hair. Now I have till shoulder length and it's falling very crazy.

    It's like, I get lots of hair (like bunches of strands) if I run through my fingers in the head. I even tried to count my strands and lost count. It's so much to count too.

    I hope we feel better soon.
  8. Djrani

    Djrani New IL'ite

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    Please chk ur cbc,and iron panel,
    Ur ferretin is falsely high becoz of inflammation.(high CRP)

    Since ur iron is low, u need to chk other markers for iron deficiency...

    sgbv did u get ur ferretin checked ??

    Do not ignore low ferretin ..if symptoms r showing..
  9. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    My doctor asked me to consume only 5 table spoons of rice per day, and max 2 barn rotties/small (1 for b.fast and 1 for dinner). This should be my carb limit.
    She also advised not to consume grains and red meat to balance uric acid and the pain related to it.
    So, I am left with soft meat, fish, eggs & veges only.

    Metformin is causing severe acidity and mild diarrhea these days. I don't know if this is normal? But the internet says so.

    Now a days, apart from 14:10 IF, I consume less carb, no sugar and almost 1.5 hrs of exercise in the gym and 30 mins of walking almost daily.
    Let's see if anything improves in the coming months
    gknew likes this.
  10. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I have stomach upset from metformin but not acidity. What dose are you taking? I am on 500 mg twice a day.
    There are also quite a few new diabetes medications now that you could ask about.

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