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Do You Believe In "negative Energy" ?

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by anika987, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    There is something about my MIL that I cannot figure out.Every cell about her takes my energy away.

    Be it the way she looks,she sits,walks,laughter or any emotion...it drains me completely.

    We all have people in our lives whom we do not like and detach ourselves from them.After that we are relaxed.

    I met three people in my entire life whose energy depleted me completely.

    2 were my ex friends and my mil.

    Rest of the time,I usually keep limits with people I do not get along with and it does not bother me.

    I understand that dil and mil problems are common but the. "energy' and "vibe" she gives even when she is normal drains me away.

    She has been fortunate financially and support system has been strong but I have never seen such an unhappy person in my life ever..

    Everytime her sentence when I ask how she is doing,her reply will be " Am just counting my days..my health is this and that.."..it's only sulking and unhappiness..

    I call her only once a month these days and after talking 5 mts with her ..for the next two days I always feel extremely low! I can feel it.Every single time!

    I used to wear a jacket once in a while which she used to wear when she comes here and everytime there was always a fight between me and hubby or I cry and get too stressed..I stopped wearing the jacket.

    I understand hate but I can feel myself mentally and physically very exhausted and too stressed after talking with her even normally.Sometimes even I feel feverish.

    Is there anything called "Negative energy"?

  2. Vedhavalli

    Vedhavalli Platinum IL'ite

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    I believe in negative vibes people emit.
    Howmuch ever they have, money fame loving family still they sulk, complaining.
    That's how they are. Recently a family member har a problem solvable only that person says "why you never get this type of issue" exactly after 2 days similar incident happened in a horrific way. That person was visibly relieved once I had the problem. That's how they are !
    Wise old people say job, marriage, house, baby should not be disclosed once attained. Not before that, Fearing negative emotions may affect the family.
    If you can't stay away from such people, isolate them in mind. I'm doing that, they are unhappy that's why making other's lives unhappy.
    SuiDhaaga and anika987 like this.
  3. vidhyalakshmid

    vidhyalakshmid IL Hall of Fame

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    Sure! Vethathiri maharishi, a spiritual guru suggested that one should not wear other people`s clothes.Because we don`t know their energy type and level. Scientifically it may not be proved
    or established to create a theory, spiritually it influences at the subtle level.
    When we went on vacations, I felt uncomfortable to sleep in the hotel bed many times.
    But with no other choice, I have to. Still I cannot put into words, how I felt the negative vibrations.
    sandhya2020 and anika987 like this.
  4. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    old days word - negative energy . modern similar matching word - narcissistic person. who likes drama and self obsessed .

    just pretend like a rock around them.

    trust me they do not hate you, they are so self obsessed that they do not care how discomfortable it could be for others.

    your practise of boundaries is only thing that helps and you are doing it good.
    anika987 likes this.
  5. preeti6years

    preeti6years Silver IL'ite

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    After reading this I felt somebody has got into my brains, read what am I feeling and penned down the exact feelings here. Except the fact that ILs stay with us, its the same with me too. I cant stand her at all. And I can say with 100% confidence that she too feels the same about me. Because whenever I go to the place where she is, she slips away from that place and comes back only when I move from there.
    She would not talk to me directly even when it comes to asking for food.
    Recently she fell sick and when I suggested to take some home remedy she refused in a very rude tone.
    I too have a very bitter feeling for her. I would not want to touch the food also what she makes as I feel that she would not feel right with it.
    In the decade tenure we have not spoken to each other for 5 mins at a stretch except during big fights :)
    anika987 likes this.
  6. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Wow..I understand.Tough to handle..
  7. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    I was angry at someone and a week later they got a fracture. I dunno it was because of me.

    Relative from India is studying medicine. He came to USA to do clinical rotations. But he posted on FB he is in USA.
    I think that was a BIG MISTAKE because he did not get accepted into one of the clinical rotations he wanted.

    More clinical rotations means greater chance of getting residency of your choice.

    Relative should have only posted on FB, 1 month, maybe 1 year after achieving his goals.

    So many nasty people out there - better to live as a hermit!
    shravs3 and anika987 like this.
  8. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes..I believe...I always feel uneasy when my MIL is here...even though it’s been so long..
    She will keep judging everything I do and even my small action or my small change in tone of voice, maybe some body language or way I’m sitting..even unintentional.. will be misjudged by her and she will make it big issue and start a fight.
    I feel uneasy always and feel negativity..
    When my in-laws are not at home I feel free ..
    anika987 likes this.
  9. soulful

    soulful Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes! I believe in this. There’s definite negative energy. My mil truly believes whatever (bad only) things happened to her, should happen to me. And it has happened to some extent. God has helped with the rest.
    She had a child after 9 years, I had a child after 11. Later on my mom told me, The month I conceived, she told my mother, yea now she will get pregnant, ( this I am saying, from my experience with my mil, not my mother) like she was preventing it from happening and now she allowed it to happen. I truly feel she has the energy to affect others negatively, especially me.

    After my child was born, she kept asking if I am on any medication and I kept saying no. Truth was I had some health issues that I didn’t want to tell her about. Later I found out from a lady that my mil (When she was here during my pregnancy) told the lady that I was pregnant and Sick- I was NOT sick! I was active with God’s Grace and doing everything by myself. She didn’t need to lift a finger. That’s when I connected the dots. She knows as well, she has this kind of bad energy that makes things happen. I keep praying to protect my child and my family, not to mention my parents and brother’s family from other’s evil intentions.
    chanchitra and anika987 like this.
  10. preeti6years

    preeti6years Silver IL'ite

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    My MIIL did this with me. Not sure why she was not visiting her moms house during her days that often. Even when she had the liberty to go, which means after her MIL passed away and the entire house was in her control. Personally I feel to some extent she doesnt like to go there. Anyways it was her personal choice. When it comes to me she tried to restrict me from visiting my moms place as much as possible. Sometimes she even tried stopping me by shouting. WHatever be the case I did not budge. Atleast I used to cut short my visits. But whenever I go my moms house after so much show down, it never used to be a peaceful visit. I would fall sick after I go there everytime. I was not able to eat what moms makes for me.
    Its only better from the last one or two years for me.
    anika987 likes this.

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